Many people lose weight by eating grass during the day and eating barbecue at night. Losing weight is a cycle of starving, overeating, and starving. After cutting off for a period of time, they find that their weight is heavier than before.

Many people lose weight by eating grass during the day and eating barbecue at night. Losing weight is a cycle of starving, overeating, and starving. After cutting off for a period of time, they find that their weight is heavier than before.

Losing weight is 70% of eating and 30% of exercise. Eating is more important than exercise. You can lose weight even if you are full. With balanced nutrition and controlled calorie intake, you can also lose weight in a healthy way.

To lose weight, you only need to eat the right food and choose the right food. Not only can you easily control calories, but you can also get a balanced intake of nutrients. Below, Teacher Doudou will tell you 10 champion weight loss foods , which will help you lose weight. Li, keep it well.

1. Sweet potatoes are the champion of fiber. If there is a lot of dietary fiber in our food, our backlog will not increase, and we will not be hungry after eating, which is good for you.

2. Tomato, champion of vitamin C, vitamin C can improve your body's ability to function, rich in carotene, vitamin BC, unique lycopene, which is very important to our human body, it must Eat it every day. The recommended way to eat it is stir-fried broccoli with tomatoes, the nutritional value is incredible.

3. Lettuce, the champion of iron element , lettuce has high water content, low calories, and is rich in dietary fiber. The iron content of lettuce is relatively high. The iron content of lettuce per 500 grams is 12 mg. Regular consumption can prevent iron deficiency anemia. can also increase the secretion of gastric bile digestive enzyme , which can effectively promote the peristalsis of intestinal smooth muscles and help digestion and defecation.

4. Quinoa , the champion of protein , Riemann has a protein content of up to 17% in plants, which is equivalent to beef, and has nine essential amino acids for the human body. This food is incorporated into your diet, you are so lucky to be able to listen to people here, I know you must be very conscious about body management. Quietly like it and save it. You want to keep losing weight.

5. Olive oil, recognized as the healthiest oil in the world, contains more than 80% of unsaturated fatty acids , and is also rich in antioxidants. It is the best choice for salads, stir-fries, and stews.

6. The nutritional content of quail eggs is similar to that of eggs, but slightly better than eggs. The cholesterol content is lower than that of eggs. The content of cephalin , lecithin and lysine is higher than that of eggs.

7. Avocado, one avocado is equivalent to three eggs . It contains twice as much potassium as bananas, 1.5 times as much dietary fiber as celery, and up to 70% unsaturated fatty acids. The recommended way to eat is avocado milkshake .

8. Dictyophora fungus, known as the queen of edible fungi, is rich in protein, amino acids , and also contains rich active polysaccharides, which is extremely nutritious. The recommended way to eat it is to make soup with bamboo fungus and chicken, which is nutritious.

9. Oats, recognized internationally as the best whole grain, have the highest protein content among cereals and a lot of soluble dietary fiber. The recommended way to eat is about 40 grams every morning, with porridge or breakfast.

10. The protein content of goose meat is higher than that of chicken, beef, and pork, but the content of fat and cholesterol is very low. At the same time, the chemical structure of the fat in goose meat is very close to olive oil. It is recommended that goose meat must be paired with cold food. eat.

Lan Doudou nutritionist advocates a healthy and sustainable way to lose weight without going hungry. If you are still anxious about losing weight, join our weight loss fan group and check in to lose weight together. . Just follow Doudou’s nutritionist for guidance on life-oriented diet and weight loss!

Chief Editor of Lan Doudou Nutritionist