Image Network News (Elephant News reporter Huang Xiangyang, intern Song Yingying, correspondent Deng Hongxin) In order to further improve the safety awareness of medical staff, ensure patient safety, and create a cultural atmosphere of medical quality and safety, on the afternoon

Image Network News (Elephant News reporter Huang Xiangyang intern Song Yingying correspondent Deng Hongxin) In order to further improve the safety awareness of medical staff, ensure patient safety, and create a cultural atmosphere of medical quality and safety, on the afternoon of June 28, Zhumadian City The Second People's Hospital conducted an analysis and review of medical quality (safety) adverse events in the first half of 2022 in the conference room on the sixth floor of the hospital's outpatient building. Middle-level cadres of relevant departments and all doctors attended the meeting.

Vice President Guo Hua made a speech and requested that no matter the department or relevant functional departments, after discovering adverse events, they need to carefully analyze the reasons for the adverse events, especially the root causes of the events, solve them in a timely manner, and learn from the adverse events. , draw inferences from one example, draw lessons from others, improve and revise relevant processes and specifications, try to prevent or avoid the occurrence of similar adverse events as much as possible, and ensure patient safety. At the same time, all medical staff are required to strengthen their professional knowledge learning, continuously improve their professional knowledge, and provide patients with high-quality and efficient services.

Through the summary analysis of adverse events and death cases, the hospital formulated the "Guidance on the Handling of Emergency and Critically Severe Psychiatric Patients" and the "Management Standards for Long-Term Hospitalized Patients". Fan Lingzi, director of the Quality Control Department, conducted comprehensive training on the specific contents. Ensure that relevant requirements can be implemented to achieve the purpose of continuous improvement.

Quality is the foundation, and safety is the bottom line. Through this training, everyone further realized the importance of medical quality (safety) adverse events in quality management work. At the same time, it enhanced medical staff's understanding of medical quality (safety) adverse events and improved their awareness of early warning and prevention.

( Zhumadian news hotline: 0396-3599908, submission email "Elephant Assistant" phone number is 18003719699)