In summer, every peach will find its home. Whether it's crispy or soft, one bite will leave you wanting more. One of the most suitable fruits for summer. Peach is one of the most suitable fruits for summer consumption. It is ruddy in color and delicious in texture. It also has th

In summer, every peach will find its place. Whether it's crispy or soft, one bite will leave you wanting more.

One of the most suitable fruits for summer

Peach is one of the most suitable fruits for summer consumption. It is ruddy in color and delicious in texture. It also has the functions of nourishing the heart and lungs, producing body fluids and quenching thirst, eliminating accumulation and moisturizing the intestines.


beautiful and nourishing

Peach is rich in nutrients. Each 100g of fresh peach contains 0.9g of protein, 1.3g of dietary fiber, 0.7g of inorganic salt, 7mg of calcium, 20mg of phosphorus, 0.8mg of iron, and also contains carotene, Riboflavin , vitamin C, pectin and sugar, etc. Its iron content is higher than that of many fruits, and it is very good for women's beauty.


Protect blood vessels

Peaches are rich in pectin, potassium, etc., which help prevent the increase in blood lipids and are suitable for patients with coronary heart disease , hypertension and other patients.


Produces fluid and moisturizes the lungs

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that peach tastes sweet and sour, is warm in nature, and enters the liver and large intestine meridians. It has the functions of promoting fluid production, purifying heat, moistening intestines and laxative, eliminating accumulation and activating blood circulation. Traditional Chinese medicine calls the lungs a "delicate organ" that "likes moisture and hates dryness."


Digestion and Laxation

Peach is rich in colloid. This type of soluble dietary fiber can absorb a large amount of water in the large intestine and has the effect of preventing constipation.

The following introduces several delicious little medicinal meals made with peaches


Hot and crispy peach watermelon cup

Take a small watermelon weighing 1000 grams, cut it in the middle, scoop out the flesh, and make a watermelon cup. Wash 250 grams of crisp peaches. Clean, peel and core, cut into small slices, peel and slice 250 grams of bananas, wash, core and slice 150 grams of plums.

Mix peach slices , banana slices, plum slices, and watermelon pulp slices (appropriate amount), add sugar and mix well, divide into two watermelon cups, freeze in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, and then serve.

This watermelon cup has the functions of relieving summer heat, clearing away heat, producing body fluids and quenching thirst. It can treat symptoms such as heat damage to yin, irritability, thirst, and short and red urine.


Nourishing and moisturizing peach jam

Peel and core 500 grams of ripe peaches, add about 250 grams of mulberries, add 250 grams of sugar and 500 ml of water. After boiling, fry over a slow fire until it becomes a paste. Stir into a slurry. Add pine nut kernels , about 100 grams each of walnut kernels, and black sesame seeds, cook for another 10 minutes, and serve when warm. This peach jam has the effect of nourishing blood, moistening dryness and laxative.


Peach skin sugar for replenishing qi and deficiency

Take 2000 grams of fresh peaches, wash and remove the core, cut into pieces and mix with 500 grams of white sugar, dry in the sun to remove the moisture, and consume daily. Suitable for physically weak , insufficient Qi and blood , etc.


Honey peach juice drink

20 grams of honey, 1 fresh peach, peel the fresh peach, remove the core and press it into juice, then add honey and an appropriate amount of warm water to make it, 1 to 2 times a day, 100 ml each time, you can Treat acute gastritis.

3 types of people should not eat peaches


Those with body heat should not eat more

Peach flesh is warm in nature, so those with excessive body heat should not eat more.


Diabetic patients should eat with caution

Although peaches are low-sugar fruits, they are still not recommended for people with poor blood sugar control. When blood sugar is controlled within the normal range, diabetic patients can eat peaches, but they must also control the amount of food eaten, preferably no more than half.


Those with allergies should be careful when eating

Peaches have hairy skin, which can easily cause allergies. If you experience redness, peeling, or itching at the corners of your mouth while eating peaches, you should stop eating and wash your hands, face, and mouth. If rash, erythema, wheals, or even edema or diarrhea appear on the lips, around the mouth, around the ears, neck, etc., you should seek medical treatment in time.

Tips: Don’t eat fresh peach kernels!

Peach kernel is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, but the traditional Chinese medicine peach kernel is not the fresh peach kernel taken directly from the peach, but after a series of processing, most of the amygdalin in the peach kernel is destroyed before it can be used as medicine.

As long as you follow the doctor's advice when using peach kernels as a traditional Chinese medicine, you will not be poisoned if you eat them in moderation. However, unprocessed fresh peach kernels are not edible.

Source: Health China