At 2:30 in the morning on June 28, I had severe pain in my stomach, which lasted until 4:30. It still didn’t get better, so I had to go to the nearest Yueyang Hospital for emergency treatment.


At 2.30 in the morning on June 28, I had severe pain in my stomach, which lasted until 4:30 and still did not get better. I had to go to the nearest Yueyang Hospital for emergency treatment.

The doctor at the general surgery department first asked me to give me an analgesic injection, and then did blood tests, urine tests, and C-photography. The cause was diagnosed: acute pancreatitis, and he immediately did a skin test, and the water was drained immediately until the water was finished at 11.17. , implement the ward.

The whole emergency room was full of water, it was so lively. You have to grab a seat first, and then wait for more than an hour before the water starts to flow. It's like queuing up to grab vegetables in the 1970s, which made many elderly people suffer.

After I finished hanging, I gave it to an old uncle on crutches.

What’s even more interesting is that after a bottle of water is drained, you can only tell the nurse who is shuttling in the water draining area with your throat straight, otherwise the blood will pour back in too late.


Yueyang Hospital already has 4 buildings and is building 2 more. It has great financial resources! The registration hall is usually bustling with people, and even if the sky is falling, the queue is still full of people.

Yueyang Hospital is located in Quyang New Village in the city center. There are more than 100,000 residents in Quyang area. Residents of nearby Ruihong New Town, Jiangwan area, Guangling Community, Guangzhong Community and even Sitang Village will all be here. Just Jane. Therefore, the actual number of residents served is no less than 500,000. No wonder business is booming!


After I was hospitalized, my blood was drawn twice, and then I had a skin test. I was given 12 bottles of water until 11.17 in the middle of the night.

Throughout the entire day of the 28th, I was in such a state of shock that I could not even take a sip of water. I had 20 bottles of water on my body and already had 5 pinholes in my body. How could I dare to sleep deeply when

was hanging needle . The body is very tired.


In the early morning of the 29th, I really wanted to sleep a little longer, but after 4.30, some patients got up impatiently to rinse their mouth and face, and people began to move around in the corridor one after another.

6.20pm Breakfast arrived. Although it was liquid, my mouth was dry for a long time because I suffered from gout.

html At 07.30 minutes, I was informed by the nurse to undergo B ultrasound with and C丅 enhancement.

The B-ultrasound was done very carefully. The beautiful doctor in Shanghai explained while doing it. All parts of the body were examined extensively. Finally, the word "AI" was not involved, but there were many problems. fatty liver , small blood clots on the thighs, enlarged spleen , pancreas water discharge.

To perform enhanced CT, medicine needs to be injected. The whole time, I kept my eyes closed.

"Take a deep breath, hold it in, you can breathe again." This went back and forth three times. At the end, I didn't even blink, and I didn't know it was over until two young doctors helped me up.

My body was irradiated by X-ray three times, and it seemed that I died three times. How many high-quality cells were killed.

When I returned to the hospital bed, I started drinking water again. Today I had 8 bottles of water and it ended at 9.17pm.

Fortunately, the blood vessel was only pricked once today. You can look at the scenery outside the window. That is a commercial building and a naval rest house.


On the 30th, I felt that my pancreas no longer hurt. I started eating semi-liquid porridge and half a piece of bread, and my energy level improved.

Early in the morning, blood was drawn again, and there were 4 cans. How could I have so much blood? Without input, there would be no production. The doctor’s explanation: Look at the indicators.

Fortunately for me, the indicators have improved. The pancreatic indicators dropped, but the other three indicators were high, and the white blood cells were not normal.

Then there were acupuncture and water injection, again 8 bottles. Fortunately, it ended at 6.15 minutes.

There are two more pinholes in the blood vessels today.

How many pounds have I lost in the past 3 days? But the scale is just a decoration.

How much Q did I spend in the past 3 days? The machine can see, not check.

Director Liang, I have met him, but I don’t check every patient;

Director Zhang Chenggang is a Ph.D. and has published many high-level papers in domestic and foreign magazines. He is the actual person in charge of the Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery and visits every patient every day. , very enthusiastic and skilled, often performs surgeries, and is a promising young expert;

Dr. Chen Cheng, yes, has the same name as General Chen in Taiwan. He has a sense of professionalism, is willing to take responsibility, is ethical, and is meticulous about his patients. He has a bright future. Sijin, the future chief physician;

head nurse Shen Li, worked meticulously and put Chinese medicine into my hands. When there is a conflict between doctor and patient, be the first to respond. She is a very responsible leader. Under her leadership, the entire nursing team works meticulously and the patients are very satisfied. This is a group of very cute little girls.


Have you ever seen such a dirty quilt?

I sleep on this kind of quilt. When I changed the quilt cover, I was shocked.

"There are things even dirtier than this," said a patient at the side.

You are too stingy, Yueyang Hospital.

The promotional column is very well done.

The bulletin board is very well done, but I just don’t understand why I can’t be discharged on Sunday? Do you have to stay in hospital for one more day? This increases the financial burden on patients in disguise!

There is no free Internet in the entire hospital. Patients can only use their own data and cannot suffocate.

Such a large tertiary hospital is too utilitarian and has little consideration for patients.


This is a real case of the patient opposite me. Because I was suffering from depression, I followed the whole process.

A patient was admitted to the hospital a week ago for the purpose of prescribing gallstones . But the heart is enlarged and there is atrial fibrillation .

The doctor from the Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery is here: 100% surgery tomorrow. Prepare the six-piece set that you need to buy. So the family went to the store downstairs to make a quick purchase, and the patient called her daughter to have surgery tomorrow;

30 minutes later.

The doctor from the Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery came; The anesthesiologist was worried because he was afraid that his heart would not beat during the operation. So the patient called his daughter and the surgery time had not yet been decided;

15 minutes later.

The anesthesiologist is here: You have atrial fibrillation, please register and observe for one day. The patient told his daughter the truth;

10 minutes later.

The doctor from the cardiovascular department came: First, transfer to our department, where he will perform ablation first, and then perform gallstone surgery. So the patient's family packed their clothes and prepared to transfer to another department. The patient told his daughter the truth;

30 minutes later.

The doctor from the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Department is here: the anesthesiologist’s attitude has become loose.

The family members found Director Zhang and were told that after coordination, the surgery was possible and would be done early in the morning. Don't eat after 8pm. The patient was overjoyed and told his daughter: It's finally decided! Have a good sleep tonight and go to the battlefield tomorrow!

The nurse is here: I need to sign for the surgery tomorrow.

The family members went downstairs to have dinner and brought the patientbeef noodles.

5 minutes later.

The doctor from the Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery came: The anesthesiologist was unwilling to take any risks, so the operation was still not possible. The family members and patients are indifferent, tossing and tossing, and playing tricks on people!


Currently, I have 8 pinholes in my body and the blood vessels in my left arm are swollen. The doctor informed me that I would need to have fluids pumped for another week and could do puncture .

This is the real Yueyang Hospital.

The story will continue.