Uncle Liu next door died of a heart attack. He passed away very suddenly. This shocked Aunt Li, who already suffered from coronary heart disease. She was always worried that one day she would be like Uncle Liu and suddenly leave. In the human world. This has almost become a psych

Uncle Liu, who lived next door, died suddenly of a heart attack. He passed away very suddenly. This shocked Aunt Li, who suffered from coronary heart disease. She was always worried that one day she would be like Uncle Liu. Suddenly passed away from this world.

This has almost become a psychological shadow for Aunt Li. She is afraid that she will have a heart attack and die one day. In order to ensure that there is no problem with her heart, she even bought a stethoscope to listen to her heartbeat every day. But things went counterproductive. Recently, Aunt Li always felt her feet twitching inexplicably when she was sleeping, just like the feeling of missing a foot. At first, Aunt Li didn't know what happened, so she checked on the Internet and found out that it was a heart problem.

Aunt Li's heart skipped a beat, thinking that she might not be like Uncle Liu, who had a heart attack. She worried about food and food every day, and suddenly fell asleep while sleeping. Was there a heart problem?

1. If you suddenly miss your sleep, is there a heart problem?

Suddenly one foot falls in the air while sleeping. There is a professional term in medicine, that is, muscle twitching . Muscle twitching occurs because when a person is asleep, high-level brain neurons are in an inhibitory state, but the inhibition of low-level nerve centers is weak. When they are in an excited state, a weak current stimulates the muscles, causing them to passively contract. . At this time, the brain will be "misled" because the body is tense from falling from a height, causing the muscles to shake violently, waking the person up from sleep.

Muscle twitching occurs for two reasons. The first is the more common physiological reason. Some people who are in the developmental stage will have , which is a normal situation. Adults occasionally shake while sleeping, but generally less than once a week, which is also a normal physiological reaction.

It is normal for this situation to occur occasionally, but if it occurs frequently or even multiple times a night, accompanied by nightmares and sleepwalking, or if constipation, personality changes, hand tremors, and abnormal brain waves occur, it may be "sleep movement" barrier ". In addition, Parkinson's syndrome and Parkinson's superposition syndrome can also lead to frequent muscle twitching.

2. Why health problems are more visible in sleep

Although the occurrence of muscle twitching is more affected by physiological factors, sleep can indeed reflect our health status. We will find that when we have fever, cough or pain, these conditions will be more serious at night.

So, why are health problems more evident during sleep?

This is mainly affected by 4 aspects. The first is that neuroendocrine affects . As mentioned above, when a person is sleeping, high-level brain neurons are in a state of inhibition, but low-level nerve centers are less inhibited. In addition, the secretion level of , the adrenal glucocorticoid hormone , decreases during sleep. These factors lead to a decrease in the body's tolerance, making it more difficult to tolerate pain, coughing, etc.

followed by body fluid circulation . When you lie down at night, the pressure distribution on your body is different from when you stand upright or sit during the day, which affects the circulation of body fluids and makes certain symptoms more obvious. For example, after lying down, the blood supply to the head increases, compressing the tooth nerve line, and people suffering from pulpitis will experience spontaneous throbbing pain.

The third is external environmental factors . Differences in temperature, humidity, and air pressure between day and night can cause changes in symptoms. For example, when the body temperature is lower at night, fever symptoms will be more obvious; for example, increased air pressure at night will aggravate respiratory failure.

In addition, psychological factors can also affect symptoms. However, due to huge individual differences, the impact of this factor can be large or small, positive or negative. This is why some health problems are more apparent during sleep.

3. When sleeping, these 4 phenomena appear to remind you to pay attention to your health.

Sleep can actually reflect some health problems. So what situations occur during sleep that indicate that you need to pay attention to your health?

. Perennial drooling

Perennial drooling appears in the elderly, which may be a precursor to cerebral thrombosis . Patients with cerebral thrombosis are accompanied by atherosclerosis in the brain, which leads to facial muscle relaxation. At this time, drooling is easy to occur.

. Itchy skin

Itchy skin when sleeping. The problem may not be that the bed quilt is not clean, or there is a skin problem, but that the blood sugar is too high. High blood sugar will affect the nerves in the first place, causing nerve abnormalities and manifesting as itchy skin. If this problem occurs frequently, you can check whether it is caused by high blood sugar.

. Body numbness

When we sleep, our blood flow slows down and the blood becomes thicker, making it easier to detect cardiovascular problems. If you often feel numbness in one limb while sleeping, you should pay attention to cardiovascular problems, such as cerebral infarction and so on. In addition, acute cerebral infarction is more likely to occur while sleeping, so people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems should be more vigilant.

, Excessive nocturia

If you need to urinate multiple times while sleeping, it is related to many aspects, such as diabetes , bladder disease, urinary system infection, etc. Frequent urination is a sign that your health is threatened and should be checked in time. However, it should be noted that as age increases and body organs age, some elderly people will also experience excessive nocturia. If it is not accompanied by other symptoms, there is no need to worry too much.

4. 3 ways to let you sleep until dawn

Sleep is very important to us. A high-quality sleep can make us energetic all day long, so how to have a high-quality sleep? The following 3 methods may be able to help you.

● Relax before going to bed

When the body or mind is fully relaxed, it is easier for people to fall asleep and have better quality sleep. There are many ways to relax, such as meditation, yoga, or most directly, doing nothing before going to bed to reduce physical and mental stress.

● Listen to ASMR audio

ASMR is spontaneous sensory meridian response, which means that the human body produces unique and pleasant stimulation in the skull, scalp, back or other parts of the body through sensory stimulation such as sight, hearing, touch, and smell. feel. Some high-quality audio can amplify sounds such as chewing, whispering, ocean waves, etc., thereby causing the listener to experience spontaneous sensory meridian reactions, relax the body and mind, and also help us fall asleep.

● Foot soaking is really useful for sleep

Foot soaking before going to bed can speed up local blood circulation, promote metabolism, and relieve fatigue. Soaking feet in hot water half an hour before going to bed can greatly improve sleep conditions.

Sleep can relax us and restore our energy, which has a profound impact on our health. Usually, be sure to maintain high-quality sleep. If you have a sleep disorder, address the factors causing the problem as quickly as possible.


[1] Research progress on night leg cramps and restless legs syndrome. Journal of Difficult Diseases. February 2012

[2] Remember these methods to improve sleep quality. Guangdong Second Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Micro Signal. February 6, 2022

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