"Winter practice is three nine, and summer practice is three days." Dog days refer to the period between the two solar terms of summer and summer. The specific length is different every year. But as soon as the dog days arrive, it means the hottest days of summer are coming. Toda

" Winter practice is Sanjiu, and summer practice is Sanfu. " Dog days refers to the period between the two solar terms from Minor Heat to Chushu . The specific length is different every year. But as soon as three volts comes, it means that the hottest days of summer are coming.

Today I will take stock of how to make good use of these days before the dog days of summer. We often talk about food supplements . What should we eat before the dog days of summer? How to eat to live a good summer and keep summer diseases away from ourselves!

  • . Garlic

    Garlic is a very common vegetable in daily life. It is used as a condiment by many people. It has a pungent taste and its bactericidal effect is also well known. Therefore, it has always been a representative of "food and medicine come from the same origin".

    In summer, eating garlic regularly can have many benefits, such as enhancing immunity, resisting oxidation, and delaying aging. Therefore, it can be said that garlic can not only increase the flavor of food, but also strengthen the body. It is a rare and good thing.

    How to eat:

    Many people resist the taste of raw garlic and think it is spicy and irritating, so here is a way to recommend it to everyone. It tastes more delicious, sweet and sour, and children at home will also like it:

    1. Choose fresh. Wash the garlic and soak it in salt water for 24 hours, which can effectively remove the spicy taste

    2. After drying the water, put the garlic into a clean container, and pour the prepared sugar water and vinegar into the container in a ratio of 1:1 Submerge garlic. After sealing the container, it will be ready to eat in about 30 minutes.

  • . Luffa

    Luffa, also known as Tianluo , Miangua. Planted in the north and south of our country, it is a seasonal vegetable in summer. It has been very popular in the Tang and Song Dynasties and has been eaten until now.

    The summer is hot and dry, and many vegetables are unappetizing. Refreshing vegetables like loofah are very popular with the public, and similarly, loofah can be used as a crop or as a medicinal material. It can be imagined that the nutritional value is high.

    How to eat: Luffa and clam soup

    Luffa is more suitable for cooking soup with seafood. It is definitely a good choice to drink a bowl of soup in hot summer. Here is the recipe for everyone:

    1. Clam Wash and soak in salt water for 30 Minutes, cut the loofah into hob pieces and set aside.
    2. Heat the oil in a pot, simmer the green onions, add the loofah and stir-fry, add a bowl of water, add the clams after the water boils, cover the lid and cook until the clams bloom, add a little salt and serve.

    . Wild rice seedlings

    Wild rice shoots have a well-known name - water ginseng. Wrapped in a green shell, the meat is tender inside. It grows in ponds and is available in large quantities in summer. Judging by its appearance, it is a light food suitable for summer.

    Wild rice can be said to be a very tolerant ingredient that can be used to stir-fry anything. Moreover, wild rice is fresh and elegant, easy to savor, and is very suitable for stir-frying with meat. It relieves greasiness and supplements vitamins. It is very suitable for summer.

    How to eat: Braised wild rice in oil

    Braised wild rice in oil is full of flavor and is very suitable for eating when you have a poor appetite in summer.

    Specific method:

    1. Wash and cut the wild rice into cubes and set aside. At the same time, prepare half a spoon of dark soy sauce, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, half a spoon of sugar, and half a spoon of salt. Mix well and set aside.

    2. Pour oil into the pot, heat the oil and sauté the chopped green onions until fragrant. Add the wild rice and stir-fry until the edges are golden, then add the prepared sauce and stir-fry for about 5 minutes before serving.

    . Zheer root

    Zheer root is a unique delicacy that people in the Southwest cannot refuse. It can be found in many street snacks and even hot pots. Zheer root is the most tender especially in summer, which is a good season to eat Zheer root.

    Let’s talk about the benefits of Zheer root. It clears away heat and detoxifies, reduces swelling and diuresis. It is very suitable for conditioning the body in summer. Moreover, eating Zheer root is good for girls’ skin, detoxifying and nourishing the skin.

    How to eat: Cold Zheergen

    The weather is so hot, a cold dish must be on the table, and Zheergen is the most suitable ingredient for summer.


    1. Wash the ear root and cut it into small pieces that are easy to eat. In addition, prepare cucumber, spicy millet, coriander, and garlic.

    2. Put the Zheergen cucumber into a bowl, add 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of rice vinegar, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of chili, garlic, coriander and millet, stir well and serve.

    These ingredients are very suitable for summer consumption. Make good use of the few days before the fall and cook a few home-cooked dishes every day to clear away heat and relieve the heat. I believe this summer will be extra healthy!