Is eating onions good for the thyroid? Onions are a relatively common vegetable that exudes a special flavor. Although some people cannot tolerate the smell of onions, its nutritional value is relatively high. If you eat some onions every day, you can effectively relieve stress,

Is eating onions good for thyroid ?

Onions are a relatively common vegetable that exudes a special flavor. Although some people cannot accept the smell of onions, their nutritional value is relatively high.

If you eat some onions every day, you can effectively relieve stress and have an antioxidant effect. It can also effectively prevent the occurrence of cancer .

Although some people think that patients with thyroid nodules should not eat onions, this statement is actually wrong. The doctor said: You can eat onions regularly, which is very good for the body, but you must control the amount and do not eat too much at one time. , otherwise there will be nausea.

Reminder: Eating more 3 things at ordinary times may be able to protect the thyroid

1. Peas

Peas contain a lot of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc. If people eat peas regularly, they will be able to It increases the body's metabolic rate and can also reduce swelling, which is very beneficial to the body.

However, patients with thyroid nodules should not eat a lot, otherwise they will experience bloating and indigestion, so they must control their intake.

2. Eggs

Eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs , etc. are all relatively common egg foods. Eating eggs regularly can prevent malnutrition, and is also good for the thyroid and contributes to thyroid health.

Some people have poor physical health. They may get sick frequently, which is mainly related to low immunity. Therefore, they should eat eggs regularly, which can enhance their physical fitness and reduce the chance of illness.

  3. Salmon

Although salmon is also a seafood, it contains relatively low iodine. Patients with thyroid nodules can eat it regularly. This can promote the dissipation of nodules and help protect their health.

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