During a recent check-up, my friend was found to have diabetes. Suddenly, both his life and mental state were very poor, and his body also lost weight rapidly.

My friend was found to have diabetes during a recent check-up. All of a sudden, his life and mental state were very poor, and his body also lost weight rapidly.

consulted a lot of information and consulted many experts, and collected a lot of relevant information. Prepared some ratios regarding meal structure.

Recently, whether it is for charity or for friends, an organization on "Diabetes Nutritious Diet" is being established. I hope it can help more people. I hope friends with similar ideas can join in and do their best for this society. ,Thanks!

Many friends sent private messages: What fruits can people with diabetes eat and what fruits can they not eat? In fact, there is really no strict definition of what can and cannot be eaten. If your blood sugar is well controlled, you can eat some of everything!

Here are some recommended fruits that can lower blood sugar:


1 Figs:

Key points for lowering blood sugar: acids and enzymes. Although figs are very sweet, they are high-fiber fruits and are rich in acids and enzymes. They are very beneficial to diabetic patients and have significant effects on eliminating fatigue, improving human immunity, and restoring physical fitness.

How to eat for reducing blood sugar; figs can be made into soup with winter melon and kelp. This soup has the effects of reducing dampness, reducing swelling, lowering blood sugar and benefiting the kidneys. It is suitable for auxiliary dietary therapy for patients with early-stage diabetic nephropathy.

Benefits of complications ; Figs can help digestion and promote appetite. It contains a variety of lipids that help relieve constipation in diabetic patients. Figs contain lipase , hydrolase and other ingredients that can decompose fat, thereby reducing fat deposition in blood vessels, stabilizing blood pressure, and preventing coronary heart disease .


Key points for reducing blood sugar: Chromium. Pomegranate contains chromium, which plays an important role in the metabolism of sugar and fat. It is a component of glucose tolerance factor and is beneficial to patients with diabetes.

How to eat for reducing blood sugar; after eating pomegranate, wash pomegranate peel and dry it in the sun to make homemade pomegranate tea. Pomegranate tea is an ideal drink for diabetics.

Benefits on complications; diabetic patients are at higher risk of arteriosclerosis, which can cause coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke and other circulatory diseases.

The antioxidants in pomegranate juice are beneficial in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease caused by diabetes.

These two fruits have a very good effect on controlling blood sugar and lowering blood sugar-you might as well give it a try!

In fact, there are many fruits to eat:

Generally, diabetic patients can eat watermelon, muskmelon, green plum, coconut milk , the sugar content is less than 5%, for example, the sugar content of watermelon is only 4%, only It is 1/19 of rice and similar to tofu. Fruits with a sugar content of 6-15% include oranges, lemons, grapes, peaches, pears, apricots, loquat, pineapples, apples, sugar cane, tangerines, grapefruits, and pears. Lychee etc.

As for fruits with a content of more than 16%, bananas, dates, red fruits , especially processed candied dates, persimmons, raisins, dried apricots, dried peaches or preserved fruits, must be taboo, and fruits should not be eaten after meals. Eat immediately to avoid further increases in blood sugar after meals. It is better to eat between meals or before going to bed.

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