Pancreatic cancer has always been called the "king of cancers". The reason why it is called this is because it is the most difficult to treat among all cancers. According to clinical data, the average survival time of pancreatic cancer patients is only about half a year, and the

Pancreatic cancer has always been called the "king of cancers." The reason why it is called this is because pancreatic cancer is the most difficult to treat among all cancers.

According to clinical data, the average survival time of pancreatic cancer patients is only about half a year on average, and the five-year survival rate is even only about 5% to 10%. In addition, pancreatic cancer spreads rapidly, making it even more difficult for patients with pancreatic cancer to survive. When it comes to preventing and treating pancreatic cancer, we still have to focus on prevention.

So, how to prevent pancreatic cancer? Eliminating the causes of pancreatic cancer from life is naturally the most direct and effective way. Studies have shown that a lack of magnesium supplementation in daily life may significantly increase the risk of pancreatic cancer. Is this true?

60,000 people participated in the study: the body lacks "magnesium" and the risk of pancreatic cancer increases by at least 20%

The study was initiated by Indian University School of Public Health and used to conduct health data search and analysis on 66,000 subjects between the ages of 50 and 76.. Through a 10-year survey, it was found that

among people with low magnesium intake, 151 people suffered from pancreatic cancer. And based on the comparison of magnesium intake and cancer data models, it can be concluded that below the standard range, every 100mg reduction in magnesium intake may increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 20%.

It can be seen that if the body lacks magnesium, there may be a higher risk of pancreatic cancer. But at the same time, Professor Diba, the initiator of the study, said that the experiment is still in the investigation stage. There are no restrictions on the subjects' diet, gender, physical constitution, and use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The relationship between magnesium and cancer There is still a lot of room for research on relationships.

Coincidentally, the top academic journal "Cell" also published a University of Basel research paper on January 20, 2022. The content shows that: T cells associated with the immune system will regulate magnesium levels. In an environment with abundant elements, it has stronger active , which has a better preventive effect on cancer.

In summary, although magnesium does not have sufficient theoretical support for specific risk data on pancreatic cancer, multiple studies have shown that magnesium may be closely linked to cancer. Ensuring adequate magnesium supplementation is beneficial for preventing and treating pancreatic cancer and even helping the immune system fight against most cancers.

Therefore, in daily life, in order to reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer and other cancers , it is necessary to supplement enough magnesium.

In daily life, you may wish to try two methods of magnesium supplementation

Give priority to dietary supplements

Because magnesium is a type of trace element, although it is very important, the human body's demand is not high compared to other nutrients. Taking dietary supplements is the simplest and most direct option.

For example, various nuts: almonds, cashews , walnuts , etc.; deep-sea fish: sardines, pangasius, salmon; and various whole grains, are all good choices for supplementing magnesium. Appropriately increasing the intake of these items in your daily diet can effectively increase the success rate of cancer prevention and anti-cancer.

② Supplements

If some foods cannot be consumed due to personal physical reasons, you can also try to use supplements.

The advantages of magnesium supplementation are high efficiency and good absorption. But there is also a disadvantage, that is, it is easy to overdose. According to research, when magnesium intake exceeds 6000mg symptoms such as dizziness, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other discomforts are likely to occur, which affects health. When using magnesium supplements, you can also supplement it with vitamin D and vitamin K intake to further supplement the efficiency.

However, as mentioned above, although magnesium supplementation is very important and can have a good preventive effect against pancreatic cancer and other cancers, you should not consume too much. According to the reference opinions of "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents", the daily magnesium intake for adults is 330 mg, and pregnant women can increase it to about 370 mg.

Under normal circumstances, as long as there are no picky eaters, partial eclipses and other bad habits, the intake of magnesium is relatively satisfactory. In addition to magnesium, if you want to prevent pancreatic cancer more comprehensively, you also need to understand the early symptoms of pancreatic cancer.

Prevent pancreatic cancer more comprehensively, and be alert to the 2 symptoms of early pancreatic cancer

Symptom 1 : Abdominal pain

According to clinical data, 60% of pancreatic cancer patients will have abdominal discomfort in the early stage, of which 70% present long-term symptoms. And abdominal pain of interval nature.

Therefore, if you experience abdominal pain for a long time, be alert to possible early symptoms of pancreatic cancer. pancreas is located in the upper left abdomen of the human body. If there is pain in this location, more attention needs to be paid.

Symptom 2: Painless skin jaundice

In most people’s minds, jaundice is the main symptom of liver cancer . But in fact, about 30% of pancreatic cancer patients will also suffer from skin jaundice.

The difference between liver cancer jaundice is that skin jaundice caused by pancreatic cancer often does not cause obvious pain , and the area is not as large as that of liver cancer. Once discovered, go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time.

I believe everyone is aware of the dangers of pancreatic cancer. The treatment effect is not ideal, so we must do our best to prevent it. Magnesium intake is one of the details in preventing and treating pancreatic cancer. Make reasonable supplements in daily life, be alert to early symptoms, and prevent cancer, so as to protect your health more effectively.


[1]: "Cell: Magnesium is essential and crucial for the immune system to fight cancer and infection" Health World, 2022-1-23

[2] King D E, Mainous III A G, Geesey M E, et al. Magnesium supplement intake and C-reactive protein levels in adults[J]. Nutrition Research, 2006, 26(5): 193-196.,

[3]Rodríguez-Moran M, Guerrero-Romero F. Oral Magnesium Supplementation Improves the Metabolic Profile of Metabolically Obese, Normal-weight Individuals: A Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial[J]. Archives of medical research, 2014.