Hello dear readers, thank you for reading the food articles I shared. I share my experience with you. What I want to share with you today is: "Drink more mung bean soup in summer, replenish water and potassium, learn 4 major skills, and bloom in 10 minutes." , Soft and rotten! 』A

Dear readers and friends, thank you for reading the food articles I shared. I share my experience with you. What I want to share with you today is: "Drink more mung bean soup in summer, replenish water and potassium, and learn 4 skills in 10 minutes." Blossom, soft and rusty! 』

After the summer solstice, the temperature has remained above 35℃. As long as the air conditioner is not turned on, you can still sweat even if you sit still. After sweating a lot, many people will drink water as soon as possible. This is correct, because sweating will lose a lot of water and needs to be replenished.

However, after sweating in summer, just replenishing water is not enough, because in addition to water, there are also many minerals lost with sweat, such as potassium, sodium, magnesium and other minerals. These minerals play very important roles in the body, including maintaining normal cell metabolism, maintaining the resting potential of cell membranes, regulating the osmotic pressure of intracellular and external fluids, and regulating acid-base balance in the body.

Once a large amount of minerals are lost in the body, the body will experience a lot of discomfort, such as physical weakness , fatigue, fatigue, etc., which is what we commonly call "heatstroke". At this time, minerals must be replenished in time.

I suggest you drink more mung bean soup.

Mung beans are a very nutritious food. They are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and so on. It is worth mentioning that mung beans contain potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, selenium and other minerals. The content is very high, especially potassium, reaching 787 mg, which can provide a good supplement to the body.

Drinking mung bean soup regularly not only replenishes nutrients for the body, but also has the effect of clearing away heat, detoxifying, quenching summer heat and quenching thirst. In summer, I cook a pot of mung bean soup for my family every day, let it cool and drink it. It is very comfortable to drink.

Cooking mung bean soup is very simple, but many people use mung beans to cook it, but it is not mung bean soup, but red red bean soup. Why is this? Mainly the mung beans are oxidized.

Today I will share with you the skills of cooking mung bean soup. After mastering the four key points, the mung beans will bloom quickly and the color will be bean paste green without redness at all.

【Cook mung bean soup】

Prepare mung beans, water and white vinegar.

. Prepare a bowl of mung beans, wash them twice with water, then add a bowl of water and soak them overnight. When cooking mung beans, the mung beans must be soaked in advance. Do not cook them directly with dry beans, otherwise they will not bloom after several hours of cooking.

. Soaked mung beans have fully absorbed water and are easy to cook and bloom. Do not throw away the water in which the mung beans are soaked. Put the mung beans directly into the refrigerator and take them out after freezing for 2 hours.

. Prepare a casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, add a spoonful of white vinegar and stir evenly. Turn to high heat, turn to low heat after boiling, directly pour in the frozen mung beans, cover and continue cooking for 10 minutes.

. After 10 minutes, the mung beans will bloom. According to your personal taste, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar or white sugar, stir until everything is melted, and then turn off the heat.

4 Tips for Cooking Mung Bean Soup

Mung beans are relatively hard. If you cook them directly, they can definitely be boiled, but it is a waste of time. If you want to cook them quickly, they will taste sandy and the color will not turn red. Be sure to remember the following 4 points.

. Mung beans should be frozen.

Mung beans should be soaked in water first. If you have enough time, you can soak them overnight. If time is tight, you can soak it for 2 hours, but you must soak it anyway. Don't boil the soaked mung beans directly, as it will be difficult to cook them until they bloom. You need to put the soaked mung beans in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Why is this?

The soaked mung beans absorb sufficient water. In a freezing environment, the water will freeze and increase in volume, which will cause cracks in the structure of the mung beans. When poured into boiling water, the mung beans will expand at high temperatures and these cracks will occur. It will get bigger and bigger, and it will bloom in 10 minutes.

. Add vinegar or purified water when cooking mung beans.

One of the reasons why mung bean soup turns red is the water problem. The water quality in the north and south is different. The water quality in the north is alkaline water , so it is easy to make mung bean soup red.

Therefore, when cooking mung bean soup, adding a little vinegar to the water can prevent the mung bean soup from turning red. You can also use purified water, which has a neutral pH and will not make the mung bean soup turn red.

. Do not use an iron pot or iron spoon to cook mung bean soup.

If you use an iron pot to cook mung bean soup and stir it with an iron spoon, the active substances contained in the mung bean skin will react with iron ions , which will change the mung bean. The color of the soup is red or even black.

Therefore, when cooking mung bean soup, it is recommended to use casseroles, stainless steel pots, glass pots and other containers to cook green mung bean soup without turning red.

. When cooking mung bean soup, cover it with a lid.

When boiling mung bean soup, many people will cook it without a lid so that they can easily observe the situation in the pot. In fact, this is wrong. First of all, opening the lid to cook is not conducive to heat preservation, and the cooking time is relatively long. Secondly, when mung beans come into contact with air, they will be oxidized, making the soup red.

Therefore, when cooking mung bean soup, cover the pot and just observe it every 5 minutes. This will not only cook the soup faster, but also prevent it from turning red.

As long as you remember these 4 tips, you are guaranteed to make delicious mung bean soup. Mung bean soup can be drunk hot or cold, both of which have the effect of clearing away heat and relieving heat. Everyone is welcome to leave a message for discussion. If you think the article is useful to you, please like, comment, repost, and follow me so that more people can see it and let everyone learn together. Thank you for your support. See you next time!