The ovary is the place where "seeds" are produced. The hormones secreted by the ovary are equivalent to the nutrients of the seeds. The amount of hormones secreted by the ovaries and the sufficient nutrients are crucial to the growth of seeds.

Salvia and Soybean Soup, Replenishing Qi and Nourishing Blood , Maintaining the Ovary

The ovary is the place where " seeds " are produced. The ovary secretes hormones, which are equivalent to the nutrients of the seeds. How much hormone does the ovary secrete? nutrients is insufficient and crucial for the growth of seeds.

carefully cares for the garden of ovary , regulates ovarian environment, helps improve the quality of discharged follicles , and increases the probability of pregnancy.

Once the garden is lost and the vegetation dies, women will lose many precious things, such as good skin, good complexion , and fertility.

Salvia miltiorrhiza Soybeans, which can make the ovaries full of qi and blood Salvia miltiorrhiza has the functions of promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, removing blood stasis and relieving pain , cooling blood and eliminating carbuncle, clearing the heart and relieving troubles, nourishing blood and calming the nerves. It is available in major traditional Chinese medicine stores; soybeans have It has the effects of replenishing qi and nourishing blood, strengthening the spleen and widening the middle, moistening dryness and eliminating water. The combination of the two has a very good effect on ovarian maintenance.

How to choose high-quality salvia?

When choosing Salvia miltiorrhiza, it is better to have thick, dry roots, purple-red color, and no reed heads or bald roots.

Salvia miltiorrhiza and soybean soup

Ingredients: 50 grams of soybeans, 10 grams of salvia miltiorrhiza, and appropriate amount of honey.


1. Wash the salvia miltiorrhiza and put it into a casserole. Wash the soybeans and soak them in cold water for 1 hour.

2. Take out the soybeans and pour them into a pot. Add an appropriate amount of water and simmer until the soybeans are thoroughly cooked. Remove the salvia miltiorrhiza and add honey to taste.

Usage: Eat beans and drink soup, 2 to 3 times a week.

effect: nourishes qi and blood, and maintains the ovaries.

Salvia miltiorrhiza: slightly cold in nature, bitter in taste, and returns to the heart and liver meridians.

Main functions: promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, used for premature ovarian failure caused by blood deficiency or blood stasis.

wolfberry red dates and egg soup , give more care to the ovaries

Premature ovarian failure is the occurrence of amenorrhea in women after puberty before 40 , ovarian atrophy, low levels of sex hormones in the body, gonadotropin levels as high as menopausal levels The phenomenon is accompanied by a series of symptoms of low estrogen in varying degrees, such as hot flashes, excessive sweating, facial flushing, and low sexual desire.

is mostly caused by kidney deficiency . The common pathogenesis is liver and kidney deficiency and kidney and spleen deficiency. There are signs of premature ovarian failure. Before the onset, there are often changes in menstruation, oligomenorrhea, and amenorrhea.

Dietary prescription for maintaining ovaries

Wolfberry, red dates and egg soup

Ingredients: 30 grams of wolfberry, 10 red dates, 2 eggs.


1. Wash the wolfberry and drain the water.

2. Wash and core the red dates, and put them into a casserole together with the wolfberries.

3. Pour in an appropriate amount of water, wait until the water boils, add eggs and cook, seasoning.

Usage: Eat eggs and drink soup, divided into 2 times.

effect: maintains the ovaries and prevents premature aging.

Two sets of small movements can enhance ovarian vitality. Regular ovarian maintenance exercises will help improve the function of the reproductive system, regulate female endocrine, and inject new vitality into the ovaries to achieve the effect of maintaining the ovaries.

breathing exercises

1. Inhale, stretch your hands upward as much as possible, and hold for 5 seconds.

2. Exhale, put your hands together, bring them down to your chest, hold for 5 seconds, and breathe steadily.

3. Exhale, twist your waist, hold left and right for 5 seconds each time, and breathe steadily.

Whole body exercise

1. Using the waist as the fulcrum, use your buttocks to draw clockwise circles 15 times, and then counterclockwise 15 times. Promote body cell vitality and prevent premature ovarian failure.

2. Stand up straight and slowly bend down until your hands can hug your calves. It is beneficial to the body's qi and blood circulation, promotes the normal secretion of ovarian hormones, and also helps relieve tension.

3. Choose a chair and sit upright.Inhale, hold your right knee with both hands, close to your right abdomen, hold for 15 seconds, exhale, and slowly return. Do it again with your left leg. Helps massage internal organs, promotes blood circulation in abdominal organs, warms and nourishes the uterus and ovaries.

Be a warm woman for 5 minutes every day

often do leg-raising movements, promote ovarian secretion Lie down , lift your pelvis, stretch your arms horizontally , slowly lift your left leg, keep your calf parallel to the ground , chin adducted, eyes looking directly at , hold for 30 seconds.

Then lift your right leg and do the same action as your left leg. Doing it 52 to 3 times a day can promote ovarian endocrine.