The heat of summer is well known to all, and this extreme climate is also a test for the health of every elderly friend. In real life, some elderly people report that they feel chest tightness and shortness of breath in the hot summer. What is going on? How should the elderly tak

The heat in summer is well known, and this extreme climate is also a test for the health of every elderly friend. In real life, some elderly people report that they feel chest tightness and shortness of breath in the hot summer. What is going on? How should the elderly take care of themselves in summer? Next, I will introduce them one by one for your reference.

Let’s first take a look at the reasons why the elderly suffer from chest tightness and shortness of breath in summer.

Anemia It can be said that most elderly people are anemic. Once anemia occurs, the elderly will appear dizzy, weak, and pale. Under normal circumstances, the amount of hematopoietic tissue and the quality and quantity of hematopoietic tissue in the elderly have declined, and the red blood cells themselves are basically aging, making their utilization of iron less efficient than before. If the elderly do not pay attention to nutrition and health care at this time, they are prone to anemia. Not only are they prone to dizziness, but they are also prone to shortness of breath due to insufficient blood supply.

There are many reasons for anemia in the elderly. In addition to the aging of red blood cells, there are also indigestion, peptic ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding and chronic inflammatory diseases. These conditions may cause anemia in the elderly. .

High blood viscosity. Many elderly people know that the reason why they experience shortness of breath is closely related to high blood lipids. Experts point out that hyperlipidemia, thrombocythemia , etc. can increase blood viscosity. At this time, the blood flow rate in the blood vessels is very slow, which will lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain. This is why the elderly often One of the reasons for feeling easily tired, dizzy, weak, palpitation and short of breath .

There are many causes of hyperlipidemia in the elderly, the most important of which is caused by unreasonable diet. Many elderly people like to eat foods high in fat and cholesterol, and they do not like to exercise. In this case, they are prone to hyperlipidemia.

Cerebral arteriosclerosis is also one of the reasons why the elderly often suffer from symptoms such as shortness of breath, insomnia, tinnitus , emotional instability, forgetfulness, and numbness in the limbs. Once you suffer from cerebral arteriosclerosis, the inner diameter of the cerebral blood vessels will become smaller. At this time, the decrease in blood flow in the brain will easily lead to insufficient blood and oxygen supply to the brain, which will not only cause dizziness but also shortness of breath.

In extreme weather, middle-aged and elderly friends must pay special attention to their daily health care, because many common senile diseases will directly threaten the life safety of the elderly.

Self-care methods for the elderly in summer:

1. Replenish body fluids in a timely manner

The temperature is high in summer and excessive consumption of body fluids is an important reason for the occurrence of various diseases in the elderly. The most common one is slow blood flow, which can easily cause blood pressure to rise, leading to cerebral blood vessel rupture and bleeding, thrombotic stroke, myocardial infarction, etc. Even excessive water loss can lead to poisoning reactions caused by pH imbalance in the body. These diseases are easily life-threatening.

For this reason, don’t wait until you are thirsty before drinking water. Replenish body water in a timely manner. Even at night, you should put a cup of cold water by the bedside for timely drinking.

2. Pay attention to dietary hygiene

In summer, the human body perspires a lot and consumes a lot of nutrients. To adjust the dietary nutrition, you can eat more lean meat, fish, eggs, soy products and fresh vegetables to supplement the protein and sugar in the body. , calcium, vitamins, etc. consumption.

You should also eat more fruits that can clear away heat, detoxify and relieve heat, such as bitter melon, loofah, cucumber, watermelon, cantaloupe , tomatoes, etc.

3. Clean the skin frequently

In hot and humid summers, excessive sweat causes human epidermal cells to swell, sweat pores and sweat glands are easily blocked, and sweat is retained in the skin and causes prickly heat; excessive sun exposure can cause solar dermatitis; sweat The organic matter in the skin provides nutrients for the growth of bacteria, which is prone to purulent skin disease . In summer, the elderly should bathe frequently and change clothes frequently to keep their sweat glands unblocked and their skin clean and hygienic.

4. Pay attention to rest

Arrange housework reasonably, pay attention to the balance between work and rest, and ensure night sleep and lunch break. Midsummer nap is very important for the elderly. The nap time should not be too long, as too long will affect the insufficient blood supply to the heart and brain; if it is too short, fatigue will not be recovered, so a nap of about an hour is better.

5. Pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling

Open doors and windows in time for ventilation to allow air convection and keep indoor air fresh. Frequently mopping the floor with cold water can not only maintain air humidity, but also cool down the room. There is an air-conditioning device in the room, and the temperature cannot be dropped too low to avoid " air-conditioning disease " caused by excessive temperature differences. Because the elderly have poor resistance to high temperatures, they should try to avoid going out during the day. Usually drink more light drinks, such as bamboo heart chrysanthemum tea, winter melon and sea rice soup , lotus leaf and mung bean porridge, etc. You can also eat some fresh fruits to help cool down and relieve the heat.

Ermao has something to say: Elderly people who suffer from chest tightness and shortness of breath in summer should pay attention to the impact of weather, which can easily lead to serious symptoms and recurrence. For the elderly with underlying diseases, seek medical advice as soon as possible when feeling unwell.