To say what is the most popular thing this summer, "Ice Cream Assassin" must be on the list. The "Backstab Price" caught off guard and killed Wallet King with one blow. But it’s easy to avoid these assassins – just don’t buy them, right? But there are some assassins that you can'

If you want to say what is the most popular thing this summer, "Ice Cream Assassin" must be on the list. The "Backstab Price" caught off guard and killed Wallet King with one hit. But it’s easy to avoid these assassins – just don’t buy them, right? But there are some assassins that you can't hide from in the summer, such as ultraviolet rays, mosquitoes, moisture, etc. They are not only everywhere, but also extremely dangerous, because their targets are our most delicate skin.

It is understood that since the beginning of summer, the peak of dermatology diagnosis and treatment in major hospitals has lasted for many weeks. Liu Changhua, Chief Physician of the Department of Surgery at Hunan Provincial Hospital for Occupational Disease Prevention and Control, said that the weather in summer is hot, the ultraviolet radiation is strong, people sweat a lot, the skin is moist, and the clothes are thin and exposed, and the skin is easily bitten by mosquitoes, all of which lead to skin problems. Risk factors that are more common in summer. He reminded: Skin problems are more common in summer, so it is important to take good protection.

If you don’t want to feel itchy, ugly or painful, please listen to experts to educate you about skin allergies and sensitive skin !

allergen , excuse me!

The frequency of "allergies" in daily life should not be too high. Some people are "affected" all year round. In addition, there are some seemingly outrageous but real allergies . For example, allergies to cold air generally belong to "cold measles", and there are also "water-borne measles" in which skin other than the mucous membranes such as the mouth is allergic when it comes into contact with water.

Leaving aside those "chosen ones" with rare allergies, common skin allergy symptoms include skin erythema, itching and stinging, skin mucosal edema, dry skin, exposed capillaries, etc. In severe cases, skin laxity and peeling may occur. , difficulty breathing, etc.

So what should you do if you have skin allergies? Liu Changhua said that most allergies can be caused by finding the allergen. After confirming the allergen, please avoid it "accurately"! If it is unavoidable, desensitization treatment can be done.

If you are allergic after using skin care products, you must first confirm whether the product is produced by a regular manufacturer. If the product is qualified, it may be an allergic reaction to a certain ingredient in the skin care product. Then there is symptomatic treatment. If the symptoms are mild, you can observe first and pay attention to getting enough sleep, eating a light diet, and avoiding spicy food and alcohol consumption. If the symptoms are severe, it is recommended to take some antihistamine drugs, such as loratadine, cetirizine, ebastine, etc. for treatment. If it cannot be effectively relieved, you need to go to a medical institution in time. .

For sensitive skin, keep it simple!

So, what is sensitive skin? Liu Changhua introduced that sensitive skin is a sub-healthy skin condition. The root cause is the damage and thinning of the stratum corneum of the skin. When our skin barrier is damaged and the protective layer is weak, it is easy for the skin to appear dry, tight, red, red, and itchy due to the influence of seasons, environment, skin care products, makeup, etc.

For people with sensitive skin, the daily skin care principles are mainly to repair the skin barrier, avoid irritation, streamline skin care and use sun protection. It is advisable to use medical skin care products to repair the skin barrier every day, and avoid using irritating skin care products, such as acids and alcohol-based lotions. If the symptoms are in the acute stage, cold spray can be used to calm the skin.

For those with obvious erythema, burning, stinging, itching and tightness, oral anti-allergic drugs can be treated as directed by your doctor. For those with obvious vascular symptoms, physical therapy such as intense pulsed light, pulsed dye laser, mesotherapy, and radiofrequency can also be used during the stable period.

Skin allergies? Sensitive skin? stupidly can not tell?

If you want to say bye bye to skin allergies and sensitive skin, it is necessary for everyone to understand the difference between the two, so that you can attack accurately and have healthy and beautiful skin!

affect different areas of the body. The same thing between sensitive skin and allergies is that the symptoms are redness and burning of the skin; the difference is that the symptoms of sensitive skin are concentrated on the face, while the symptoms of allergies may not only appear on the face, but also on the body at the same time. The stimulation induced by

is different between the two.Based on the analysis of the actual situation of the individual, if many external stimuli can cause skin discomfort, the possibility of sensitive skin is high; if skin problems occur after contact with certain specific items, the possibility of skin allergies is high.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Xia Sheng, correspondent Kuang Sisi Jiang Zhiyi

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