I have been suffering from diabetes for 47 years and am 80 years old this year. Recently, I went to the hospital for a physical examination with my old friends. Blood sugar, blood pressure, blood lipids, glycosylated hemoglobin and other indicators were all normal. The blood pres

I have been suffering from diabetes for 347 years. I am 80 years old this year. I recently went to the hospital for a physical examination with my old friends. Blood sugar, blood pressure, blood lipids, glycosylated hemoglobin and other indicators were all normal. , the blood pressure was 130/70 mm of mercury. , doctor Compliment me as having the age of an elderly person and the blood pressure of a young person.

The onlookers were all envious and asked me to pass on my experience in health care to them (her).

I think patients with diabetes have a lot of knowledge about health care. Diet is the foundation. If the foundation is not firm, the mountain will be shaken.

Over the past decades, I have summarized a set of scientific eating methods suitable for diabetics for your reference.

  • . Control the quantity, not the variety.

    The human body needs 7 kinds of nutrients, namely: protein, fat, carbohydrates (sugar), minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber and water. These 7 kinds of nutrients are indispensable.

    Therefore, I eat everything from sugar to meat in my daily life. I only control the quantity of food I eat, not the type of food. Thus, I meet my body’s needs for various nutrients.

  • . Flexibly adjust the amount of food

    The rise and fall of blood sugar in diabetic patients is affected by various factors, especially diet, exercise, and hypoglycemic drugs. I follow the doctor's advice and eat 3 meals a day, about 2 meters per meal, but Flexible and not rigid, daily food intake changes with the amount of exercise and medication.

    If the amount of exercise or medication increases that day, the amount of food eaten will increase accordingly, otherwise it will be reduced accordingly, so that diet, exercise, and hypoglycemic drugs are always kept within a reasonable range, thereby keeping blood sugar stable and stable. chaos.

    . Eat a coarse diet rather than a fine one.

    Scientific research has proven that food that is processed too finely not only loses nutrients, but also increases the glycemic index. The more finely processed the food, the faster it raises blood sugar, which is detrimental to blood sugar control.

    Therefore, in my daily life, I choose to eat whole grains, such as: corn, oats, buckwheat, wheat bran, sweet potatoes, beans, etc.

    . The diet should be light but not salty

    I mainly eat a light diet and do not smoke or drink alcohol.

    Eat no more than 6 grams of salt per day. Do not eat or eat less vegetables and bacon products pickled with salt to prevent excessive sodium from aggravating the burden on the kidneys.

    5. Drink soup first, then eat staple food

    In the past, when I ate, I would eat vegetables and meat first, and then drink soup. After eating, I always felt not full and wanted to eat more.

    Later, I changed to drinking soup first, then eating vegetables, meat, etc., and then eating staple food.

    This increases the "feeling of fullness" and reduces the intake of staple food.

    6. Eat meals at regular intervals

    I follow the rules of the body’s biological clock and eat at regular intervals. I usually eat 3 meals in the morning, lunch and dinner, each meal is about 2 meters.

    If you work overtime at night, eat a few pieces of fruit or drink half a cup of milk before going to bed to prevent nighttime hypoglycemia.

    7. Do not eat or eat less food with added monosaccharide and disaccharide .

    According to the speed at which food enters the blood, it is divided into three categories: polysaccharide foods, disaccharide foods and monosaccharide foods.

    • Monosaccharide foods: Foods added with glucose and fructose .
    • Disaccharide foods: Foods added with sucrose, lactose, maltose.

    The sugar in these two types of foods does not need to be digested by the gastrointestinal tract after entering the human body. It enters the blood directly and quickly raises blood sugar.

    Except for eating these foods when I have hypoglycemia, I generally do not eat or eat less foods containing monosaccharides and disaccharides. If you eat it, press "Food Exchange Portion" to reduce the corresponding amount of staple food.

    Usually I usually eat polysaccharide foods that need to be digested by the gastrointestinal tract, that is, whole grains, to ensure the stability of blood sugar.

    8. Eat less hot and fire-producing foods

    Like most diabetic patients, I have a constitution of yin deficiency and fire exuberance, liver fire is strong, and I have a bad temper. Therefore, I generally avoid eating hot and irritating foods to prevent "adding fuel to the fire".

    Korean ginseng, fennel, cinnamon, star anise, pepper, mutton, dog meat, etc. are all hot and dry foods.

    9. Scientifically processed and prepared food

    my country's famous nutritionist Yu Ruomu said: "Scientific meal preparation is a beneficial method to improve and improve people's health without investment."

    Practice has proved: Food preparation and processing methods are closely related to the nutritional content of the food and the rise and fall of blood sugar.

    If you make your own noodles, adding eggs to the noodles can reduce the rate at which the noodles raise blood sugar.

    Eat carrots just slice it into pieces and stir-fry the meat. The carotene preservation rate is as high as 91%.

    Mixing the food well in daily life not only ensures nutrition, but is also good for controlling blood sugar.

  • 0. Choose foods that are beneficial to the management of diabetes

    In the world, there are many foods that are beneficial to the prevention and treatment of diabetes. In my daily life, I often eat the following types of food:

    ① Bitter food. Such as: Kudingcha , Houttuynia cordata , dandelion, plantain, gentian , bitter melon , etc.

    ② Fruits that have little impact on blood sugar: such as grapefruit, avocado, mulberry , etc.

    low sugar , low fat food: such as: soybeans and their products .

    ④ "Five High" food. Such as: high protein, high dietary fiber, high selenium, high chromium, high magnesium foods etc.

    Regarding the topic of "Daily Diet for Diabetic Patients", what else do you want to know, please leave a message to share!

    Author introduction

    Deng Huanxin (contact number: 13307450928)

    Honorary President of Huaihua Diabetes Rehabilitation Association

    Chinese Medical Doctor Association Specially invited editorial board member of the "Chinese Medical Soul" series

    Guinness record holder in the world