After relaxing at home for a while, Aunt Zhang felt that she had gained more fat on her belly. She went for a check-up and found that her blood lipid level was a little high. The doctor recommended that she adjust her life and increase exercise.

Aunt Zhang is sixty-six years old and has retired at home. Apart from cooking with my wife every day, there is nothing to be busy with at other times. After spending some time at home, Aunt Zhang felt that she had gained more fat on her belly. She went for a check-up and found that her and levels were a little high. The doctor suggested that she should adjust her lifestyle and increase exercise.

Speaking of exercise, the first thing that comes to mind for Aunt Zhang is walking. As the saying goes, if you walk a hundred steps after a meal, you will live to be ninety-nine. Walking has been considered a longevity exercise since ancient times. Modern people also often say that exercise is a way to improve is a good medicine for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Chronic diseases often start from blood vessels. The blood vessel walls are stiff and fragile. Once damaged or blocked, it can easily lead to acute cardiovascular disease, which may pose a serious life threat to the patient.

Can walking improve blood vessels?

Walking is definitely helpful for our blood vessel health. First of all, walking can promote the body's blood circulation and help the body metabolize waste and improve the accumulation of garbage in the blood. And walking can burn calories and help us lose weight, reduce the accumulation of fat in the body , and is also helpful to improve blood lipid levels, so walking can improve blood vessel health.

Researchers from Bolmont University and University of Tennessee found through research that regular walking can reduce the body's blood sugar level by 11%, reduce the risk of stroke by 20%-40%, United States The Diabetes Association also states that regular walking can lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of developing diabetes . The British " Daily Mail " also pointed out that walking briskly for just ten minutes a day can reduce the risk of heart disease in people over the age of 60. Walking is also considered by the World Health Organization to be the most dangerous. Good exercise .

Aunt Zhang thought to herself that it would be idle anyway, so she might as well go for a walk, maybe it could lower blood lipids. Just do what she says, Aunt Zhang wears headphones every day and joins the rampaging crowd on the sports field. She walks more than a dozen laps every day. She is sweaty from walking but it is quite comfortable to go home and take a shower.

persisted for half a year before going to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor said that Aunt Zhang's blood lipids were well controlled and she had returned to a healthy level and should continue to maintain it. When he heard that Aunt Zhang was exercising violently every day, the doctor said that it was not okay for Aunt Zhang to do this. Walking too much can cause serious damage to the knees of the elderly and can easily lead to cartilage wear, so she should do it in moderation.

How much exercise is appropriate for walking?

There is actually no accurate value for the amount of walking exercise. Generally, it is appropriate to walk between 6,000 and 8,000 steps a day. However, each of us has different physical fitness and should not be limited to one number. How much you walk every day should be based on your body's reaction the next day. If you feel pain in your waist and legs the next day, or even the soles of your feet, it actually means you exercise too much, and you should reduce it appropriately.

Walking should also pay attention to the balance between work and rest. In a week, we can take five days to walk and exercise, and two days to rest or freely allocate activities. This can not only allow our bodies to rest, but also prevent us from stressing. Walking feels boring and boring, it is conducive to our long-term exercise .

As the elderly grow older, their metabolism slows down and blood flow decreases, and the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases will also increase significantly. Therefore, middle-aged and elderly people over the age of 50 should protect their cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health. Take it seriously.

To protect cardiovascular health, do these 3 things more after the age of 50

. Be optimistic and feel comfortable both physically and mentally

This is a problem that is easily overlooked. Long-term anxiety or excessive stress can easily lead to an increase in blood pressure. Not good for your health. Smile, ten years are just a few years away. We should try to maintain an optimistic attitude in our daily lives, especially after the age of fifty. In fact, we should let go of everything , and don’t put too much pressure on ourselves. In order to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease It can be of some help.

. Travel

If you want to relax and exercise both physically and mentally, it can be said that traveling is a good choice. At the age of fifty, the pressure of normal life will be reduced appropriately, and you can also travel frequently. Travel itself can relax your mind , and travel is also a way to exercise your body invisibly. Outdoor exercise and breathing fresh air are helpful for maintaining physical and mental health.

. Proper foot soaking

Proper foot soaking has many benefits to the body. The farthest position of our body from the heart is the feet. Our feet are often prone to poor blood circulation, and foot soaking can promote blood circulation in the body , improve the problem of poor blood circulation in the feet to a certain extent. Soaking your feet before going to bed can also improve our sleep quality . Middle-aged and elderly people are not as energetic as young people, so adequate sleep time and good sleep quality are very important.

It is normal for the body’s metabolic capacity to deteriorate after the age of fifty. After all, everyone ages. But in daily life we pay attention to health care, and maintaining physical and mental health can also slow down the speed of our aging to a certain extent and make us look younger and more energetic.

Blood vessels are all over our body. Both the brain and the heart are densely covered with blood vessels. It can be said that blood vessel health is closely related to our human health. In daily life, we should do less things that damage blood vessel health, reduce the intake of high-fat and high-salt foods, quit smoking and limit alcohol, stay up late less, and avoid sitting for long periods of time, etc., which can help us better maintain our health.


"Walking speed can predict life span and is more accurate for people over 75 years old" Beijing Evening News 2016-06-06

"Walking is the key to body power. Ten keys to unlock health" Life Times 2014-01-20

"Daily Walking" Injury to joints? Cardiovascular expert Hu Dayi : I disagree! He has been gone for 17 years and still has three high blood pressure levels fatty liver ! 》Health Times 2017-08-02