Since July, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province has continued to be hit by high temperature heat waves, with the highest temperature approaching 40°C. According to the Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College, the hospital has received two consecutive cases of heat stroke

html Since July, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province has been continuously hit by high temperature heat waves, with the highest temperature approaching 40℃. According to news from the Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College, the hospital has received two consecutive cases of heat stroke, one of whom has unfortunately passed away.

It is understood that the two cases of heat stroke were outdoor workers. One of them was a patient admitted on the 13th and has been transferred to ICU for treatment. The other patient was 59 years old. His heart stopped while being sent to the hospital on the morning of the 14th and he went to the emergency room. He had lost consciousness behind the ventricle and his vital signs were extremely unstable. He suffered another cardiac arrest and died after all-out rescue efforts.

What is heat stroke?

What is heat stroke? Popularly understood, heat stroke is the most dangerous and serious form of heatstroke. It can cause systemic problems such as central nervous system , muscle tissue, coagulation function , liver and kidney function, respiratory function, cardiovascular function, etc., which is extremely harmful. It is easy to cause multiple organ failure, and has a high mortality rate.

According to the "Chinese Expert Consensus on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Heat Stroke" first published in the online version of " PLA Medical Journal " in 2019, heat stroke is a serious and fatal disease caused by thermal damage factors acting on the body. It refers to exposure to The imbalance between heat production and heat dissipation in the body caused by hot environment or strenuous exercise. Typical symptoms of are an increase in core temperature > 40°C, abnormalities in the central nervous system, such as changes in mental status, convulsions or coma, accompanied by damage to multiple organs, and in severe cases, endangerment life.

Exertional heat strokeis mainly caused by the imbalance of heat production and heat dissipation in the body caused by high-intensity physical activity.It is common in healthy young people who exercise strenuously in summer, such as officers and soldiers, athletes, firefighters, construction workers, etc. who participate in summer training .

Classic heat stroke is common in young people, pregnant women, the elderly and infirm, or individuals with chronic underlying diseases or compromised immune function. It is usually caused by passive exposure to the thermal environment, causing an imbalance between the body's heat production and heat dissipation. .

A climate of high temperature and humidity and High-intensity physical activity are the main risk factors for heat stroke .

Heat stroke symptoms must be treated promptly.

Thermal damage factors act on the body and cause a series of pathophysiological changes. There is a continuous process from mild to severe, including premonitory heat stroke, mild heat stroke and severe heat stroke, collectively referred to as heat-induced diseases. Heat stroke is the most serious form of severe heat stroke. As long as it is handled and treated in the early stage of heat stroke, the occurrence of heat stroke can be avoided to the greatest extent.

"Premonitory heat stroke is a symptom of headache, dizziness, sweating, fatigue, inability to concentrate, etc. in a high temperature and high humidity environment. At this time, you should quickly move to a cool place, avoid direct sunlight, and take supplements in a timely manner. "Moisture and salt can effectively relieve the symptoms," Jiang Zhen, an attending physician at the emergency department of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, explained that if precursor heatstroke is not detected and treated in time, it will progress to mild heatstroke, and the body temperature will increase significantly on the basis of precursor heatstroke. It is often >38°C, accompanied by flushing and profuse sweating. In severe cases, symptoms of collapse include paleness, cold sweats, and unsteady standing. At this time, if mild heatstroke is treated and handled in time, the condition can still be relieved quickly. However, if no attention is paid and it develops into severe heatstroke, the condition will take a turn for the worse and the prognosis will be poor.

Regarding heat stroke, the focus is on preventing

preventing the occurrence of labor-type heat stroke. Pay attention to protection when outdoor activities are necessary. It is best to gradually adapt to the process and avoid going directly from cool areas (such as air-conditioned rooms) Activities in hot outdoor areas. At the same time, pay attention to replenishing water and salt, or sports drinks containing electrolytes.

For the prevention of classic heat stroke, it is necessary to control the ambient temperature, add or remove clothing in a timely manner, and drink more water; children must not be left alone in small spaces such as cars.

The weather is getting hotter.

Be sure to pay attention to heatstroke prevention!


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