Time flies so fast, it always feels like July has not been long yet, and it is about to end in the blink of an eye. This year's twelfth lunar month begins on July 16 and lasts for 40 days, which also means that the hottest days of the year are about to begin. In addition to high

Time flies so fast. It feels like July has not been long yet and it is about to end in the blink of an eye. This year's first lunar month begins on July 16 and lasts for 40 days, which also means that the hottest days of the year are about to begin. In addition to high temperatures, the dog days of summer are also accompanied by a lot of rainfall. The humidity and heat are unbearable. You will sweat profusely if you move even a little, which is very uncomfortable.

Dog Days is also the time of year when the body consumes the most, so special attention should be paid to diet. Our ancestors have had the habit of adjusting their diet according to the solar terms since ancient times and arranging three meals a day in accordance with the seasons. The summer heat is at its peak, so remember to eat the "Five Treasures of Dog Day", which can not only relieve cravings but also supplement some nutrients. Let’s take a look at what these “5 treasures” refer to and how to eat them.

"5 treasures" - 1. Black sesame seeds

Everyone knows that black sesame seeds are rich in nutrients and are known as "the supplements for the common people". It is also an alkaline food and contains a variety of dietary nutrients. You sweat more in hot weather, so you need to eat some alkaline foods to maintain the body's acid-base balance. You might as well eat some black sesame seeds. They are rich in aroma and nutrition and are not expensive. It is much better than eating potato chips and the like.

However, although black sesame seeds are highly nutritious, the nutrients in them need to be steamed and dried for many times before they can be absorbed by the human body. It’s difficult to make it at home, so you might as well get the Seven Degrees Square Five Black Cake. In addition to black sesame, it is also paired with black rice , black wolfberry and mulberry and other ingredients. It is made according to traditional techniques and has little nutritional loss.

Different from traditional pastries, the Seven Degrees Square Five Black Cake is flavored with maltitol . It has very low calories and is not burdensome to eat. It is fragrant and soft in the mouth, with no obvious powdery texture and full of chewy texture. The light sweetness adds a refreshing taste, perfect for eating in summer.

"5 treasures" - 2. Lotus root

Lotus root is called "water ginseng" and was even a " imperial meal tribute" in ancient times. Lotus root not only tastes delicious, but also contains comprehensive nutrients, making it a good product for maintaining the body. The dog days of summer are the season when lotus roots are on the market in large quantities. Eat them in season to relieve the heat.

Lotus root has a lot of water. Eating lotus root in summer can replenish water and prevent getting angry due to overheating. If you don’t have time to make it yourself, you can choose ready-to-eat Osmanthus Glutinous Rice and Lotus Root . Sweet and soft, it is a summer dessert that both the elderly and children like to eat.

Lotus roots filled with glutinous rice are boiled in brown sugar water, and the hot brown sugar and the cool lotus roots are neutralized. While supplementing nutrition, it can also maintain the internal balance of the body, which has many benefits for the body.

"5 treasures" - 3. Ziziphus seeds

Humid and hot weather can easily make people feel irritable and affect people's sleep. If you don't get a good night's rest, your mood will be even worse during the day, forming a vicious cycle that will disturb your normal life. At this time, we eat some jujube kernels, which are sour and sweet appetizers and can make us feel better.

Wild jujube kernel is the core of small wild jujube . After being fried, it is a "good hand" in aiding sleep. However, the taste itself is relatively sour. It is combined with longan , lotus seeds, honey and other ingredients to make Sanchuangui Suanzaoren Pills. It is convenient and trouble-free to eat. The sour and sweet taste is suitable for everyone.

Sanchuan Gui Suanzaoren Pills are double-packed in an acrylic jar and tin foil paper, which is clean and hygienic and improves the freshness of the pills. Eat 2 as a snack before going to bed. It has a candy-like texture, firm and delicate, sweet and sour, and soft and glutinous. Only when you are in a good mood can you quickly fall into sweet dreams.

"5 treasures" - 4. yam

Although the external temperature is high in the dog days of summer, the body is relatively weak. If you need to eat more warming and tonic foods to improve your physical fitness, yam is the best choice. The white yam meal is rich in nutrients and can be eaten for a long time by both the elderly and children.

After steaming the yam, it tastes dry and has no taste. If you don’t like eating plain yam, you can try yam barley cake. Grind barley and yam into powder and make cakes. It not only nourishes the body but also helps reduce the burden on the body. It is one of the best snacks in the dog days of summer.

Each piece of yam and barley cake is individually packaged to prevent moisture and deterioration, making it easy to carry. Add an appropriate amount of xylitol for seasoning to make it taste more refreshing and control sugar intake. It can be eaten as a staple food for breakfast or dinner. It is nutritious and satisfies cravings, and is not burdensome to eat.

"5 treasures" - 5. Black beans

When it comes to nourishing the body, the first thing we think of is all kinds of meat. In fact, the nutritional value of black beans is not inferior to that of meat. It can also provide the body with a variety of nutrients and replenish energy. The temperature is high in summer and I have no appetite. But not eating is not good for the body. We can try black beans and make them into soy milk.

Due to limited time or lack of machines, etc., if you cannot get up early every day to make soy milk, it is better to choose Sanchuan Guihei Black Soy Milk Powder. It is soy milk powder made from black beans and black rice, with fine powder and mellow taste. Whether it is a cold drink or a hot drink, it tastes good.

Each bag of Sanchuangui Black Soybean Milk Powder is individually packaged in a quantitative manner. Just brew a bag when you have no appetite. It is nutritious and refreshing. Soy milk melts very quickly and does not clump easily. It tastes delicate and smooth, with a hint of grain flavor lingering on the tongue. It tastes better after being chilled.

During the dog days of summer, in order to avoid the heat, everyone will reduce their physical activity and their gastrointestinal function will be relatively weak. Therefore, in addition to the 5 foods mentioned above, your daily diet should also focus on good digestion and absorption. Take good care of your body during the dog days of summer so that you can spend the summer with ease.