When an acute gout attack occurs, the affected joints will produce severe pain, which will affect the patient's daily activities. Therefore, once gouty arthritis occurs, it must be treated in time. The best way to relieve pain is oral analgesics, such as celecoxib, meloxicam, col

When an acute gout attack occurs, the affected joints will produce severe pain, which will affect the patient's daily activities. Therefore, once gouty arthritis occurs, it must be treated in time. The best way to relieve pain is oral analgesics, such as celecoxib, meloxicam, colchicine and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which can relieve joint swelling, fever, pain, etc. Below, Dr. Chen will take you to learn about ways to relieve pain.

1, Colchicine

The best way to relieve pain in the early stages of acute gouty arthritis is to gout take colchicine to achieve the therapeutic effect. However, colchicine is also the most toxic, so patients can take it in small doses and must take it under the correct guidance of a doctor.

It should be noted that colchicine cannot reduce uric acid, nor can it prevent uric acid nephropathy and urinary system stones . Moreover, colchicine has serious side effects and cannot be used for a long time. But in acute gout attacks, it will have a good relieving effect.

2, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Such drugs mainly include celecoxib, ibuprofen, loxoprofen, etc., which are widely used in acute attacks of gout.

It should be noted that such drugs should not be taken by patients with active ulcers, peptic bleeding, impaired liver function , renal insufficiency .

3. Glucocorticoid drugs

Acute attacks of gout can be treated with glucocorticoid drugs such as anti-inflammatory , analgesia, and swelling. However, the side effects will be relatively large. It is best to take them under the guidance of a doctor to avoid Adverse reactions occur.

The above are the common methods for treating gout. The medications listed above can be used to relieve pain caused by acute attacks. However, in order to achieve the best therapeutic effect, it needs to be used according to the patient's specific situation and under the guidance of a doctor. Only in this way can better therapeutic effects be achieved.

Patients should note that they cannot take uric acid-lowering drugs during the acute attack period. However, after the acute period, they should take appropriate uric acid-lowering drugs to control uric acid, thereby reducing the incidence of gout attacks.