According to Taiwan's China News Network, the Democratic Progressive Party group of the Taichung City Council criticized Mayor Lu Xiuyan on the 18th for being anti-American, saying that she also voted against the import of American cattle. Members produced the legislative communi

2024/06/1615:29:32 hotcomm 1168

According to Taiwan's China News Network, the Democratic Progressive Party group of the Taichung City Council criticized Mayor Lu Xiuyan on the 18th for being anti-American, saying that she also voted against the import of American cattle. Members produced the legislative communi - DayDayNews

According to reports from Taiwan's Zhongshi News Network, Taichung The Democratic Progressive Party group of the Taichung City Council criticized Mayor Lu Xiuyan as an anti-American pig on the 18th, saying that he himself voted against the import of American cattle. The members produced the legislative communiqué. In 2012, in the U.S. cattle import Lu voted in favor of importing and not labeling the place of origin of antibiotics. If the DPP makes a mistake, Lu is asked to file a complaint within three days, otherwise he will step down and bear political responsibility. In this regard, Lu Xiuyan said that at that time, she refused to attend and vote on the import of American cattle, and signed in support of the "anti-American cattle referendum". She opposed meat in 2012, and still opposes pigs today. Her attitude has always been the same.

Faced with criticism from the Democratic Progressive Party, Lu Xiuyan emphasized that she would "always stand on the side of the people." When she was a "legislator" in 2012, even as the "ruling party", she refused to attend or vote on the import of American cattle and signed Supporting the “anti-American cattle referendum”, even after the “Legislative Yuan” approved the import of American cattle, it required that imported meat must not be tested for clenbuterol, and the origin of the meat must be indicated to protect people’s health.

According to the city government's handling of the U.S. cattle import issue in May 2012, 14 "legislators" of the Kuomintang were absent, including then "legislators" Lu Xiuyan, Zhang Jiajun and others, who did not participate in the vote for two consecutive weeks. . The "Legislative Yuan Member" news also mentioned that the then "legislator" Lu Xiuyan supported the "anti-American referendum" and was the first "legislator" to sign.

With the countdown to the Tsai administration opening up the import of pork containing ractopamine next year, Lu Xiuyan expresses a tough stance. The city government announced that nutritious lunches and group meals for schools at all levels in Taichung City will all use Taiwanese pigs and Taiwanese pigs and cannot be used. Import pork to protect the health of school children. Taichung City has enacted the "Food Safety and Hygiene Management Autonomy Ordinance" to increase whistleblower bonuses to protect public health and Taiwan's pig industry.

In addition, in response to the huge inspection capacity after the opening of pigs next year, the city government mobilized 29 bureaus to carry out inspections. Through cross-bureau cooperation, it targeted meat importers, production operators, catering and sales operators, respectively from the market. Strengthen inspections in various places such as supermarkets, hypermarkets, and night markets in business districts, and advocate labeling standards, so that relevant businesses can clearly indicate the source of meat and save source certificates for inspection, so that the public can purchase with peace of mind.

The city government stated that it will complete the establishment and opening of the beautiful pigs and beautiful cattle advocacy area on the official website of the Taichung City Government by the end of the year, and in accordance with Article 8 of the "Taichung City Food Safety and Hygiene Management Autonomy Regulations", it will be the first to announce that it will be effective from January 1 next year. The sampling and inspection results of beef and pork products, country of origin, inspection values ​​and other information are available for public inquiry.

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