Feeling chest tightness, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing, what disease does it suggest?

Patients usually feel that breathing is not smooth, breathing is very laborious, etc., and even makes the patient feel scared. However, generally mild symptoms of chest tightness shortness of breath, patients have no other symptoms of discomfort. People with severe symptoms may feel uncomfortable, as if a heavy object is being squeezed in the chest area, making it difficult to breathe.

Traditional Chinese medicine often says that if the internal organs are out of tune, all kinds of diseases or symptoms are easy to find. For example, many people often feel chest tightness, dyspnea, heart palpitations and other heart symptoms, especially the elderly, who are already weak and prone to heart problems. When this obvious heart palpitations reaction occurs, the first thing that comes to mind may be heart disease .

So is this really the case?

First of all, when this situation occurs, first go to the hospital to do an color ultrasound or an electrocardiogram, or even a 24-hour electrocardiogram. If the inspection is fine, then you can rest assured for the time being.

But why do symptoms such as chest tightness, difficulty breathing, palpitations, chills and cold limbs occur? Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this is related to the lack of heart qi, heart yang sluggish , and chest pain caused by congestion and obstruction. In short, the blood flow is poor.

In fact, this phenomenon of chest tightness and shortness of breath is very common in middle-aged and elderly people as well as young people. It is mostly caused by the environment of air mobility, excessive excitement, low air pressure, and is too tired and . It is a functional Symptoms and no substantial cardiac disease.

In addition, the more common cause of chest tightness and shortness of breath is cardiac neurosis , which leads to involuntary palpitations, dyspnea, pain in the precordial area and general weakness, and is accompanied by insomnia dreamy trembling, Symptoms such as waking up easily.

Sometimes it may be due to excessive mental stress, or staying up late insomnia and other neurological dysfunction caused by lack of sleep may also cause chest tightness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and other symptoms in the middle of the night. In addition, if the symptoms of the patient are indeed caused by cardiac or pulmonary factors, further examinations are required, including electrocardiogram, echocardiography, coronary CTA, and even coronary angiography . It is also necessary to check whether there are diseases in the lungs, thoracic cavity, and mediastinal through chest CT examination.

In addition, it is necessary to clarify the environmental conditions when such symptoms occur, for example, whether the doors and windows are closed to prevent air circulation, or the weather is too hot or too cold. So, don't scare yourself first. In addition, the body's internal environment is out of balance, and symptoms may also appear.

Therefore, when there is chest tightness and shortness of breath, do not panic too much. First rule out whether there are certain diseases. If the inspection is normal, you can try to find the reasons from non-disease factors, and then make improvements and adjustments.

Relax yourself properly, control your emotions, and relax your emotions in a timely manner, which is very beneficial to improve this situation. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the cause of chest tightness and shortness of breath is caused by insufficient heart qi and congestion. Therefore, some traditional Chinese medicines that can nourish qi, nourish yin, activate blood and relieve pain can be appropriately taken to relieve the symptoms of chest tightness and shortness of breath, which can achieve the effects of promoting blood circulation, nourishing yin and relieving pain, and can relieve symptoms to a certain extent.