The temperature is getting higher day by day. If you go out casually, you will be sweating when you come back. Many friends say that they have dry mouth and throat, and they just want to drink water to quench their thirst.

The temperature is getting higher day by day. If you go out casually, you will be sweating when you come back. Many friends say that they have dry mouth and dry throat, and they just want to drink water to quench their thirst.

But drinking too much water is not a good thing. When the body is not short of water, drinking too much water quickly and even exceeding the ability of the kidneys to excrete it is very likely to lead to cell edema, and then cause " water intoxication" .

❖ Case:

At the beginning of this month, Ms. Wang, who lives in Hangzhou, mistakenly used the "water drinking method" to lose weight and drank 8 pounds of mineral water in a short period of time. Unexpectedly, after drinking the water, she quickly felt dizziness, dizziness, nausea and vomiting and other uncomfortable symptoms. In an emergency, Ms. Wang rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment.

During the follow-up examination, the doctor found that Ms. Wang had symptoms such as low potassium, low sodium, low chlorine, electrolyte imbalance and mild brain tissue edema and was diagnosed as dilutional hyponatremia (water intoxication). Thanks to the timely medical treatment, no major problems occurred.

In fact, such cases are not uncommon, and most of them are caused by drinking too much water in a short period of time. But summer is really hot, and people tend to get thirsty easily. How can we drink water to be safe and quench our thirst? What is the safety line for drinking water?

Remember the "four-word secret" when drinking water in summer


Many people are used to drinking water when they are "thirsty", but at this time they often drink a lot unconsciously, which increases the risk of "water intoxication".

Generally speaking, when you feel thirsty, your body is already in a state of mild dehydration. For people who already suffer from "three highs", coronary heart disease and other basic diseases, if they do not replenish water in time, once the blood viscosity increases and the flow speed slows down, it is easy to increase the risk of blood clots . It can even induce fatal diseases such as myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction.

Therefore, when drinking water in summer, you should pay special attention to the word " frequently ". Don't wait until you are thirsty to drink water. Drink water frequently even if you are not thirsty, but pay attention to three or four sips (about 150~200 ml) at a time, and drink it once every half hour or so.

Note: In addition to drinking water frequently during the day, you can also supplement 00ml warm water one hour before going to bed. If you are prone to getting up at night, you can also supplement 00ml water to help improve blood viscosity, reduce high blood pressure, and nighttime Risk of hyperglycemic episodes.


Many people are accustomed to drinking water in large gulps, which may have certain health risks. On the one hand, rapid intake of water in a short period of time will increase the burden on the kidneys and heart. On the other hand, drinking water too quickly may also swallow the air together, causing burping or abdominal distension, and aggravating gastrointestinal discomfort. .

The correct way to drink water: Hold a mouthful of water in your mouth and swallow it slowly in several times. For people suffering from renal insufficiency and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases , we should pay more attention to this point.


When it is hot in summer, many people drink cold drinks and cold water to cool down. But in fact, drinking a large amount of cold drinks in a short period of time not only fails to cool down, but also promotes vasoconstriction, affects heat dissipation, and even increases the risk of sudden myocardial infarction.

A more suitable way to cool down is to drink some warm water. It can help the capillaries and sweat glands in the body to relax and dissipate heat in the body, thereby lowering the body temperature and helping to relieve heat.

Note: The temperature of drinking tea should not exceed 0℃.


amount refers to the amount of water drank. If the water is not replenished enough, the blood viscosity will increase, and the possibility of sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents will also increase. However, if you drink too much water for various reasons and the electrolyte concentration in the blood decreases, it is more likely to cause cell edema and cause "water intoxication."

It is recommended to use a fixed capacity cup to drink water every day to calculate the daily water intake. But you don’t have to drink a certain amount, because the daily water intake varies from person to person. Just make sure that your body is not dehydrated.

