The fallopian tube is a curved lumen. Clinically, 30% of primary infertility and 80% of secondary infertility are caused by fallopian tube factors. Fallopian tube obstruction may not have any clinical symptoms, and salpingography can make a correct diagnosis of fallopian tube obs

The fallopian tube has a curved lumen. Clinically, 30% primary infertility and 80% secondary infertility are caused by fallopian tube factors. Fallopian tube obstruction may not have any clinical symptoms. Salpingography examination can make a correct diagnosis of fallopian tube obstruction, especially proximal obstruction. Fallopian tube obstruction can be divided into fallopian tube adhesion obstruction, fallopian tube inflammation obstruction, fallopian tube distortion obstruction, fallopian tube effusion obstruction, and fallopian tube air obstruction.

In addition to seeing a doctor and receiving timely treatment for fallopian tube disease, daily dietary adjustments can also help alleviate various symptoms.

1. Diversified food and reasonable dietary structure

A comprehensive and balanced diet, diverse and fresh food types, good color, delicious taste, exquisite cooking, elegant dining environment, and happy mood are the foundation of a healthy diet.

2. Eat enough vitamins and minerals every day.

You should eat 400g of vegetables and 200g of fruits every day, which can basically meet the body's needs for vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron. Patients with fallopian tube disease should pay attention to folic acid In terms of intake, folic acid is mainly found in various green leafy vegetables. When eating various fried vegetables, you should also drink vegetable soup.

3. Pay attention to supplementing high-quality protein.

Fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat, soybeans, and milk are sources of high-quality protein. Eggs and milk are rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus and various vitamins. You should eat one egg every day and 250~500ml of fresh milk every day. Meat and fish can supply the protein needed by the body, which can be supplied every day. About 100g.

4. Eat more coarse grains

The number and type of nutrients in coarse grains are higher than those of refined rice and noodles. Eat more whole grains rich in B vitamins and trace elements, and eat less refined rice and noodles. The daily staple food should be about 400g.

5. Eat more legumes

Beans contain a large amount of easily digestible protein, B vitamins, vitamin E, iron and calcium, etc. Soybean sprouts and mung bean sprouts are also rich in vitamin C, and can be taken in 80g per day. about. Vitamin E, also known as tocopherol , if lacking, can cause endocrine dysfunction in the ovary and affect reproductive function.

6. Supplement seafood

Eat more kelp, seaweed, marine fish, shrimp and other seafood to ensure adequate intake of iodine.

7. Supplement water and dietary fiber

Drinking an appropriate amount of water will help the discharge of waste in the body; eating more fresh vegetables and fruits rich in dietary fiber will also help defecation and detoxification.

Due to the complex causes of fallopian tube diseases, patients must go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment in time. On a daily basis, a variety of dietary nutrients can be used to help relieve related symptoms. For women who have difficulty in diversifying their daily diet, they can take some special dietary appropriately, such as Bei Congmei Maternity Nutrition Pack, which can not only supplement high-quality protein, multivitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, but also meet the diverse nutritional needs of women. It can relieve the symptoms related to fallopian tube diseases and make certain preparations for future pregnancy preparation and conception.

Author: Wang Fuli

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