This summer it gets hot early and there are many extreme weather conditions. In Zaocheng, we had a high temperature of 40 degrees for several consecutive days, and the lowest temperature reached 30 degrees. In other words, you are "steaming and roasting" at high temperatures day

This summer it gets hot early and there are many extreme weather conditions. In Zaocheng, we had a high temperature of 40 degrees for several consecutive days, and the lowest temperature reached 30 degrees. In other words, you are "steaming and roasting" at high temperatures day and night.

So some people stay in air-conditioned rooms all the time. Some people also ridiculed me for not turning on the air conditioner in the morning because I was "pretending to be enlightened" because I said that when I was mopping the floor in the morning and my wife felt confused after cooking.

In fact, if people stay in an air-conditioned room 24 hours a day, it is even worse for health.

Figures obtained by British scientists through experiments show that in healthy people, the average brain temperature is 38.5 degrees, and deeper brain areas exceed 40 degrees. And brain temperature increases with age.

Although the temperature deep in the brain is higher, it does not mean that high temperature is friendly to the brain. High temperature will blunt the human brain. In the case of heat stroke, the brain may suffer sustained cranial nerve damage .

This also explains why I was confused due to the high temperature and excessive sweating after mopping the floor a few mornings ago. It usually takes more than half an hour to wake up.

At this time, please turn on the air conditioner and wake up, okay? wrong! Experts say that in summer, the ambient temperature is high. If you suddenly enter an air-conditioned room with a lower temperature, the blood vessels on the human body will contract rapidly and widely, and the blood pressure will fluctuate violently, which will induce stroke .

Old fellows, it seems that it is better to be careful as we grow old.