Hello everyone, I am Dr. Liu. Many people discover that they have nodules, cysts, and hyperplasia during routine physical examinations, and they begin to worry about developing cancer. So today I will tell you from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine why these nodules

Hello everyone, I am Dr. Liu. Many people discover that they have nodules, cysts, and hyperplasia during routine physical examinations, and they begin to worry about developing cancer . So today I will tell you from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine why these nodules, cysts, and hyperplasia occur, and then I will share 3 herbs to help you solve these garbage in the body.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that nodules, cysts, and hyperplasia are caused by the condensation of three evil spirits, forming phlegm core and scrofula. So what are the three evil spirits? They are stagnation of liver qi, blood stasis, condensed phlegm and dampness . As the saying goes, the liver governs dispersion and regulates qi throughout the body. Once liver qi is stagnated, the qi in the body will be blocked, and it will gradually be unable to promote the circulation of blood and water, resulting in blood stasis and phlegm. These evil spirits gather in the organs, meridians, and blood vessels, and garbage phlegm cores such as nodules, cysts, and hyperplasia appear.

So if you want to eliminate phlegm cores such as nodules, cysts, and hyperplasia, do you have to dissolve phlegm, remove blood stasis, and soften and disperse phlegm? Today I will share with you a small recipe with only three herbs - Xiaoxuan Pills , which specializes in treating phlegm cores and scrofula. Let’s take a look at the composition and analysis of the prescription.

The first medicine: Fritillaria . Zhejiang Fritillaria is a master of resolving phlegm. Its pungent powder can disperse phlegm and stagnation, and it is very powerful in eliminating phlegm cores. It is often used for scrofula, gall tumors, sores, carbuncles, swollen tumors, and nodules. It can effectively open up the phlegm core.

The second medicine: oyster. Oysters are salty and cold, which is a must-have traditional Chinese medicine in prescriptions for softening and dispersing stagnation. With its salty taste, it can soften and dissipate stagnation, soften various accumulations caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis , and dissolve the lumps little by little. Open; use its cold nature to treat phlegm cores caused by phlegm-fire stagnation, and remove the accumulated phlegm and turbidity.

The third medicine: Scrophulariaceae . Scrophulariaceae is a medicine that is salty on the one hand, used to soften hard knots and eliminate lumps, and cold on the other hand, used to purge deficiency fire in the liver and kidneys, nourish yin and subdue yang, so that liver fire cannot arise, so natural You won't be angry and won't produce so much garbage.

The combination of these three herbs can soften hardness and dissipate stagnation, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, clear away heat and relieve stagnation, and eliminate phlegm cores. It can be used for liver cysts, thyroid nodules, breast nodules, hyperplasia and other diseases. Very good improvement. Of course, you should also have a good attitude at ordinary times, always keep a happy mood, and don't be overly anxious.

and above, that’s today’s content, have you learned it? If you can't tell whether your body type is suitable for eating, you can leave a message and send a photo of your tongue, and I will help you analyze it one by one. Follow me to learn more about health knowledge