No matter men, women or children, they may encounter this embarrassing situation, which is "anal itching". It's okay if no one is around and you can scratch it, but if it suddenly strikes you while you're walking on the street and you're embarrassed to scratch it, it'll be really

Everyone, regardless of age or gender, may encounter this embarrassing situation, which is "anal itching".

If it’s no one around, it’s okay, you can scratch it, but if it suddenly strikes you while you’re walking on the street and you’re too embarrassed to scratch it, it’ll be really uncomfortable.

But even if this happens, many people will not pay attention to it, and may think that it is not cleaned properly.

Below are the possible causes of "anal itching".

1. Frequently wearing tight pants or rough-textured underwear causes frequent friction in the anus.

2. Usually use some rough toilet paper to wipe the anus, or fail to wipe it clean, or frequently use lotion to clean the anus excessively, which will cause the anal flora to become imbalanced.

3. Suffering from contact dermatitis , anal eczema, folliculitis , parasites (pubic lice, Ascaris , Trichomonas ) and so on.

4. Suffering from hemorrhoids , anal fissure, anal fistula , perianal abscess, etc., and itching stimulated by secretions.

5. Women may have vaginitis , and irritation from vaginal secretions may also cause anal itching.

6. diabetes , hyperthyroidism, some cancers and so on.

7. Allergies, mental factors (long-term stress, depression), and taking certain drugs can also cause anal itching.

How to solve anal itching?

First of all, if the triggering factors can be determined, it is enough to improve the triggering factors.

For example, wear well-fitting pants, do not wipe with rough paper towels, change underwear frequently, keep the anus fresh, wash with warm water instead of hot water, etc.

If it is due to certain diseases, you must go to a regular hospital to treat the related diseases, and it may be improved.

But if the symptoms do not improve, you can use medicine to relieve the itching. Depending on the degree of itching, if the symptoms are mild, you can use zinc oxide cream . However, if the itching is severe and unbearable, you can use hormonal drugs for a short period of time, such as desonide or butyric acid hydrogenated cream ( note, do not use it for more than two weeks )

If symptoms recur frequently, you need to consult a doctor Is it possible to use pimecrolimus . Some people are prone to itching at night and may need to take oral antihistamines, but they must go to the hospital for treatment before use.