Recently, the "China Sky Eye" received multiple alien signals, which triggered a heated discussion among the people. The question of whether there are aliens in the universe has always attracted great attention from people from all walks of life. However, there is still no accura

2024/05/1704:29:33 science 1177

China's Sky Eye has received multiple "alien signals"

Recently, the "China Sky Eye" has received multiple alien signals, which has triggered heated discussions among the people. The question of whether there are aliens in the universe has always been a hot topic for people from all walks of life. has attracted great attention, but the truth of the matter is still not certain. Firstly, it is because with the current level of human science and technology, it is still impossible to confirm the existence of aliens. Secondly, the United States, which claims to have discovered aliens many times, has not yet discovered aliens. Refusing to publish research results.

Recently, many extraterrestrial signals captured by my country's " Sky Eye " instantly ignited the enthusiasm of all alien fans. However, do alien civilizations really exist? Will aliens whose signals are captured attack the earth? Follow ScienceBeast to learn the latest news as soon as possible.

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How amazing is the Chinese Sky Eye?

Before talking about these issues, let us first briefly understand the "China Sky Eye" and see how it detects extraterrestrial signals. The full name of the "China Sky Eye" is "500-meter aperture spherical radio telescope ", which is located in China. Jiuzhou Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture is one of the major scientific and technological infrastructure construction projects in my country's "Eleventh Five-Year Plan".

Chinese scientists used natural karst depressions as the foundation of the "China Sky Eye" to build the world's largest single-diameter radio telescope. It is a miracle in the field of Chinese astronomy. In addition to enabling large-area, high-precision astronomical observations, It is also the world's most sensitive "domestic" telescope with complete independent intellectual property rights. It is twenty years ahead of the world in terms of technology. This also means that the most likely person to discover aliens is not the American satellite . It is my country’s “Super Sky Eye” radio telescope.

Recently, the

Does extraterrestrial civilization really exist?

However, all this has been confirmed recently. During a recent search for extraterrestrial civilizations, the "China Sky Eye" accidentally received many alien signals. Do aliens really exist? After the news came out, it quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens and high attention from many astronomers. After all, this is the first time that our country has captured an exact extraterrestrial signal.

In this regard, Peking University Astronomy Professor Zhang Tongjie said: This is the first time that humans have definitely captured a signal from an extraterrestrial civilization, and it was discovered by my country's "Sky Eye". This has cross-epochal significance.But are there really aliens in the universe? Why do aliens frequently emit alien signals?

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What is the probability that there are aliens in the universe?

Regarding these issues, we have to mention that humans have been almost fanatically searching for aliens in the past hundred years. In 1968, an American named Erich von Daniken first proposed the concept of "alien" "This term, in his book, he believes that aliens have driven spaceships to the earth many times in ancient times. It was also from this time that various questions about aliens began to ferment crazily. But what are the aliens in the universe? What about aliens?

Some experts believe that the existence of aliens in the universe is inevitable. Judging from the data observed by scientists, the entire Milky Way has about a hundred billion stars, and there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the entire universe. Human beings have discovered The number of planets is less than one in a trillion, and among the stars in the sky, it is impossible that only the earth has life. Therefore, experts believe that the probability of aliens existing is very high, and even these aliens may be looking for planets in the universe. Other life forms, but why have humans been searching for so long but still unable to discover aliens?

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The concept of "alien" may have been misunderstood

This question is very interesting. First of all, the image of aliens in our human minds has been "solidified" and we believe that all aliens appear in the form of life forms. This Perhaps it is the reason why we humans have not discovered aliens for so long. How can we say this? First of all, aliens have never really appeared so far, but what if we try to use our imagination and imagine aliens in other forms?

For example, stone form, flowing water form, etc. Who stipulates that alien life must be in "humanoid form"? Some people even assert that aliens are simply the product of human imagination. However, before we humans see aliens with our own eyes, it would be wrong to conclude that aliens do not exist based only on vision and less than a century of science and technology. Scientific and rigorous style. However, can the multiple alien signals captured by the "China Sky Eye" mean that humans have discovered aliens?

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The truth about China’s Sky Eye signals

It is understood that although the “Chinese Sky Eye” captured alien signals has been officially confirmed, it is not enough to prove that humans have discovered aliens. In addition, so many alien signals have similar Before the traces of human modifications are completely deciphered, it cannot be ruled out that they are caused by humans. Therefore, if humans want to confirm the existence of aliens, they still need to continue to conduct in-depth research.

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Finally, what do you think about the discovery of multiple alien signals by the "China Sky Eye"? If it is true, will aliens attack the earth because of this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area for discussion.

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