The sun is particularly strong in summer, and ultraviolet radiation seriously affects skin health. Friends who go out must take sun protection measures in advance and try to avoid skin tanning and sunburn. Once you are sunburned by the sun and stay in the sun for a long time, it

The light is particularly strong in summer, and ultraviolet radiation seriously affects skin health. Friends who go out must take sun protection measures in advance to avoid tanning sunburns . Once sunburned after a long period of sun exposure, it will generally recover. It is difficult to stay in the original state, so we must pay attention to our daily living habits and work schedules. It is recommended to stay up less late, eat less spicy, fried and high-sugar foods, eat more fruits and vegetables, and eat more chicken, duck, fish, beef and mutton, etc. to help Enhance immunity and skin resistance. Make time to exercise for an hour every day. Remember to wear a hat or umbrella when going out. Wearing sun-protective clothing can have a sun protection effect. At the same time, eating more fruits in summer has many benefits. The editor will share with you today , these 10 "beautiful fruits" should be eaten regularly to keep your face rosy and fair, and spend the summer happily both physically and mentally. You might as well take a look ~

1. Lemons

Lemons are very suitable for eating in summer, but lemons are sour and most people can’t eat them, so in most cases they will make lemon tea or lemon honey water to drink, and some friends People like to make lemon chicken feet and other delicacies. It is very good for relieving heat. Lemon contains the most vitamin C, citric acid . These ingredients are the easiest to be absorbed, especially in summer when you sweat a lot, the body is more likely to lack nutrients and energy, and Drinking more lemon water can replenish the body with water and nutrients in a timely manner. Drinking it often can make your skin white, tender and shiny, and it can also improve your immunity.

2. Kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit can be eaten regularly in summer. It is sour, sweet, delicious and nutritious. The juice has more vitamins and is rich in dietary fiber, which plays a role in moistening the intestines and detoxifying. The vitamin C is ten times that of apples. So if you are busy at work and forget to eat fruit, you might as well eat two kiwi fruits before meals to relieve fatigue and increase energy, whitening skin and anti-aging. If you spend a long time in front of the computer and mobile phone, eat more kiwi fruits to resist radiation and reduce dryness and dehydration of the skin. It moisturizes the skin and makes it supple. People who work at high altitudes are prone to getting angry, acne and spots. It is recommended to eat more kiwi fruit to moisturize the skin and intestines and relieve heat, delaying aging and reducing wrinkles.

3. Grapes

Grapes are called "skin care products that can be taken orally". If you want to be in good shape and have more beautiful skin, it is right to eat more grapes. Summer is also the best season to eat grapes. At this time, grapes are on the market in large quantities. There are many different varieties of grapes, which you can buy and eat regularly according to your own taste. They have a good sour and sweet taste. Grapes contain a lot of vitamins, which can detoxify and remove excess toxins from the body. lightens spots has a good whitening and hydrating effect, and at the same time can maintain a healthy figure. Show temperament.

4. Peaches

Summer is the season when melons and fruits are fragrant. Peaches can also represent the taste of summer. There are many benefits of eating peaches regularly. They contain vitamins, malic acid and organic acids, which are the nutrients and energy we need most. Summer is hot and you sweat a lot. Eating peaches can quench thirst, replenish water and various nutrients. In addition, summer is prone to poor appetite. Eating more peaches can help with digestion and gastrointestinal health. It can also make the skin smooth, tender and anti-aging. Those who like to eat peaches Friends, you might as well eat peach body bars often.

5. Pears

Pears should also be eaten often in summer. Pears are juicy and sweet. They are really good fruits to quench thirst and relieve summer heat. In the summer of Dog Day, eat more pears to moisturize the skin and prevent sunburn. At the same time, they can moisten the throat and intestines and aid digestion. It’s really good to have more in one go. Pear is rich in vitamins, , fructose, and . It is definitely a fruit that you will want to eat again. It has a natural sweet taste, not greasy and delicious. If you are easily prone to getting angry and have throat discomfort, try it. There are many benefits of eating pears regularly.

6. Apple

Apple is the most commonly eaten fruit among fruits. It is not lacking in almost every home. It is delicious, inexpensive, nutritious and delicious. It contains natural vitamins, iron, folic acid , malic acid and other nutrients. , most suitable for regular consumption in summer, it can moisten the intestines, detoxify and remove excess garbage from the body, moisten the throat, quench thirst and nourish the skin.At the same time, for some people who are prone to acne and constipation caused by inflammation, eating more apples is perfect, and they can be eaten before and after meals without worrying about gastrointestinal discomfort.

7. Guava

Although guava is not a summer fruit, from June to August every year, some guava from greenhouse planting bases will be freshly put on the market, so you don’t have to wait until winter to buy it. Guava has red meat. There are two varieties with different tastes from white meat. White meat is sour and sweet, while red meat is sweet and sour. You can choose according to your own taste. Guava is a warm fruit, so it is a more popular fruit and is also alkaline. Fruit , the temperature is high in summer. For those who are tired and those who stay up late for a long time and have insomnia, eating more guava will give you energy and replenish the vitamins, minerals and protein needed by the body. If you insist on eating it for a long time, your skin will be white and tender without spots.

8. Watermelon

Watermelon best represents the taste of summer. The editor bought a big watermelon yesterday because it is my favorite fruit and it is also a seasonal fruit in summer. It contains vitamins and moisture, glucose , fructose, etc. Nutrients necessary for the human body must be bought and eaten frequently, otherwise you will have to wait a year if you miss watermelon. Therefore, watermelon must be bought and tasted every once in a while. It moisturizes the skin and intestines and relieves heat. It is very beneficial to the body. The water content of watermelon is far higher than that of other fruits. It is rich in juice, sweet and delicious. You will never get tired of eating it. It will make your mouth dry and your throat dry. Eating watermelon can quench your thirst and moisturize your throat. It is a fruit suitable for all ages.

9. Banana

Many people like to eat bananas. Not only can they be eaten directly, but also different ingredients can be added. Steaming, boiling, frying, and stir-frying can make many delicious and nutritious foods, such as: banana milk crisp, banana cake , banana-flavored cakes or breads, as well as banana steamed buns, steamed buns, etc. Bananas have a good laxative effect and are rich in vitamins and dietary fiber. They can be eaten regularly to nourish the skin and reduce fat. They are low-fat and low-calorie fruits. If you have skin I am dry, dehydrated and dull. Consistently eating one or two bananas every day will improve my skin condition and make my complexion look better and more beautiful.

10. Dragon fruit

Dragon fruit is a summer fruit. It is freshest and tastes best at this time. You can buy delicious dragon fruit if you choose. Generally, the fruit will not be frozen for too long or rotten. My children have dragon fruit. My favorite food, because he often suffers from internal heat and constipation. It’s really good to eat some dragon fruit to moisturize the intestines and relieve constipation. Adults eat it to relieve stress and feel good. Female friends eat it. It has good detoxification and beauty effects. It can lighten spots, whiten and replenish water, because Dragon fruit contains a large amount of vitamins and anthocyanins. Among them, "anthocyanins" are much higher than other fruits. Therefore, if you want to have a beautiful appearance, eating more dragon fruits will improve your anti-aging properties.

Editor’s warm suggestions: Summer is hot. Not only should you eat more fruits and vegetables, but also add some high-protein meats. The diet should not be too greasy and spicy. Stay up late less, drink more water, and exercise more. You will still be in a good mood in summer. Beautiful skin.