Compared with overnight tea, drinking this kind of tea is more likely to harm the body. Please remind the tea drinkers around

Introduction: Compared with overnight tea, drinking this kind of tea is more likely to cause cancer. Hurry up and remind the tea drinkers around

. Tea is a very elegant drink throughout the ages, and it has been loved by everyone since ancient times. In ancient times, tea was a good product for export and a tribute to high-ranking officials and nobles, and it is now available to millions of households. Three or two friends meet together to drink tea and chat, so that people's spirit and body have been sublimated.

We usually soak a few cups of tea slowly when we are fine, sometimes we will make a cup when we come in the evening, and forget to pour it out before drinking, so we have overnight tea. Many of us are worried that drinking overnight tea will affect our body, so many people will throw away overnight tea. In fact, overnight tea is not as harmful as we think.

Actually, overnight tea has a stronger tea flavor after a night of steeping. If the lid is not covered, the taste of the tea will change or part of it will be lost, but only the lid does not affect the taste. But for the sake of our health, we still cannot drink overnight tea for a long time, especially when the temperature is high in summer.

We generally only worry about the effects of drinking overnight tea on our body. In fact, there is another kind of tea that we should pay more attention to. Drinking too much can cause cancer.

Many people like to drink hot tea. At that time, the temperature of the tea is 80 or 90 degrees. Many people like to drink this kind of freshly brewed tea. They think this kind of tea is more fragrant, especially in winter. Drink it, the whole body is warm. But what we don’t know is that we only take care of our own desire to speak, but our body is always under great pressure.

Sometimes when we drink something hot, not only the tongue, but also the mouth and tongue will feel a very serious burning sensation, the tongue also feels very numb, and there is no taste when eating. In fact, this is because hot tea destroys the mucous membranes in our mouths. Many times we don't care about the uncomfortable signals sent to us by the body. Over time, it is easy to develop esophageal cancer.

Some people think that they are used to drinking hot tea. In fact, they don’t know that every time you drink hot tea, the bacteria in our oral cavity will be destroyed again and again, and cancer is likely to occur. The editor recommends that you drink tea slowly. Slow products are better. Not only are they not so hot, they also protect our bodies.

When we drink tea, in addition to not drinking hot tea, there are also the following points that we must pay attention to. For our health, we should drink less if we like it.

1, strong tea

Strong tea taste is very strong, can play a refreshing effect, many people who stay up late like to make strong tea or coffee for refreshing, but the tea polyphenols in tea leaves, if you drink too much caffeine, it will be harmful to us. The body has a big impact.

2, making tea for a long time

Some people take longer to make the tea in order to make the tea more fragrant, but the tea leaves will be more bitter and the nutrition will be basically lost if the tea leaves for a long time. If it is summer, bacteria will grow.

3, raw tea

The reputation of raw tea

is very irritating and has a great taste, but it is difficult for the body to absorb, so drink less.

In addition to the above, some teas are mildewed, and some have not been preserved, which makes the tea skewered. I also recommend not to drink it. The skewered tea has lost its original fragrance, and drinking it is a waste.

We can drink tea according to the season, solar terms and seasons. When the weather is warm, we can drink some white tea, and scented tea; if the weather is hot, we can drink some green tea to relieve heat; if the weather is cold, we can drink warm black tea. No matter how we choose, we still have to choose according to our own preferences.

Because the tea has a very special fragrance and nutrition, especially a very special tannin. Therefore, if we are drinking medicine, we must choose boiled water to take it. If we drink tea, the effect of the medicine will be reduced.