Many people say that the color of secretions on men's underwear is a barometer of health. If the color of these secretions is abnormal and has special symptoms, it should be taken seriously and men's diseases need to be suspected.

Many people say that the color of secretions on men’s underwear is a barometer of health. If the color of these secretions is abnormal and has special symptoms, it should be taken seriously and men’s diseases need to be suspected. Indeed, there are usually secretions on the underwear under the influence of certain diseases. The difference in color of these secretions also indicates different health problems in the body.

The secretions on underwear are also different, and different secretions can reflect different health conditions.

Today, let’s talk about secretions so that everyone can have a basis for judging their own health.

一. Underwear secretion

1. Purulent secretion:

is due to sexually transmitted diseases. The representative disease is gonorrhea. When gonorrhea appears and invades, the urethra will produce a large amount of white or even yellow The pus-like secretion has a very high viscosity and often sticks the patient's glans penis and underwear together. The staining of the urethral secretion smear shows intracellular gram-negative diplococci gonorrhoeae . Diagnosis, bacterial culture should be done to confirm the diagnosis.

2. White thin liquid:

Non-gonococcal urethritis is often caused by infections such as chlamydia, mycoplasma, trichomoniasis, and is also a disease spread by uncleanliness. If you often have white mucus extruded from the urethral opening, accompanied by varying degrees of urethral itching, burning, stinging, or urgency, pain, or difficulty in urination, you should pay enough attention.

3. Bloody discharge or blood clots:

is often accompanied by urgency, frequency and painful urination, and can be seen in acute bacterial cystitis, etc. If the urethra is damaged, or is affected by factors such as stone stimulation or blood vessel rupture, leading to an acute attack of urinary system disease, the male urethra may bleed. It is worth noting that urethral bleeding is different from hematuria . Hematuria is blood in the urine, while urethral bleeding can bleed when urinating or not urinating. The amount of bleeding is generally small and in the form of drops, so it is easy to identify.

4. White discharge is also called white discharge:

is common in chronic prostatitis . When a man has prostatitis , the secretion of prostate fluid will also increase, which will lead to these white spots on his underwear.

5. Yellow -color secretion

Boys with foreskin will often secrete foreskin mucus. If not cleaned in time, smegma will also form. If these secretions stick to your underwear, they will turn yellow over time.

6. Physiological factors. Prostatic fluid is the fluid of the urethral gland. When a man has an erection at night or during the day, or when the corresponding glands secrete, the urethra will secrete these fluids, resulting in some white mucus on his underwear. This is a normal physiological phenomenon for men. It has the function of cleaning the urethra and can reduce the probability of urethra infection during sexual intercourse. There is also a lot of semen left in the urethra and incomplete ejaculation that stains the underwear. These do not require special treatment.

2. How to choose underwear?

In addition to changing and washing underwear, it is also important to choose the "right" underwear. Say no to three pairs of underwear for ten yuan! If you choose a pair of "naturally chosen pants" that suits you, you may wish to refer to the following 4 points:

1. In terms of fabrics

Regardless of men and women, it is best to choose breathable, elastic, and moisture-absorbent fabrics . It is not recommended to choose underwear made of chemical fiber materials. .

2. In terms of size,

whether the underwear size is appropriate is also very important. It is recommended to choose loose underwear and avoid underwear that is too tight. Remember, it is better to buy a larger size than a smaller size, to avoid the testicles being exposed to high temperatures and a closed environment, which increases the possibility of bacterial infection.

Research shows that the habit of wearing tight underwear will increase the temperature of the scrotum, leading to a decline in sperm count, and the sperm health index of men who wear loose underwear is significantly higher.

3. styles

styles of underwear, nowadays there are many kinds of high-waist briefs, mid-waist boxer briefs, high-waist long-leg boxer briefs, low-waist underwear and so on. Considering the physiological structure of men, recommends that men use boxer briefs as their first choice. Compared with briefs, boxer briefs reduce the restraint and friction on the roots of the thighs. The gap between the legs is relatively large, which is conducive to keeping the body fresh.

4. In terms of color,

, you should try to avoid buying dark underwear. The darker the color, the more dyes used, which may cause chemical irritation to the skin. Choosing light-colored underwear can also help us self-check whether there are any abnormalities in secretions.

3. How to clean underwear?

1. It is generally recommended to change and wash underwear every day.

Although the underwear tried its best to block the external intrusion , it could not avoid the "dirt" coming from the interior. Therefore, this small piece of fabric would slowly be stained with urine, feces, reproductive tract secretions, Sweat, sebum, even various germs that live on the vulva, E. coli carried in feces and their metabolic wastes, etc.

Studies have shown that if a pair of underwear is worn for more than 10 hours, there will be 3 million E. coli attached to it. Even after cleaning, each pair of underwear will contain about 0.1 grams of feces on average. The feces contains Salmonella , Escherichia coli and other viral bacteria, which cannot be completely killed even if they are washed correctly.

Especially in the summer when sweating is easy, if underwear is covered between clothes and skin and exposed to wet clothes for a long time, is prone to redness, swelling, itching, and even prickly heat and acne. Underwear will also be contaminated with boys' secretions. Most of these secretions contain protein. If not cleaned in time, it can easily become a breeding ground for bacteria.

2. Do not leave dirty underwear overnight

Many people find it troublesome and collect underwear that they have changed over the past few days and wash them together. The secretions on underwear are mostly made of protein, and if they are not cleaned in time, they can easily breed bacteria. The residual odor of underwear can easily attract mosquitoes and other flying insects, making cleaning more difficult. Do not leave changed underwear overnight and wash it immediately.

3. Wash underwear and socks separately. Do not add too much cleaning fluid to avoid causing skin allergies.

4. You can choose soap specially designed to clean underwear, which can effectively sterilize and cause less irritation and damage to the skin.

5. Rub by hand for 3 to 5 minutes

Hand washing is the best way to clean underwear. It can increase the friction density, help local cleaning, and wash cleaner. After soaking the soap in warm water, soak the underwear in it and scrub it gently. You should pinch the key parts with your index fingers and thumbs and rub them carefully and in a small area for 3 to 5 minutes. Finally, rinse them with running water. . If menstrual blood stains your underwear, rinse it with cold water first. If the blood stain has dried and hardened, you can use hydrogen peroxide to break it down.

6. Do not wash

underwear with other clothes. They are in close contact with special physiological parts and have special requirements for hygiene. If washed with outerwear, outside pathogenic bacteria and pollutants may "contaminate" underwear. The utensils used for cleaning underwear should be "dedicated to dedicated personnel" to avoid cross-infection of with . Even for couples, it is best to wash underwear separately.

7. Spend half an hour in the sun.

The ultraviolet rays in the sun can kill bacteria. After washing, you can place the underwear in the afternoon sun for half an hour. If there is no drying conditions, try to put it in a ventilated place to dry, or directly treat it at high temperature, iron it with an electric iron or dry it with a hair dryer.

8. Keep the underwear flat when drying

If you only clamp one corner of the underwear when drying, the underwear will be easily deformed. It is best to clamp both ends of the underwear, or use a children's clothes hanger to dry. Do not put the dried underwear together with outerwear, bras, and socks; when folding the underwear, fold the left and right sides inward, then fold one side of the elastic band downward, and finally fold the crotch upward and tuck it in between the two elastic bands. . In addition, it is best to rinse underwear with warm water before wearing it for a long time.