Yang deficiency means insufficient Yang Qi in the body. Because Yang Qi has the functions of warming, promoting, transpiration, and gasification, insufficient Yang Qi will lead to the decline of these functions and a series of manifestations.

Yang deficiency means that Yang Qi in the body is insufficient . Because Yang Qi has the functions of warming, promoting, transpiration, and gasification, insufficient Yang Qi will lead to the decline of these functions and a series of manifestations.

First of all, because Yang Qi has a warming effect, if Yang Qi is insufficient, the limbs will feel cold or cold. I usually don’t dare to drink cold water and prefer to drink hot water. In terms of urination, drink some water and pee directly from the urine. The urine is long and clear, the amount is particularly large, and the stool is relatively thin. The complexion looks like water, relatively pale, and the tongue is light and fat.

In addition, yang deficiency has a driving effect. If the driving force is insufficient, people will easily become tired, weak, and have shortness of breath. According to tongue coating and pulse condition, the tongue is light and fat, and the coating appears to be thin and white, with a layer of water on it that is as slippery as water. In terms of pulse performance, it is very heavy and weak. Let me tell you about several tongue signs of Yang deficiency

1. Pale tongue, pale and fat tongue body, with tooth marks on the edges

Accompanying symptoms: mental fatigue, fear of cold, cold limbs, light mouth and no thirst, loose stools, sometimes Vomiting

2, Pale tongue , white and greasy coating

Accompanied symptoms: waist pain, especially after catching a cold, soreness and weakness in the waist

3, pale tongue coating

Accompanied symptoms: Frequent urination , frequent urination, fatigue, backache , difficulty in walking

4, pale and tender tongue, or tooth marks

Accompanying symptoms: unformed stool, abdominal distension, cold limbs, backache, diarrhea at midnight, fatigue and fatigue, stomach bloating, easy diarrhea, memory loss , Premature ejaculation