Men are not afraid of being called poor, but what they fear most is being called weak, and what they fear most is kidney failure, because as a man, if kidney failure means that he is not good enough, it will cause certain damage to a man's dignity.

Men are not afraid of being called poor, but what they fear most is being called weak, and what they fear most is kidney failure, because as a man, if kidney failure means that the person is not good enough, it will cause certain damage to the man's dignity. .

24-year-old Xiao Li has been very troubled recently. His wife dislikes him and he is under great pressure. It is because of his casual words in bed. Are you suffering from kidney failure? Go see a doctor when you have time. Looking at his beautiful wife with a bit of resentment in her eyes, Xiao Li feels pressure that he has never felt before.

From then on, Xiao Li soon became listless, his performance became worse and worse, and the problems became more and more serious. Moreover, the bad things were far from over. As some things became worse and worse, the relationship between the couple became more and more serious. There are more and more quarrels between them, and they almost get out of control. It can be seen that sometimes a casual word from his wife can make a man lose his confidence and become decadent.

Many of us seem to know a very common common sense, that is, excessive sex life of couples can cause kidney failure, kidney deficiency . Therefore, we often hear a saying in advertisements: The body is hollowed out, so eat something quickly. This seems to be a universal formula to solve the problem, but we need to know that kidney failure is not only caused by excessive sexual life.

Kidney failure caused by congenital deficiency

Parents are in poor health and have insufficient kidney essence, which can lead to prosperity and decline in their children. Clinically, symptoms such as enuresis and chest turtleback in children can be treated with kidney-tonifying methods. The effect is also good. For adult kidney failure, we must not only consider the consumption of the day after tomorrow, but also consider whether the innate endowment is insufficient. Poor congenital foundation can affect the limited development of the day after tomorrow. This is an objective reality. We cannot ignore it.

The influence of mental factors

Situations like Xiao Li's are often caused by mental factors. The pressure of thoughts and self-suggestion and other behaviors have caused serious consequences, which is often ignored by many people. In fact, people's lust is too much, causing evil fire to act rashly. The cause of depletion, although no actual behavior is implemented, can also lead to kidney deficiency. In addition, people are often affected by emotions such as joy, anger, sadness, joy, fear, fear, and panic. Ups and downs of emotions, and extreme stimulation can lead to kidney deficiency. Loss causes kidney deficiency.

Physical aging

The kidney is an important organ of our human body. Like any organ, as the human body ages, the function of the kidney will become increasingly low. The role of age in promoting renal failure is self-evident. Japanese studies have found that the appearance of brown pigment granules in testicles is related to age. This type of brown pigment granules, which indicates testicular function, tends to increase in elderly people after the age of 60.

Certain unhealthy behaviors can cause fatigue

a lot of sweating, drinking less water, severe diarrhea, vomiting, low blood pressure , massive bleeding or shock etc. In these worse cases, the kidneys do not receive sufficient blood supply, which can lead to acute necrosis of kidney cells and a rapid decline in kidney function. Sweating or soaking in hot springs is a leisure and entertainment place and method chosen by many people, but these behaviors will cause a lot of sweating. If water cannot be replenished in time, it is very likely that the body's blood volume will be insufficient, and the local blood supply to the kidneys will be reduced. Causes kidney failure.

Pneumonia, Urinary tract infection and other various infections can lead to kidney failure

Infection is the most common cause of acute exacerbation of chronic kidney disease, such as pneumonia, urinary tract infection, Gastroenteritis , colds, etc. Infection will stimulate the body's immune response , inducing and aggravating kidney damage. Especially in autumn and winter, when influenza pneumonia is most common, friends whose kidneys are usually not very good must pay special attention. Especially friends with chronic kidney disease should go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible after catching a cold or some infection, so as to prevent further deterioration of the condition.

mistakenly quoted some drugs that have toxic side effects on the kidneys, which can cause kidney failure.

The liver and kidneys are the main organs for drug metabolism and excretion, so taking some drugs will cause particularly great damage to the liver and kidneys.Among the commonly used drugs we use, such as aminoglycosides, antibiotics, antipyretics and analgesics, contrast agents, common Chinese herbal medicines such as Guan Mitong, Qingxiang, etc., all have some toxicity to the kidneys. When taking these drugs, You should pay attention to the dosage, follow the doctor's instructions, and strictly do not take excessive doses of these drugs, otherwise it will cause serious damage to the kidneys.

How to prevent kidney deficiency

1. Maintain healthy living habits, enhance your resistance and immunity in a timely manner, try to have a regular schedule in life, quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption. Staying up late is not too tiring, combine work and rest, and eat healthily, not just one thing.

2. Avoid excessive sweating. If you sweat a lot, you should replenish sugar and salt water in time. When doing sweat steaming hot springs, you must control the time and replenish water at any time.

3. When taking some drugs that are toxic to the kidneys, you should consult a doctor or strictly follow the doctor's advice. Any adjustments to the dosage and dosage of drugs that are toxic to the kidneys should be made under the guidance of a professional physician.

4. Control blood pressure. While taking antihypertensive drugs, you must avoid emotional agitation, strictly control the dosage and frequency of blood pressure medication, and do not adjust the dosage and taking time without permission.