Whether or not to have laser surgery may be a dilemma for many people. I have done my homework and checked the information, and I know that laser surgery has risks and a certain failure rate. But when I asked friends who had undergone laser surgery, the answers were overwhelmingl

Whether to have laser surgery may be a dilemma for many people. I have done my homework and checked the information, and I know that laser surgery has risks and a certain failure rate. But when I asked friends who had undergone laser surgery, the answers were overwhelmingly positive. Their eyesight has improved and they no longer need to wear glasses. Then, I was messy and tangled in the wind!

A colleague of mine has had laser surgery before. The young man is 28 years old and had laser surgery when he was about 20 years old. Because Meiya’s profession was very curious about how he used his eyes after surgery, she asked him how he felt after laser surgery.
He said that his eyesight is pretty good now, and he can now see the words written on the window of the building opposite without wearing glasses, which is very convenient. After
, there was no more, and it felt like the air had solidified. I don't know what he was thinking.

But I know, all I'm thinking is is laser surgery really that good? Why are there so many different opinions on the Internet? I wonder if you have ever observed whether ophthalmologists do not perform laser surgery themselves. With this question in mind, I consulted the experts from Guoding Zhongke, and I will share my findings with you today, hoping that everyone can have a comprehensive and rational understanding of laser surgery.

Myopia surgery is not available to everyone! ‍It has some potential risks‍:

1, residual diopter degree
There is still a part of the diopter left after the operation, and the visual condition cannot fully meet the needs of life without wearing glasses.
2, Dry eye syndrome
The most common symptoms after surgery are dry eyes, sensitivity to light and other discomforts.
3, glare, photophobia
suffers from poor night vision, especially when driving, feeling halo and increased sensitivity to light.
4, myopia rebound
High myopia has a greater probability of recurrence.

In addition, there are 2 problems that cannot be solved:

Problem 1: The eyeglasses can be removed after surgery, but the axial length will not change.
surgery can help myopic customers remove thick glasses, but it cannot change the condition of myopia. fact.
Question 2: I took off my glasses after the surgery, but the "picture quality" of my vision has not kept up with the
eyes. Although the vision function of the eyes has recovered, the other functions of the eyes are the same as those of myopia. In addition to the above two points in
, because the cornea of ​​the eye has become thinner, the pressure resistance may be relatively poor, so you must protect your eyes to prevent collisions. Regarding myopia surgery, some doctors also advise that if it is not necessary, it is not recommended! Since doctors have suggested this, we also hope that students and parents can carefully consider vision surgery, and even if it is surgery, they should choose a regular hospital! Do you think myopia surgery is safe? Welcome to leave a message to discuss