"Doctor, don't scare me. Is my cyst really cancerous?" Aunt Wang frowned, extremely anxious. A month ago, Aunt Wang went to the doctor due to abdominal pain and loss of appetite. It was found that there was a huge cystic tumor in the tail of the pancreas, which was the size of a

"Doctor, don't scare me. Is my cyst really cancerous?" Aunt Wang frowned, extremely anxious.

A month ago, Aunt Wang went to the doctor due to abdominal pain and loss of appetite. It was found that there was a huge cystic tumor in the tail of the pancreas, which was the size of a fist. Aunt Wang recalled that a physical examination a year ago did indeed detect "pancreatic blisters". But within a year, why did it turn into cancer?

Doctors evaluated Aunt Wang’s condition in detail. Although the tumor was large, fortunately it did not invade important blood vessels such as the celiac axis, and finally decided to perform laparoscopic minimally invasive tumor resection.

Aunt Wang recovered well after the operation. According to the pathology report, Aunt Wang suffered from a pancreatic cystic disease called intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm. The local area had become cancerous. However, fortunately, the cancer was in an early stage and there was no lymphatic metastasis. , the follow-up only requires close follow-up observation and treatment.

After the story of Aunt Wang came out, relatives and friends exploded, making many people with cysts in their bodies worried, worrying about cancer, and keeping them awake at night. There are even rumors that the cyst is cancer ! So what is the difference between a cyst and a tumor? What kind of cysts warrant attention?

1. What is the difference between cysts and tumors?

Cysts and tumors are actually relatively common diseases today, but both are "swellings". Are they related to each other? Or what is the difference between the two?

Cysts and tumors are very similar in appearance, but there are essential differences between the two: Cysts are masses and mostly "friendly", while tumors can be divided into benign and malignant.

The specific differences between cysts and tumors are as follows:

1. Cysts generally occur on the skin surface, with liquid or other components inside and a cyst cavity outside. Tumors are new organisms formed by the proliferation of local tissue cells under the action of tumor growth factors in the body.

2. The causes of tumors are mainly related to congenital inheritance, while tumors are related to genetic genes and environmental factors.

3. A cyst is a semicircular shape that is convex on the skin surface and visible to the naked eye. The edges are smooth and neat, and there is little adhesion to the surrounding tissue. The epidermis of the cyst generally has no inflammation, is mostly normal skin color, and rarely expands and grows. There are benign and malignant tumors. Benign tumors grow slowly and do not metastasize, but can cause local compression symptoms. Malignant tumors are more complex, and symptoms vary depending on the primary site and the site of invasion.

2. 6 common cysts, analyzed one by one for you

Although cysts have the word "swell", they are not tumors. The following six common cysts will not become cancerous in most cases, but they should not be taken lightly. !

  • Liver cyst

Liver cysts usually occur in the 20 to 50-year-old age group, but liver cysts do not affect liver function and will not cause cancer. Generally, liver cysts can be left alone if there is no discomfort, but it is recommended to have a B ultrasound review of the cyst every six months. Size changes.

If the liver cyst is too large and compresses surrounding organs, surgery or interventional treatment can be performed to avoid complications such as cyst rupture or intracystic hemorrhage.

  • Breast cysts

Breast cysts are the most common breast disease found in physical examinations, but 95% do not require special treatment. As long as they are observed regularly, it is recommended to have a B-ultrasound every six months, especially for patients over 40 years old, to have a mammography examination every year. .

If breast cysts are found to be calcified, have blood flow around them, have thick cyst walls, etc. during the examination, you should pay attention and perform minimally invasive surgery if necessary.

  • Thyroid cyst

Thyroid cysts are usually asymptomatic. When the cyst is large or bleeding within the cyst can cause compression symptoms such as difficulty in breathing and swallowing, they are mostly benign diseases and can generally be controlled with medication or minimally invasive treatment.

If the thyroid cyst metastasizes or becomes malignant, surgical removal of thyroid is required.

  • Sebaceous cysts

Sebaceous gland cysts

Sebaceous gland cysts

Sebaceous gland cysts tend to occur in areas with strong hair. Although the probability of cancer is low, they are prone to secondary infections. Although sebaceous gland cysts are not serious diseases, if you find an unknown mass, you should still seek medical treatment in time.

