As the saying goes, one cannot live without energy for a day. The main point is that it seems that the blood is relatively weak and the spirit is weak. In fact, this situation is also a normal phenomenon. Nowadays, people are under a lot of work pressure. Being under high pressur

As the saying goes, one cannot live without energy for a day. The main point is that it seems that the blood is relatively weak and the spirit is weak. In fact, this situation is also a normal phenomenon. Nowadays, people are under a lot of work pressure. Being under high pressure for a long time will cause people to look weak.

In this regard, it is necessary to replenish energy in time to maintain a good physique. In the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine, there are many medicines that nourish blood and qi. The most popular one is astragalus, which is called "the best qi supplement".

Everyone should be familiar with the mention of astragalus. Astragalus is also called " little ginseng". Its functions are similar to ginseng. They are both good medicines for invigorating qi. They also have extremely high medicinal value and are typical representatives of the same source of medicine and food. , As the saying goes "If you drink astragalus soup often, you will be healthy without getting sick." It can be seen how high the value of astragalus is.

"Men replenish qi and women replenish blood." What benefits can your body reap if you insist on drinking astragalus soaked in water?

Astragalus has a warm and sweet taste, and enters the spleen and lungs. Ancient medical scientist Li Shizhen called Astragalus "the first important medicine for replenishing qi".

Astragalus, also known as Astragalus, is a collective name for plants and Chinese medicinal materials. The plant Astragalus is produced in Gansu, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and other places, and is a national third-level protected plant.

Astragalus can replenish the qi of the lungs and spleen. It is a traditional Chinese medicine that can replenish qi and improve the body's yang qi. It is often used together with ginseng to treat physical weakness after illness..

Improve resistance

You can use astragalus soaked in water at ordinary times, which has a certain enhancement effect on the body's immune function. It will also improve the body's anti-viral ability and reduce the probability of catching a cold when the seasons change.

Some people often catch colds, which is related to the body's resistance. When the body's resistance decreases, it is susceptible to invasion by bacteria and viruses, increasing the probability of illness. Drinking astragalus soaked in water can strengthen the body's resistance. Improve the body's immunity and anti-viral capabilities, making it less likely to get sick.

Treats spleen and stomach qi deficiency

Astragalus itself is a traditional Chinese medicine with high medicinal value. It has the functions of tonifying the spleen and kidneys, tonifying the middle and replenishing qi .

Some patients often experience weakness in their limbs, , extreme fatigue, excessive phlegm, . This may be caused by spleen deficiency, and astragalus water can effectively treat the symptoms of spleen deficiency. You can drink astragalus water appropriately at ordinary times. .

Astragalus is a diuretic and reduces swelling

Astragalus is warm in nature and can enter the spleen and lungs. The lungs are the source of water. The spleen is responsible for transforming water and dampness. When the spleen and stomach are deficient and cold, it will lead to unfavorable water transportation and edema.

Drinking astragalus water can effectively improve the qi of the spleen and lungs, allow the body to fully function with water, and have the effect of diuresis and reducing swelling. Therefore, some people who drink astragalus water for a long time will feel that they are getting thinner and thinner.

Replenishing qi and blood

Astragalus has the effect of replenishing qi and blood. It is important to know that the human body is prone to lack of qi and ischemia with age. At this time, you will feel tired, haggard, mentally weak, and some people may even experience hypoglycemia. .

At this time, you must pay attention to nutritional supplements. You can improve it by drinking astragalus soaked in water. It can not only relieve the lack of energy all day long, but also improve the body's immunity and resistance, and achieve the purpose of replenishing blood.

Delay aging

As age increases, the body’s organs gradually age, mainly because the accumulation of free radicals in the body gradually increases, and a harmful substance is easily produced during the metabolism process.

Astragalus contains astragalus polysaccharide , which can repair damaged cells, delay aging, improve immunity, and can effectively eliminate free radicals.

Female friends can drink more astragalus water in daily life, which can resist aging and prevent cell aging.

Doctors remind: Don’t ignore the side effects of astragalus water.

Astragalus may achieve better results in improving Qi deficiency . As long as the problem is improved, there is no need to continue drinking astragalus water. After all, it is a medicine. Poison, astragalus is a traditional Chinese medicinal material and should be used in moderation.

Please do not take astragalus as a health supplement. If you abuse astragalus, it will not only fail to achieve good results, but will increase the burden on the body and cause unnecessary harm to the body.

Astragalus is a good ingredient for replenishing qi, but the nature of astragalus is relatively warm. For people with a hot constitution, drinking astragalus water for a long time will not lay a good foundation for the body, but will increase the burden on the body, which will cause the body to The anger is getting stronger and stronger, and life situations appear.

For example, if you have symptoms such as constipation, sore throat, short red urine and very yellow urine, it is recommended to promptly investigate the cause and solve the problem as soon as possible. You cannot ignore it.

There are many benefits to using astragalus soaked in water. These three types of people should try not to drink it.

〓Menstruating women

Although astragalus has the effect of nourishing blood and replenishing qi, the body of women during menstruation is relatively fragile. This is the key to detoxification. It is not necessary during menstruation. It is suitable to drink astragalus water, which can easily lead to endocrine disorders, affect the discharge of menstrual blood, and may also cause gynecological diseases.

〓People who are weak due to colds

It is common for people to get sick after eating whole grains. It is also normal to catch a cold in life. However, during a cold, the body will become very weak and the functions of the organs throughout the body will decline to a certain extent. Therefore, in Special attention needs to be paid to diet. It is not recommended to drink astragalus water at this time, as it is not conducive to the improvement of the condition.

Tuberculosis patients

It is generally not recommended for this group of people to drink. If you must take it, you must consult a doctor and take it in an appropriate amount.

Conclusion: Although astragalus water has such a powerful effect, it is only suitable for long-term use. It must be combined with your own physical condition. Some people are not recommended to drink it, because not only does it fail to achieve the expected effect, but it may also cause further damage to the body. .

In addition, even if you can take it, you must pay attention to the amount. You cannot take too large a dose at one time. As the saying goes, the extremes of things will have the opposite effect. Taking an appropriate amount does have a stimulating effect, but exceeding the amount will cause damage, so it must be an appropriate amount.