But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization.

2024/05/1709:11:32 science 1898

In order to find advanced civilizations other than humans, scientists have been searching in the vast universe. However, the conditions for the birth of life are too harsh, so that until now, no definite evidence of the existence of aliens has been found.

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

But just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Don't expose the earth's information at will, so as not to attract alien civilization. The most common way for scientists to search for aliens is to use radio telescopes to search for radio signals. In addition, there are some other channels: to find the footprints of aliens through meteorites that fall from the universe.

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

In the 1990s

someone discovered a very high-quality meteorite in the Russian city of Lukaka, sold it for a good price, and lived a life of worry-free food and clothing for the rest of his life. Later, countless people came here, hopes Can find your own "lucky stone" .

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

Someone actually discovered a meteorite that is astonishing to heaven. The reason why it is amazing is not because of its high quality, but because there is an "screw" embedded in this meteorite that is only available to humans.

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

Scientists conducted laboratory analysis on this meteorite, and the results showed that this meteorite is 300 million years old. The concept of screws was proposed by the ancient Greek scientist Archimedes more than 2,000 years ago. , it is truly It was already made in the 18th century. A screw that only appeared in modern times is embedded in a meteorite 300 million years ago, which means that there was already a civilization that made screws at that time.

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

What exactly is this screw?

Are there really aliens or some prehistoric civilization ?

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

Three hundred million years ago, the earth was in the Carboniferous period , where crustal movement was very active. Vertebrates gradually got rid of their dependence on water and evolved into amphibians. The climate in the Carboniferous period was warm and humid, which was conducive to plant growth. As the land area increased, Expanding, terrestrial plants extended into the interior of the continent, forming a large-scale forest , which was a rare period of great prosperity for the plant world on Earth.

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

At this time, the big stage of the earth is very lively, but there is no possibility of civilization at all. So is this screw really the masterpiece of other advanced civilizations in the universe?

When this screw meteorite was first discovered, the level of science and technology was not as advanced as it is today. People at that time could only roughly detect that the age of the meteorite was about 300 million years ago.

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

As the equipment was updated, scientists were able to test the screws, so they re-tested the ingredients of the screws. A laboratory test was remarkable. Although the age of this screw was about 300 million years ago, its composition results showed that it was actually an organic matter.

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

In other words, it is not an alien product, nor is it a remnant of other civilizations on Earth, but a living organism. Soon paleontologists found the true identity of this screw: A kind of crinoline called prehistoric creature .

Lily is a terrestrial plant. Are crinoids lilies that grow in the ocean?

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

In fact, crinoids are echinoderms that look very much like plants. From the appearance, they look like a lily blooming in the water. Crinoids are invertebrates that live at the bottom of the sea. , there are many tentacles at the tail of the body, these tentacles allow it to be fixed on the seabed and reefs, and will not be carried away by the undercurrent.

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

Scientists speculate that a meteorite hit the shallow sea 300 million years ago and hit the crinoid at once. The meteorite was rubbed by air when passing through the atmosphere, and its own temperature was extremely high. The crinoid was killed on the spot and sealed in the in this meteorite.

However, crinoids are not extinct yet.

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

There are currently 620 species of crinoids in the world. They are widely distributed in the shallow sea bottoms of the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. The morphology of the meteorite species of crinoids is very different from the existing crinoids. Scientists It was further discovered that there were more types of crinoids 300 million years ago, and there were more than eight times as many as now.

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

The Carboniferous Period was a critical period of biological evolution. During this period, the ancestors of many organisms stepped onto the land from the water. Because the Carboniferous oxygen was rich, it was also a veritable era of giant insects . The size of insects depended to a certain extent. The higher the oxygen concentration, the larger the body size. So a dragonfly flying in the air is one meter long, and can reach half a meter long after knowing 's wingspan.

The so-called success is also a failure.

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

Although the excessive oxygen concentration caused a great prosperity of animals and plants, it also directly led to the decline of the Carboniferous Period in the later period. Large and dense forests absorbed more carbon dioxide , and plants went through photosynthesis. After , these carbon dioxide are converted into nutrients and fixed in the trunk . These carbon dioxide will not return to the atmosphere for a while, so the carbon balance is broken and oxygen takes over.

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

Oxygen, in addition to providing biological survival, is also an excellent combustion accelerant. As a result, the air began to become flammable and explosive, and forest fires occurred one after another. Even coal seams exposed on the surface could directly ignite . Finally, the end of the Carboniferous period was like a sea of ​​fire, and the types of crinoids also declined sharply at this time.

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

The earth has given birth to countless creatures during the billions of years it has existed. Humanity's modern technology allows us to go back in time and get a glimpse of the earth's prosperous history.

But not being able to see it does not necessarily mean it does not exist. Physicist Stephen Hawking once warned humans: Do not expose the earth’s information at will to avoid attracting alien civilization. - DayDayNews

When we look back at the prosperity and extinction of living things, we must remember to revere nature. No matter how advanced technology is, human survival always depends on nature.

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