@Don’t want surgery if you have stones? Urinary stones include kidney stones, ureteral stones, bladder stones and urethral stones. They refer to particles or lump-like aggregates formed in the urinary system due to concentration and precipitation of urine.

Urinary tract stones

is a common and frequently-occurring clinical disease

Its incidence rate is increasing year by year

and it is easy to relapse

It seriously affects people's health and quality of life

@You have stones and don’t want to have surgery?

Let’s take a look at which stones can be treated with traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine has great tips for treating stones!

What are urinary tract stones? What are the main symptoms of




Urinary tract stones include kidney stones , ureteral stones , bladder stones and urethral stones , which refer to particles or lump-like aggregates formed in the urinary system due to concentration and precipitation of urine.

Urinary tract stones belong to the categories of traditional Chinese medicine such as "low back pain", " sand stranguria ", "stone stranguria", "abdominal pain" and " swollen ". Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the etiology and pathogenesis of urinary tract stones is mainly due to the accumulation of damp and heat in the lower burner, unfavorable gasification of the kidneys and bladder, accumulation of damp and heat, refining liquid into stones, sand and gravel blocking the meridians, damp and heat burning of the blood meridians, thus causing Symptoms include severe cramping in the waist and abdomen, difficulty urinating, blood in urine and other symptoms.

What are the treatments for urinary stones?

What are the therapeutic advantages of traditional Chinese medicine?



Traditional Chinese medicine has great advantages in dissolving and removing stones and preventing the recurrence of stones, especially for stones with a diameter less than 10mm, smooth appearance, no urinary tract obstruction, and no infection. If the diameter of the stone is large and conservative treatment is ineffective, surgical therapies such as extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, endoscopic surgery, and open surgery may be considered.

The main directions of traditional Chinese medicine in treating urinary tract stones are diuresis and treating stranguria, removing blood stasis and dispersing stagnation, dissolving and dissolving stones, regulating qi and relieving pain, etc.

The Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Zhengzhou People's Hospital has a professional team of Chinese medicine practitioners. Through four diagnoses and combined ginseng dialectical classification , patients can receive individualized Chinese medicine treatment to adjust the body's functional status, relieve uncomfortable symptoms, achieve painless stone removal and prevent The effect of stone recurrence.

What methods does Zhengyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital use to treat urinary tract stones?



Mainly include the following "sharp tools":

Oral administration of traditional Chinese medicine based on syndrome differentiation, ordinary acupuncture, electroacupuncture, stone moxibustion, moxibustion, finger acupuncture, massage, ear acupuncture, etc.

Acupuncture has the advantages of quick results and avoids frequent medication. It mainly adjusts the qi and blood of the human body's internal organs by stimulating the meridians and acupoints, thereby stimulating the body's righteousness, smoothing the qi, improving the functional status of the urinary system, and relaxing spasms. The smooth muscle of the ureter can relieve stone incarceration and exert good antispasmodic , pain relieving and stone expulsion effects.

For the treatment of urinary tract stones

Zhengyi Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has created a specific set of stone removal techniques

The manipulation works on specific acupuncture points in the waist and abdomen

to help improve secretion. Urinary system microcirculation,

promotes ureteral peristalsis

to relieve spasm, relieve pain, and expel stones. ,

Improve kidney function and other effects

Auricular acupoint pressure beans That is, Wangbuliuxing seeds are applied and pressed to stimulate ear acupoints, which can relieve spasm of visceral smooth muscles and have a calming effect, relieve nervous tension caused by colic, thereby promoting stone formation of discharge.

How to prevent urinary tract stones in life?



First, drink a lot of water. It is recommended to drink at least 2000-3000ml of water every day and avoid drinking black tea and coffee.

The second is to avoid holding back urine and go to the toilet in time.

The third is to eat reasonably and eat less or no "dangerous foods". It is advisable to eat a low-sugar, low-fat, low-sodium diet, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits; it is advisable to eat whole grains, with appropriate intake of eggs and milk. Patients should not eat more foods containing oxalate , such as potatoes and soy products, tomatoes, citrus, asparagus, peanuts, chocolate, etc. In addition, it is also difficult to eat too much of high-purine foods such as animal offal, beef and pork, fish, crustaceans, and beer.

The fourth is regular exercise. You can choose to go up and down stairs, jump rope, jog, etc.