When I went to see Professor Hao Wanshan for a consultation, I asked him in detail. He said that when I was traveling, no matter how much I walked, my heel never hurt. As soon as I got home, I felt severe pain when I was almost at the door of my house, and the pain was so painful

Professor Hao Wanshan once talked about three cases, which I remember very deeply.

A lady suffered from heel pain that had not been cured for a long time. She had been diagnosed and treated many times, and some said it was strain, some said bone hyperplasia , and some said kidney deficiency , but it would not heal after a long time of treatment. When I went to see Professor Hao Wanshan for a consultation, I asked him in detail. He said that when I was traveling, no matter how much I walked, my heel never hurt. As soon as I got home, I felt severe pain when I was almost at the door of my house, and the pain was so painful that I couldn't walk.

After further understanding, I found out that the other party lived with her mother-in-law. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was tense. At that time, she was prescribed medicine for soothing the liver and relieving depression. There was no follow-up consultation, so I don’t know how effective it was.

Many years later, we met again. The other person said that the heel pain was completely gone. When I asked how it was cured, the other person said that the medicine at that time had no obvious effect. Later, my mother-in-law passed away, and the heel didn't hurt much anymore, but whenever she saw her mother-in-law's clothes or photos, her heel would still hurt unbearably. Until her son got married, and she became a mother-in-law, one day she suddenly understood her mother-in-law, and felt sorry for her in her heart. My mother-in-law was completely tolerant and her heel never hurt again.

One is a teenage child, allergic asthma has been there for 6-7 years. During the doctor's visit, the child did not have asthma at all. After asking, I learned that the child did not have asthma at a relative's house, nor did he have asthma before he was 6 years old. , and then I gasped for some reason.

Professor Hao Wanshan asked the mother to go out and asked about the child's condition alone. He learned that before the age of 6, he lived at his grandma's house and the management was very loose. After he was 6 years old, he lived with his mother and the mother was very strict.

The child does not adapt to the mother's management style. He becomes nervous when he sees his mother. Asthma is prone to attacks.

The third one is also a child with enuresis and night surprises. The child was originally born, but because he accidentally did something wrong, the father beat the child in anger. Since then, the child has had uneasy sleep, enuresis at night, and often has night terrors.

I remember these three cases clearly because I once had similar situations.

Thinking about it now, it must be the spring and summer of 2017. I feel very uncomfortable in my chest. I always feel stuffy and breathless. Sometimes I feel like my throat is blocked. I feel like I’m being pushed when I eat. I can’t digest it. I need to seek medical advice. I tried various prescriptions on my own, but to no avail.

This situation lasted for several months until I took Agu to my uncle's house in the mountains during the summer vacation. I stayed there for 2-3 days. After I came back, I was almost home in the car. I started to feel uncomfortable in my chest. When I got home, I felt very uncomfortable afterwards. At this time, I thought about it. During the few days at my uncle's house, I didn't take any medicine or do anything, but I didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

I immediately thought of the three cases mentioned by Professor Hao Wanshan, especially the case of heel pain. I am very similar to her. I feel uncomfortable at home, but it is fine when I go out to play. She is because of the tense relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and I am because of the tension between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. what?

Calm down and think about your recent state. It is actually the pressure from the future of life. At that time, Agu’s father and I were facing major changes in our lives and work. Although we are both optimistic and positive people, we have old age. Even if it is small, it still puts a lot of pressure on me, which gradually makes me feel uncomfortable.

In fact, this is "to untie the bell, you must tie the bell, and for heart disease, you must have a heart medicine doctor." Many diseases in our body are often related to emotions.

What we see most, or what everyone has experienced, is that when you are angry or crying, especially when you are full of anger, you do not want to eat and have no appetite. This is the impact of emotions on the body’s digestive function.

Nowadays, many people know that educating children can sometimes make them sick from anger. Not to mention the various reports I have seen, I myself was once so angry that my chest twitched, and I felt that if I continued to be angry, I would breast has been proliferated.

In addition to breast diseases that are affected by emotions, insomnia, hair loss, , constipation, etc. are also affected by emotions. This is what we currently know more commonly.

In addition, there are some diseases that we often ignore that are often affected by emotions, such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes , urticaria , allergic dermatitis , neurodermatitis , alopecia areata , vitiligo , chloasma , menstrual disorders, infertility, perimenopausal syndrome, sexual dysfunction, etc.

Modern medical research shows that among common clinical diseases, more than 70% of them are psychosomatic diseases. This means that many diseases are affected by psychological factors during the onset and treatment process.

When we are sick, we need to find a doctor for treatment. But in addition to the help of doctors, psychological adjustment requires us to "nurture the mind" ourselves.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the heart governs the gods", which means that people's spiritual activities are controlled by the heart. In " Huangdi Neijing ", the heart corresponds to summer. Although summer is hot and it is easy to get heart-burning , it is also a season suitable for nourishing the heart.

"Suwen·Liujie Zangxiang Lun": "The heart is the foundation of life and the place of spirit. Its beauty is in the face . It is filled in the blood vessels. It is the sun in Yang and leads to the summer energy."

To nourish the mind in summer, you must first get enough sleep, especially at night. Going to bed early can help the body's self-repair. If you don't get enough sleep at night, it is necessary to take a nap at noon to make up for the lack of sleep at night. Nap time does not need to be long, 15 minutes to half an hour is enough.

When the weather is hot, many people will pursue exercise and sweat more. In this case, we need to replenish more water, and it is best to exercise during the day and avoid the night. It is not suitable to sweat too much when exercising. You must know that "sweat is blood." "Sweat is the liquid of the heart." Excessive sweating will consume Qi and blood and also damage the "heart."

Well, I recommend a simple and easy exercise, stand on tiptoes. It can strengthen the blood circulation of the lower limbs, not only enable the blood to supply enough oxygen to the myocardium, which is beneficial to the heart and cardiovascular health, but can also exercise the calf muscles and ankles, prevent varicose veins, and enhance the stability of the ankle joints. It is also a good exercise method for many elderly people with knee arthritis .

Pressing and rubbing the pericardial meridian and heart meridian on the arm can regulate various discomforts of the heart, so that accumulated turbid air, waste, and blood stasis can be removed, allowing the heart's qi and blood to flow smoothly. No obstacles.

Especially during the massage process, if a certain part is particularly sore and painful, you must rub this part more. This is the stagnation point. If it is rubbed away, the entire meridians will remain unobstructed, and people will feel Very comfortable.

When we have emotions, we should not hold them in and vent them. There are many ways to vent, and you can choose the one that suits you, such as singing, dancing, walking, climbing, traveling, crying or quarreling, but be careful to choose a good partner for quarreling.

If our emotions cannot be relaxed, we can also divert our attention and do other things we like. Everything we do in life has meaning. Many times what we do can make us happy and improve our mood. It's worth relaxing, even if it's just to relax and drink a cup of tea.

My situation that year was that Agu’s father would take me out for a walk when he had nothing to do, and I would do other things to divert my attention, and I would be cured of my illness without realizing it.

I started massaging the pericardial meridian when I had heart pain. I found that after massaging, bruises appeared on my arms, but my heart no longer hurt. After that, I liked massaging the pericardial meridian very much in the summer.

No matter what kind of life we ​​face or how busy we are at work, we must give ourselves enough sleep, a relaxed mind, and a happy mood, which will allow us to have more and a better "future".

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