How to register and download Didi Driver APP? If the driver has more than 3 years of driving experience, the car has been within 8 years, and has no criminal record, he or she can enter the Didi registration applet after obtaining the registration code from "Qiaoche Security Mana

2024/07/0212:47:32 car 1802

How to register and download Didi driver APP? If the driver has more than 3 years of driving experience, the car has been within 8 years, and has no criminal record, he or she can enter the Didi registration applet after obtaining the registration code from "Qiaoche Security Management". Submit the registration materials, and after passing the review, install the latest version of Didi Driver App 2022 to receive orders.

How to register and download Didi Driver APP? If the driver has more than 3 years of driving experience, the car has been within 8 years, and has no criminal record, he or she can enter the Didi registration applet after obtaining the registration code from

Online ride-hailing only stipulates the age, body, and displacement of the vehicle. There are no hard requirements for how many times the vehicle has been transferred, whether it is a new energy vehicle or a gasoline vehicle. Therefore, if you want to use online car-hailing, you can buy a second-hand new energy vehicle that meets the standards and apply for an online car-hailing certificate.

What is the industrial policy for online ride-hailing? Take Didi Taxi-hailing as an example: it is stipulated that the car must have a local license plate, the car must be less than 6 years old, the naked car price should be more than 7W, and it must be driven safely. The driving distance between vehicles needs to be within more than 100,000 kilometers. The vehicle is a new energy bus with 5 or more 7 seats (including 7 seats) below new energy bus ; it has a local motor vehicle license plate, and the vehicle is registered for less than 8 years; the gasoline vehicle is a small passenger car with two compartments (including two compartments) or above , the displacement is not less than 1.6 liters (or 1.4T), the vehicle wheelbase is not less than 2650mm; new energy vehicles and green energy vehicles are small passenger cars with two compartments (including two compartments), the vehicle wheelbase is not less than 2600mm, pure electric vehicles The mileage of the car shall not be less than 250 kilometers; the displacement of the 7-seater new energy bus shall not be less than 2.0 liters (or 1.9T), and the wheelbase shall not be less than 3000mm.

How to register and download Didi Driver APP? If the driver has more than 3 years of driving experience, the car has been within 8 years, and has no criminal record, he or she can enter the Didi registration applet after obtaining the registration code from

Article 4: Continue to vigorously develop urban public transportation, rationally develop car rentals, and develop online car-hailing in an orderly manner in accordance with the standards of high-quality services and diversified operations. The price of online ride-hailing freight will be adjusted by the sales market, and when necessary, the government-guided price will be implemented in accordance with regulations.

Article 5 It is the local online ride-hailing industry standards that are responsible for implementing the measures. Management departments such as development and reform, industry and information management, communications, public security organs, human resources and social security, business reception, taxation, market management, Internet Information Office and other management departments should regulate online ride-hailing operations within the scope of different job responsibilities. Carry out relevant supervision and management.

Article 6 The municipal road transport authority may, based on the diversified travel requirements of the general public and the development positioning of online ride-hailing, fully consider factors such as population size, road network resources, environmental protection, etc., and establish an operation scale supervision and adjustment management mechanism for online ride-hailing transportation capacity , moderately adjust the development mode of online ride-hailing.

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