❖How to determine whether the body is dehydrated:

The easiest way to determine whether the body is dehydrated is to look at the color of the urine. Normal urine is clear and light yellow. The yellower the urine, the more serious the dehydration is and the need to replenish water.

According to the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016)", an adult's daily drinking water should be around 500~1700 ml. But note that this standard is for most normal people without diseases. For some special groups of people, the amount of water they drink needs to be controlled.

These three types of people should be careful when drinking water.

1 Heart failure patients.

The heart function of patients with heart failure is impaired, and the blood in the body cannot flow effectively, which is more likely to cause water and sodium retention. Once you drink too much water, it will increase the burden on the heart, cause edema symptoms, and even lead to fluid accumulation.

In order to reduce the burden on the heart of patients with heart failure, the attending doctor generally requires the patient to control the daily water intake between 00 and 500 ml. The total daily water intake should also be controlled between 000 and 1500 ml Inside. The specific daily water intake needs to be controlled according to the doctor's advice.

(Total water intake also includes water in soups, fruits, vegetables and other foods)

2 People with renal insufficiency

For people with renal insufficiency, the kidneys’ ability to regulate water is reduced. If they drink too much water, there will be excess water in the body. The water cannot be adjusted and excreted in time, which not only increases the burden on the kidneys, but also easily increases the blood volume, thereby increasing the risk of acute heart failure.

Therefore, it is recommended that people with renal insufficiency should strictly follow the doctor's advice to control the amount of water they drink every day, and develop the habit of drinking water in small sips and drinking water frequently .

3After strenuous exercise

Many people like to drink a lot of water immediately after strenuous exercise or sweating. This is actually a very dangerous practice. On the one hand, in order to dissipate heat after exercise, the blood flowing through the muscles and skin increases, the blood flowing through the digestive organs decreases, , the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines weakens, the secretory function of the digestive glands decreases, affecting the absorption of water.

At this time, excess water will penetrate into the cells and intercellular substance, which is more likely to cause cell swelling, resulting in symptoms such as headache, vomiting, drowsiness, blurred vision, and slow heart rate.

On the other hand, after sweating during exercise, sodium, potassium and other electrolytes in the body are lost with sweat. At this time, if you drink a lot of boiled water or mineral water, it will accelerate the loss, resulting in dizziness, weakness, heartbeat, etc. Accelerate symptoms such as , and in severe cases may cause spasm , shock and organ failure.

Recommendation: Rest for a while after exercising. After heart rate has basically returned to a stable state, slowly drink 00ml of about light salt water or functional drinks.

Adding some "it" to the water will keep you healthy and healthy

As you can see from the above, drinking water in moderation is good, but sometimes adding some "it" to the water can more specifically relieve the discomfort of our body.

1 Water + hawthorn: Promote appetite and control blood lipids Blood lipids

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that hawthorn is sour and has the effects of promoting appetite and digestion. Modern research has also found that hawthorn is rich in vitamins, pectin, organic acids, flavonoids (such as quercetin) and other nutrients. Among them, pectin and flavonoids are important for controlling blood lipids. Quite beneficial.

In summer, many friends have problems such as poor appetite, weak digestion, and difficult to control blood lipids. You can often drink some hawthorn water to relieve discomfort.

Attention : People with excessive gastric acid secretion are not recommended to drink it.

2 water + Dendrobium : Improve immunity in summer

High temperatures and high humidity in summer are very suitable for the reproduction of various bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms, so they are more likely to cause various infectious diseases. To prevent, improving immunity is the key!

Dendrobium flower , also known as the "giant panda in the pharmaceutical world", is a very precious medicinal material.

Modern research shows that the Dendrobium officinale polysaccharide contained in dendrobium flowers can enhance human immunity and resist oxidation . In addition, the various volatile oils it contains can also relieve mental stress and improve irritability. , depression and other symptoms.

Summer is hot, and people are more likely to be irritable, depressed, and fatigued. Dendrobium flowers are often soaked in water and drunk, which not only tastes good, but also has good health care effects.