On June 30, reporters learned that recently, the General Office of the Guangdong Provincial People’s Government issued the “Implementation Plan for the Construction of a National Traditional Chinese Medicine Comprehensive Reform Demonstration Zone in Guangdong Province.” It is re

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Lin Qingqing

html On June 30, reporters learned that recently, the General Office of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government issued the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of a National Traditional Chinese Medicine Comprehensive Reform Demonstration Zone in Guangdong Province" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan"). Guangdong will comprehensively promote the construction of the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Comprehensive Reform Demonstration Zone and promote the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine in Guangdong.

It is reported that last year, Guangdong became the first batch of approved national traditional Chinese medicine comprehensive reform demonstration zones. How to implement it specifically? The "Implementation Plan" clearly proposes a framework and path, pointing out that it will promote Guangdong traditional Chinese medicine to be at the forefront of the country by creating "five highlands" such as medical care, industry, innovation, talent and internationalization, and improve the "four mechanisms" to enhance The vital driving force for the development of traditional Chinese medicine.

Xinhua News Agency data map

"Five Highlands" will be built in 2025

The "Implementation Plan" clearly states that the construction of demonstration areas will be fully launched in 2022, policies and measures will be introduced around key reform tasks, pilot cities will be selected and deployed, and the demonstration area construction framework and The reform path has basically taken shape.

By 2023, phased results will be achieved in the construction of the "Five Highlands", a batch of replicable and generalizable experience will be formed in the reform of key areas, and the role of demonstration and leadership will be further highlighted.

By 2025, the "Five Highlands" will be fully completed, and the reform of key areas and key links of traditional Chinese medicine will achieve landmark results. It will become a demonstration model for the comprehensive reform of traditional Chinese medicine nationwide and lead the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and even the country's high-quality traditional Chinese medicine. develop.

Guangdong will achieve full coverage of county-level TCM medical institutions

The "Implementation Plan" clearly states that Guangdong will continue to improve the TCM medical service system and promote the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and Innovation Center, the National Medical Center, National Regional Medical Center, and key hospitals with traditional Chinese medicine characteristics. , the construction of landmark key projects such as the "flagship" hospital for the collaboration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine and the provincial high-level traditional Chinese medicine hospital. Achieve full coverage of county-level TCM medical institutions. Promote the pilot program of pure traditional Chinese medicine treatment in Shenzhen and the construction of the acupuncture sub-specialty system in Guangzhou.

Guangdong will improve the " cure and prevent disease " service network and the traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation service network, and all second-level and above traditional Chinese medicine hospitals will set up disease prevention departments (centers). Achieve 100% of third-level TCM hospitals with rehabilitation departments, and the proportion of second-level TCM hospitals with rehabilitation departments not less than 80%. In terms of creating an industrial highland,

will comprehensively carry out the formulation and revision of Guangdong Province Chinese herbal medicine standards , Chinese herbal medicine piece processing standards, and Chinese herbal formula granule standards. In terms of creating a talent highland,

will implement the Gehong Traditional Chinese Medicine Talent Plan, select and train 100 leading traditional Chinese medicine talents, build 100 provincial famous traditional Chinese medicine doctors or leading talent inheritance studios, and select and train 100 outstanding young traditional Chinese medicine talents.

Deepen the integrated development of traditional Chinese medicine in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao

It is worth noting that Guangdong will continue to deepen the integrated development of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao and create a highland for the internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine.

includes allowing qualified Chinese medicine talents from Hong Kong and Macao to take professional title examinations and reviews in the places where they plan to practice. Support Greater Bay Area (mainland) public institutions to recruit high-level and urgently needed Chinese medicine talents in Hong Kong and Macao through interviews or direct business inspections in accordance with regulations. Attract qualified Chinese medicine practitioners from Hong Kong and Macao to practice in public medical institutions on the mainland, and guide young Chinese medicine practitioners from Hong Kong and Macao to practice and start businesses in the Greater Bay Area. Using the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Cooperation Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park and the Shenzhen Guangming International Traditional Chinese Medicine Port as engines, a batch of measures to promote cross-border flows and regional integration of talents, capital, knowledge, technology and other elements will be piloted in Zhuhai and Shenzhen.

A number of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment items have been included in medical insurance

In addition, the "Implementation Plan" also proposed that the medical insurance policy mechanism will be improved. Eligible TCM diagnosis and treatment projects such as acupuncture, orthopedic rehabilitation, and therapeutic massage will be included in the scope of medical insurance payment. Select the advantageous inpatient diseases of traditional Chinese medicine, implement payment according to the disease score for the advantageous inpatient diseases of traditional Chinese medicine, and dynamically update the "Guangdong Basic Medical Insurance Score Database of Advantaged Inpatient Diseases of Traditional Chinese Medicine". Traditional Chinese medicine preparations from medical institutions approved by the provincial drug regulatory department will be included in the scope of medical insurance payment according to regulations.(For more news and information, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pai pai.ycwb.com)

source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng Pai

Editor | Liang Zeming

Proofreading | Zhu Xiaoming