The cause of the disease is not only related to the local anatomy of the prostate, but also related to living habits. For example, frequent drinking, eating spicy food, sitting for long periods of time, and high work pressure can all cause chronic prostatitis.

Chronic prostatitis is the most common disease of the male reproductive system, with a high incidence rate and is more common in young, middle-aged and elderly men.

The cause of the disease is not only related to the local anatomy of the prostate, but also related to living habits, such as frequent drinking, eating spicy food, sitting for long periods of time, and high work pressure, which can cause chronic prostatitis.

In addition, personal physical factors are also one of the causes of chronic prostatitis, such as obesity, phlegm-dampness constitution, blood stasis constitution, etc. are also prone to prostatitis.

What are the symptoms of chronic prostatitis?

1, frequent urination , urgency, painful urination, incomplete urination and other urinary discomfort symptoms.

2. Discomfort or swelling and pain in the scrotum, lower abdomen or perineum.

3. White dripping at the end of urination or during defecation (that is, white prostatic fluid overflows from the urethra orifice).

4, accompanied by sexual dysfunction, such as premature ejaculation (ejaculation too fast), impotence (difficulty in erecting the penis, not hard or the erection duration is too short) and decreased sexual desire.

5. Male infertility, such as poor semen liquefaction, poor sperm motility, and high sperm deformity rate.

6, insomnia, poor mental health, anxiety, depression or obsessive-compulsive and other mental symptoms.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the pathogenesis of the disease lies in:

deficiency in origin and excess in excess. The root deficiency is kidney deficiency , spleen deficiency , etc. The actual symptoms are damp-heat , qi stagnation , blood stasis, etc.

Generally speaking, dampness and heat are the main symptoms in the early stage. Most of the time, the sperm chamber is invaded by dampness and heat poisons, causing congestion and abnormal drainage; or due to unfavorable gasification of the triple burner, dampness blocks the transformation of heat, and dampness and heat combine with each other, resulting in essence and qi. Occasionally there is overflow and symptoms of white turbid urine.

Long-term illness can lead to spleen deficiency, kidney deficiency, liver depression, etc., often with a mixture of deficiency and excess.

The occurrence, evolution, and outcome of this disease are closely related to blood stasis. Blood stasis is both a pathological product of chronic prostatitis and a causative factor that causes chronic prostatitis. At the same time, blood stasis is also a factor in the recurring and lingering effects of chronic prostatitis. The main reason for difficulty in recovery.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment:

The treatment of prostatitis is mainly based on the treatment of symptoms.

Treatment is usually based on promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis and dredging collaterals, and is combined with treatments such as clearing away dampness and heat, soothing the liver and relieving stagnation, warming and tonifying the spleen and kidneys.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this disease is caused by imbalance of the soul.

The disease starts slowly, and the clinical symptoms are complex and non-specific. They are divided into two categories: systemic and local symptoms, which are mainly manifested in pain, urinary tract symptoms, reproductive system symptoms, mental depression and other aspects.

Based on its clinical manifestations, traditional Chinese medicine classifies the disease into three categories: stranguria, turbidity, and spermatorrhea. It is also classified into the categories of kidney deficiency, low back pain, yang WEI, early crabs, stagnation, and .

In terms of treatment, traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, through "looking, smelling, asking, and palpating", combined with appropriate traditional Chinese medicine, which can be added or subtracted according to the disease, and the curative effect is remarkable.

conditioning plan:

1, anti-inflammatory. The key to reducing inflammation is to improve the body's immunity.

2, nourish the heart. I feel relaxed and feel better.

3. Recuperate the soul. Subconsciously, I stopped thinking about it and became less nervous, and my condition gradually improved.

How to reduce inflammation, nourish the heart, and adjust the spirit, please follow the doctor's advice for details.

What are the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in treating chronic prostatitis?

Compared with Western medicine, Chinese medicine has the following advantages in treating chronic prostatitis:

1. Treatment based on syndrome differentiation and emphasis on a holistic view.

Traditional Chinese medicine treatment of this disease not only focuses on pathogenic microorganisms , but also takes a holistic view and adopts different methods according to different situations of patients to achieve the purpose of curing the disease.

Traditional Chinese medicine has the outstanding characteristics of holistic view, syndrome differentiation and treatment. It is good at starting from the patient's constitution, combining the patient's emotions, external environment and other factors, judging the symptom characteristics according to the changes in the condition, and prescribing individualized prescriptions and medication.

not only treats the primary disease, but also improves the patient's immunity and corrects the patient's susceptibility to disease.

2, good curative effect, no toxic side effects.

Traditional Chinese medicine has definite efficacy in treating chronic prostatitis. Compared with western medicine, it has the advantages of comprehensive, stable efficacy, less side effects and fewer contraindications.

Traditional Chinese medicine has the characteristics of multi-target, multi-level, and three-dimensional intervention, which can effectively relieve patients' pain and discomfort, abnormal urination, and anxiety and stress, which is not easy to achieve with simple western medicine.

Preliminary clinical studies have shown that, in addition to directly inhibiting or killing pathogenic microorganisms, traditional Chinese medicine can also improve systemic and local immune function, adjust the pH of prostatic fluid, relieve obstruction in the prostate gland, and improve drainage. Unobstructed, promote local blood circulation and restore local functions.

has good overall efficacy, and long-term medication has no obvious side effects.

3. There are many ways to avoid the complications of the disease .

The treatment method of traditional Chinese medicine is mainly based on oral administration of traditional Chinese medicine, which emphasizes syndrome differentiation and treatment.

In terms of local treatment, Chinese medicine has also explored some effective methods, such as perineal sitz baths, traditional Chinese medicine suppositories in the anus, etc., which can play a good role in eliminating harmful factors, smoothing local drainage, and improving clinical symptoms. And there is no obvious pain and complications.