It has been reported that Mr. Lin is 40 years old this year and works mainly in farming. In the prime of life, during the past two years, he found that his hands and feet were becoming increasingly weak and inoperable. Gradually, he could no longer lift the bowl with his hands wh

It has been reported that Mr. Lin is 40 years old this year and mainly works in farming. In the prime of life, during the past two years, he found that his hands and feet were becoming increasingly weak and inoperable. Gradually, he could no longer lift the bowl with his hands when eating, and even his sense of hot and cold became numb. A hospital examination confirmed the diagnosis of syringomyelia. Mr. Lin's symptoms such as numbness of limbs, limpness, and lack of awareness of hot or cold are all related to syringomyelia. If you seek medical treatment promptly, otherwise the condition may develop into hemiplegia and body paralysis, which may endanger your life in severe cases.

What is syringomyelia?

Syringomyelia is a chronic, progressive lesion of the spinal cord and a neurological disease . There are various causes of syringomyelia, and different causes of syringomyelia are also different. The incidence rate is about 25 to 34/100,000. Simply put, syringomyelia is a vacuole-like or empty part in the middle of the spinal cord.

Syringomyelia may lead to paralysis?

The spinal cord is the nerve pathway that passes from brain tissue to the limbs and trunk, and is covered with nerve cells and nervous tissue . If a cavity occurs, the nerve conduction pathway will be correspondingly compressed or damaged, resulting in abnormal nerve conduction. If the condition is allowed to progress, patients may develop lower limb walking impairment or even paraplegia! The symptoms of syringomyelia are diverse and are characterized by segmental dissociative sensory impairment, which manifests as decreased or disappeared pain and temperature sensation, deep sensory loss, etc. For example, 's hands are numb, 's hands are numb, and the water temperature cannot be felt. As the disease progresses, the patient may experience pain in certain parts of the trunk and limbs; the patient may also experience stiffness, inflexibility, difficulty in walking normally, and abnormal walking posture due to the cavity; if the cavity further develops, the patient may develop walking impairment in the lower limbs or even paraplegia. Wait!
