On the 4th, the Information Office of the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Government held the 79th press conference on "Heilongjiang Province's Response to the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Work" to give a briefing on "implementing the ninth edition of the

4, the Information Office of the People's Government of Heilongjiang Province held the 79th press conference on "Heilongjiang Province's response to the prevention and control of the new coronavirus epidemic", focusing on " implementing the ninth edition of the prevention and control plan and scientifically and accurately doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control work" introduce.

Deputy Director of the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention Zhang Jianfeng

In view of the Omicron variant

characteristics of faster spread and strong concealment

How should the general public protect themselves in their daily lives?

At present, the Omicron mutant strain has become the dominant epidemic strain in overseas and local epidemics in my country. Existing research shows that the average incubation period of the Omicron mutant strain is shortened, mostly 2 to 4 days, and it has stronger transmissibility and faster transmission speed. Faster, with lower infection dose and stronger immune evasion ability, the existing vaccines are still effective in preventing severe illness and death caused by this variant strain.

At present, the entire Heilongjiang Province is in the stage of normalized epidemic prevention and control. However, the overseas epidemic situation is still complex and serious. Sporadic and sporadic epidemics still occur in other areas outside the province. The risk of epidemic importation still exists in Heilongjiang Province, and the epidemic prevention and control situation remains severe. complex. Therefore, we must continue to tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control and implement various measures for normalized epidemic prevention and control. Regarding personal protection and behavioral norms, we must conscientiously do a good job in the following aspects.

1. Wear masks scientifically

For example, when taking elevators, taking public transportation, and entering crowded public places, you must wear a mask. When symptoms such as fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, etc. occur, seek medical treatment promptly. When seeking medical treatment, it is recommended to wear medical surgical masks, or above level masks. Masks need to be replaced in time, and the cumulative wearing time of each mask should not exceed 8 hours.

2. Wash your hands frequently

Wash your hands or disinfect your hands in time after returning home from going out, after caring for patients, after coughing or sneezing, after cleaning up garbage, after contacting express delivery, and after touching public facilities such as elevator buttons and door handles.

3. Eat in a civilized manner

Do not mix tableware and use public chopsticks and spoons when picking up food; when dining in the canteen, try to bring your own tableware.

4. Frequent ventilation

It is recommended to open windows frequently for ventilation, 2 to 3 times a day for 20 to 30 minutes each time. When there are many people in the family or there are patients, open more windows for ventilation after the guests leave. When the temperature is suitable, the windows can be kept open.

5. Pay attention to cough etiquette

When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue. If there is no tissue, use your elbow instead. Do not throw away used tissues.

6. Reduce gatherings.

The 1-meter rule must be observed in public places. When queuing, paying, or talking, maintain a social distance of more than 1 meter. When there is a local epidemic in the region, it is necessary to have fewer dinner parties, visit relatives and friends, attend less wedding banquets and funerals, and avoid crowded places unless necessary.

7. Actively participate in nucleic acid testing

Cooperate as required to carry out nucleic acid testing in normalized epidemic prevention and control and local epidemic response, ensure that "everything is tested" and be responsible for the health of yourself and your family.

8. Get vaccinated early

At present, vaccination is one of the important measures to reduce the severity and death of COVID-19, especially the protective effect on the elderly is more obvious. It is necessary to actively respond to the national new crown vaccination policy. People over the age of 23 and without vaccination contraindications should be vaccinated as early as possible to ensure that all people are vaccinated.

Finally, we need to develop a healthy lifestyle. Strengthen physical exercise, regular work and rest, eat healthily, maintain adequate sleep and a healthy mentality, and eat healthily. Let’s work together to build a people’s defense line for epidemic prevention and control.