  • Ganglion cyst

A smooth, elastic, round and tough bag grows on the wrist. It is usually not painful or itchy, but if it is swollen and accompanied by pain, it may be a ganglion cyst, and most of them will disappear on their own.

Ganglion cyst is not uncomfortable and does not affect life. It only needs observation. If it persists and recurs or the symptoms worsen, consider drainage or surgical resection.

  • Cervical cysts

Almost all women will have the problem of cervical cysts, which are prone to occur frequently. Generally, if there is no abnormality in the cervical liquid-based cytology smear, regular reexamination is enough, and there is no need for excessive treatment.

Scattered smaller cervical gland cysts do not require treatment, pay attention to regular review, while dense smaller cysts or larger cysts can choose microwave, laser and other physical treatments, especially those that protrude from the surface of the cervix You can choose electrosurgical resection.

3. If cysts appear in these 3 places, you need to be more vigilant.

Although we mentioned above that most cysts will not turn into cancer, we cannot relax our vigilance! Especially cysts appearing in these three places need special attention!

Renal cyst: Usually a single renal cyst rarely becomes malignant, However, multiple and thickened renal cysts may develop into renal cancer, which often involves both kidneys and causes changes in kidney volume and internal structure. With age As kidney function increases, kidney function will also decrease, and eventually chronic renal failure may turn into uremia.

Pancreatic cyst: Pancreatic cysts include true cysts, pseudocysts, and cystic tumors. Pseudocysts are the most common and true cysts rarely recur after removal. Cystic tumors can be subdivided into cystic adenomas and cystadenocarcinoma. Cystic adenomas are precancerous lesions and cystadenocarcinomas are malignant tumor diseases.

Ovarian cyst: Most physiological cysts with a diameter of 5cm will disappear on their own and can be followed up. Pathological cysts that still exist after three menstrual cycles are classified into non-tumor properties and tumor properties. Most of the non-tumor properties are benign, while the tumor properties include benign, malignant and borderline. The benign and borderline cancer rates are 1-10%, If the cyst grows rapidly in a short period of time, it is highly likely to become cancerous.

4. If you want to stay away from cysts, it is crucial to learn how to prevent them.

If you want to stay away from cysts, you have to make adjustments to your eating habits and living habits. Preventing cysts is not difficult, just do these things.

To prevent ovarian cysts, the daily diet should be light. Avoid cold, spicy, salty, overheated, expired and spoiled foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables, soybeans and soy products. Pay attention to quit smoking and alcohol, do not take medicine randomly, arrange your work and rest appropriately and Participate in physical exercise and maintain a good mood;

To prevent kidney cysts, you should control your blood pressure to avoid high blood pressure affecting kidney function. At the same time, pay attention to preventing trauma and avoid skin infections that affect kidney health, which in turn leads to the occurrence of kidney cysts;

Want to prevent Liver cysts, do not eat or use products containing estrogen indiscriminately on weekdays, try not to eat freshwater sashimi, and eat more protein-rich foods;

To prevent pancreatic cysts, you should actively prevent the occurrence of pancreatitis and have In the habit of eating breakfast, pay attention to supplementing insoluble dietary fiber in the diet and avoid high-fat diet .

Maintaining a healthy diet, developing good living habits, actively exercising, controlling diseases, and regular physical examinations are effective ways to prevent all cysts.

Now everyone should know the difference between cysts and tumors, right? At present, most cysts will not turn into cancer, but a few cysts do have the risk of becoming cancerous. You should pay attention to regular physical examinations on weekdays. If any abnormalities are found, you should seek medical treatment in time to prevent minor illnesses from turning into serious illnesses! #HealthTruthPlan#


[1] "What is the difference between cysts and tumors?" 》.Henan Zhengzhou Oriental Cancer Hospital.2021-06-28

[2]《The answer is here! Various cysts were found during physical examination. Which ones will become cancerous? Which ones are safe and sound? 》. Health Times .2021-04-12

[3] "A variety of factors can induce renal cysts. Do you know how to prevent renal cysts?". Huantai County Jimin Hospital.2018-09-07

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