What are the benefits and significance of reciting traditional Chinese medicine classics? (Original work, no reproduction allowed) China’s little Bianque, a little ambassador of traditional Chinese medicine. Join hands with Guo Xueer to stay healthy and happy. What content does w

What are the benefits and significance of reciting traditional Chinese medicine classics?

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Shenzhou Xiao Bian Que, the little messenger of traditional Chinese medicine.

joins hands with Guo Xueer to be healthy and happy.

What does the recitation of traditional Chinese medicine classics include? "In the original article, we answered the three-part content of reciting traditional Chinese medicine classics. Next, we will report to parents, friends and children, what are the benefits and significance of reciting traditional Chinese medicine classics?

Read Chinese medicine with your mouth and listen to classics with your ears.

Reciting Chinese medicine classics is an inevitable step to get close to and learn about Chinese medicine. It is also a very important learning content in the process of raising children with Chinese medicine.

The sincerity of great doctors is not only reflected in their benevolence and benevolence, but also in the Chinese medicine classics, every word and every word.

Regulate the breath and calm the breath, collect the mind and calm down, let the qi and blood contain the spirit and feel the beauty in the sonorous music, so that the yin and yang self can become more natural and neutral during the reading experience.

Generally speaking, the benefits and significance of reciting TCM classics include but are not limited to the following points:

First, recite TCM classics, feel the sincerity of great doctors, and strengthen confidence in TCM.

In the process of parent-child TCM parenting, through the recitation of TCM classics, children can feel the time-honored TCM culture, feel the medical ethics and benevolence, cultivate the noble sentiments of doctors who love others, be honest and kind, and cultivate people who are humble, hard-working, and good at doing good deeds. Good moral character and firm confidence in Chinese medicine culture.

Second, recite traditional Chinese medicine classics to enhance life wisdom and enjoy a healthy life.

The classics of traditional Chinese medicine contain the unique thinking methods and models of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, as well as the unique health-preserving wisdom of the Chinese people. Through the recitation of TCM classics, one can gradually understand the TCM thinking of the unity of nature and man, drawing images and analogies, and dialectical treatment, enhance life wisdom, grasp dynamic life, and walk a healthy life.

Third, recite traditional Chinese medicine classics, concentrate on calming down, and improve overall quality.

Traditional Chinese medicine classics are concise and full of energy. Through recitation, children's minds can be developed and their moral culture, wisdom and intelligence can be comprehensively improved.

For example, if you insist on reciting, you will definitely be able to improve your Mandarin level;

through certain guidance, you can effectively train your memory and become a master of memory;

literacy, reading, comprehension, and even language expression skills, and subsequent Writing ability will be improved to varying degrees;

is full of poetry and calligraphy, and reciting traditional Chinese medicine classics can also mobilize the emotions of children and make them positive, optimistic, confident and sunny;

Parenting with Chinese medicine is a long-term process , reciting traditional Chinese medicine classics can accompany people throughout their lives. In the process, they will naturally develop good living habits and study habits that cherish time, persevere, and benefit for life.

Reciting traditional Chinese medicine classics is a priceless blessing and breast milk that nourishes the body and mind.

Continuous parent-child TCM parenting, reciting TCM classics during childhood, is like sowing seeds in children's hearts, sowing seeds in children's lives, and sowing seeds in children's growing years.

Spring and Autumn are fruitful, roots are deep and leaves are luxuriant. In a family where parents and children are raised by traditional Chinese medicine, these children grow up day by day, from traditional Chinese medicine dolls to pillars of the country. This is a natural process, and it is also the Chinese people's endless reproduction and prosperity. of hope.

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Original author : Teacher Dun Min, a member of the Guo Xueer parent-child TCM parenting 365 healthy family health course team.