Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "winter diseases" refer to diseases that are prone to occur or worsen in winter and spring, such as allergic rhinitis, repeated coughing and asthma, allergic pharyngitis, chronic pharyngitis, repeated colds, etc. Giving specific treatmen

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "winter disease" refers to diseases that are prone to occur or worsen in winter and spring, such as allergic rhinitis, recurrent cough and asthma, allergic pharyngitis, chronic pharyngitis, and repeated colds. Giving specific treatments in summer to improve the body's disease resistance, so that diseases that are prone to occur or worsen in winter can be alleviated is called "summer treatment". Guang'anmen Hospital's Otolaryngology Department's "Treatment of Winter Diseases in Summer" is based on the "Huangdi Neijing" theoretical basis of "Treatment before disease", "Nursing Yang in Spring and Summer" and "Treatment of winter diseases in summer", and adopts the anti-asthma method that has been clinically used in our hospital for more than 60 years. The external treatment method of TCM acupoint application developed by the ointment has been used for the prevention and treatment of common lung diseases such as otolaryngology lung spleen and spleen deficiency, allergic rhinitis of spleen and kidney yang deficiency type for more than ten years. This method uses drugs to stimulate acupoints during the doggy season, warm and unblock meridians, and balance yin and yang to regulate organ function and improve the body's disease resistance.

-medication site-

  • Feishu (open 1.5 inches below the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertebra )
  • Pishu (open 1.5 inches below the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra)
  • Shenshu (open 1.5 inches below the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra) Open 1.5 inches)


Allergic rhinitis, physical deficiency prone to colds, repeated coughing and asthma, etc. are patients with lung, spleen and kidney qi deficiency or yang deficiency .

should be applied once every 10 days starting from the onset of ambush, and each application should last for 6-8 hours (4-6 hours is appropriate for the first application). Continuous treatment can be performed in midsummer according to the degree of 's physical weakness, , and the effect will be particularly good after three years.


  • Avoid cold drinks, alcohol, and spicy food during the application;
  • Do not apply it temporarily when you have a cold or fever;
  • Pregnant women, those preparing for pregnancy, and lactation should not apply it;
  • Do not do any scraping, cupping, or pricking on your back before applying the application. Bloodletting and other operations are prohibited. People with wounds or ulcers on the skin of the application site are not allowed to apply the application;
  • people with excessive heat constitution, Yin deficiency and excessive fire type, and acute upper respiratory tract infections are not suitable for winter disease and summer treatment. Please choose other treatments. method.

Tips for application

  • External treatment method is simple, effective, safe and non-toxic, eliminating the pain of injections and medication, and does not hinder the normal use of other drugs during treatment;
  • Children under the age of 10 should go to the pediatrician for consultation and treatment;
  • To prevent the medicine from contaminating clothes, please wear dark-colored clothes that are easy to put on and take off when applying;
  • If you feel any discomfort after the application, such as local itching, pain, herpes or skin ulcers, etc., please take off the medicine immediately and come to our clinic in time. For serious cases, you can go directly to the dermatology department for treatment.

Reservation process

Reservation start time is July 2, 2022.

Orders will be issued in the lobby on the first floor of Building 8 on centralized application days.


1. In order to avoid gatherings, patients are asked to follow the medical instructions and appointment time, and seek medical treatment and apply bandages at different times;

2. The procedures for taking numbers, billing, and payment can be handled all day long on weekdays;

3. Only during the appointment period can Billing and payment are not allowed;

4. Self-pay and public treatment patients can use our hospital’s WeChat applet and mobile APP to register, bill and pay online, and have medicines delivered to their homes or picked up at the hospital;

5. Non-centralized patching During this time, patients can apply it at the designated location on the eighth floor of Building 8.

Centralized application

- Centralized application time -

- Centralized application location -

- Warm reminder -

  • Patients who have made an appointment should bring the treatment sheet on the centralized application date and come to the hospital according to the appointment time and time slots. Professionals from the hospital will be trained at the designated location. Medical staff perform patching treatment;
  • Beijing medical insurance patients need to use medical insurance cards to handle registration, billing, and payment procedures, and other patients need to use Beijing Medical Access Card to go through relevant procedures;
  • In order to reduce the flow of people during the epidemic prevention and control period After paying the fee, patients can sign an informed consent form and take the medicine home to apply it by themselves according to their personal needs;
  • Our hospital organizes experts from various departments to film and produce demonstration teaching videos on acupoint application, application operations, precautions, etc.;
  • please Patients coming to the hospital abide by the relevant requirements of Beijing and our hospital for epidemic prevention and control, take personal protection, and wear masks correctly;
  • During the epidemic prevention and control period, in order to prevent crowds from gathering, it is recommended to make an appointment in advance and pay for the application at staggered times;
  • specific work will be arranged on site shall prevail.