How difficult is summer? Taking an extra step outside is like being punished. The sunscreen you apply will be quickly washed away by sweat, and you will continue to sweat even if others don't heat you... Endocrinologists remind: If you are more afraid of heat than those around yo

How difficult is summer? Taking an extra step outside is like being punished. The sunscreen you apply will be quickly washed away by sweat. Others are not hot but you are sweating...

Endocrinologist reminds: If you are more afraid of heat than those around you, it is best to check Check thyroid .

The thyroid gland is a "thermostat" that regulates body temperature by secreting hormones. Once its function is abnormal, there will be an intolerance to heat or cold.

Hyperthyroidism makes you more afraid of heat than others

The full name of hyperthyroidism is hyperthyroidism, which is caused by the body secreting too much thyroid hormone. Hyperthyroidism will increase the excitability and metabolism of the body's nervous, circulatory, digestive and other systems.

Hyperthyroidism patients with strong energy metabolism have a higher basal body temperature than the average person. Coupled with the hot summer temperatures, they will become overheated.

It should be reminded that if the thyroid hormone in the body is not enough, it will cause hypothyroidism, which is hypothyroidism.

Due to poor blood circulation and insufficient energy production, patients with hypothyroidism may experience symptoms such as abnormal sensitivity to cold, no sweating, and low body temperature. However, due to the insidious onset and atypical symptoms of hypothyroidism, almost 98% of patients do not know they have the disease.

How do people who are afraid of heat spend the summer?

Adjust your mentality

People who are afraid of heat in summer should pay attention to adjusting their spirits and try not to get angry. Stay calm and calm when things happen, don't be anxious or bored. You can "cool off" your emotions through self-adjustment and keep yourself in a comfortable mood.

Appropriate exercise

Do moderate exercise to make the body sweat, which is beneficial to the body's heat dissipation, but exercise should be moderate to avoid excessive heat and sweating.

For ordinary people, when the temperature and humidity are high in summer, it is recommended to choose swimming or relatively low-intensity and slow-paced sports, such as yoga, Tai Chi, walking, etc. People with underlying diseases need to follow the doctor’s advice and act according to their ability.

Take a nap

In summer, the days are long and the nights are short. Many people get up early in the morning and go to bed late at night. You can take a " nap " at noon to relieve the fatigue caused by less sleep.

Replenish water in small amounts and multiple times

Do not replenish a large amount of water (more than 500 ml of water) at one time. It is recommended to drink one or two glasses of water first and then continue to replenish it every half an hour.

Stand-by heat stroke medicine

At home, you can prepare Ten Drops of Water , Huoxiang Zhengqi Water (tablets), etc. Both of them contain alcohol. It is not recommended to take the two medicines at the same time.

Editor: Ye Fangfang