Is it reasonable for the consultation fee to be increased five times and bursting every time?

2020/12/2320:30:06 regimen 1916

should talk about money openly and get a satisfactory consultation fee, so that he feels that he has something to do.

"Introduced by a former colleague, I talked to three pediatricians about my ideas. I put the medical clinics on the ground. They still thought it was unreliable and it didn't last long. They also thought that laboratory tests, infusions, plasters... At that moment, we all I feel that the other person is stupid*" The text of

shared from the Weibo of Changchun Kangbao Clinic founder, Zhao Changsong, can only say "Different ways do not seek each other".

Is it reasonable for the consultation fee to be increased five times and bursting every time? - DayDayNews

Dr. Zhao visited

"What? The consultation fee is 199 yuan? How much is the expert at XX hospital..." Many people compare the Cambourg clinic with the public hospital. In fact, this comparison is unfair to both parties. Nor is it comparable.

Consultation within the system has no choice but to be simple and rude; outside the system, it is patient-centric and provides full-process diagnosis and treatment services.

In 2017, Dr. Zhao left the front line of pediatric clinical practice for 12 years, got rid of the old path of relying on medicine to support doctors, and created the first new value-based clinic in Changchun.

Is it reasonable for the consultation fee to be increased five times and bursting every time? - DayDayNews

Kangbao clinic environment photo

"We know what parents need. Sometimes a child's illness can not be solved in a single visit. The treatment plan needs to be adjusted according to the change of the condition. This is the pain point of a public medical consultation. We take every child’s situation seriously, unnecessary examinations and medications, and resolutely refrain from doing it.”

“One more service detail. Each child’s stethoscope and toys are disinfected separately to avoid cross-infection. For their sake, this is the difference between the consultation fee and the registration fee.” This is one of the few responses from Dr. Zhao regarding consultation fees. The

consultation fee was increased from 49 yuan to 69 yuan, then increased to 99 yuan, and finally adjusted to 199 yuan. The aim was to allow medical staff to be respected and to serve patients better.

Is it reasonable for the consultation fee to be increased five times and bursting every time? - DayDayNews

faced doubts and did not cater.

Many people are questioning (including fellow doctors): Is it possible that customers will not be lost if the consultation fee is increased again and again?

definitely will. customers are selected, not cultivated.

has a very clear customer portrait in Dr. Zhao's mind: He has a certain degree of popular science, recognizes the professional standards of doctors, and is willing to pay for doctors' professional skills and enjoy better medical resources.

"Although what we do is medical service, it is fundamentally different from traditional mass medical care. We serve a small group of people."

" Some people think we should not increase the consultation fee, or the increase is unreasonable, but this It is not what we are focusing on. The price is determined by the market. If loses a group of customers during the process of rising medical fees, then I think these are not our true target customers. We should redouble our efforts to recognize our value. Human services.” Compared with

, Dr. Zhao valued the value output of the Campbell Clinic. He was always thinking about how to make the products more solid, so that the people who followed him would be more reliable.

When faced with dissatisfaction and doubt, ignoring it is also a response.

focus on being yourself, continue to output your own values, improve service quality, optimize the consultation process, and finally gather a group of people who really like yourself. This is what Dr. Zhao is really concerned about.

Is it reasonable for the consultation fee to be increased five times and bursting every time? - DayDayNews

"In fact, what customers can experience is the degree of process optimization. The doctors' professional and technical standards have long been recognized, and the soft power of service processes, such as the soft power, is often ignored by many people."

Many colleagues came here admiringly to visit and study and even follow up with the Cambor Clinic. They felt that the consultation process was very simple and there was nothing to learn from.

In their opinion, Dr. Zhao did a very simple job, but they did not know the logic behind the simplicity.

The two-pronged approach of hard work (medical consultation technology) and soft power (service process) has made customers have more and more trust in the clinic. This trust cannot be seen by outsiders.

So even if the consultation fee is increased, Dr. Zhao can always find customers who have been with him all the time. The key factor in this is two words: , reliable and .

The easier things seem, the harder they are.

The word "reliable" is the value pursued by Cambourg Clinic. Why did

say that? Dr. Zhao gave an example.

a few days agoA client who came to the clinic to spend more than 1,400 yuan. All members of the

clinic know that we did not use the wrong medicine, did not have any medical errors, but the service was not in place in the service process, the customer did not find it, and from the interview volume, it was satisfactory.

However, in accordance with the principle of the consultation process, we refunded all the customer's consumption on the same day and proactively doubled the return. We implore the customer to give the clinic a chance to change it.

According to common sense, the customer did not find that the service process was wrong, and the diagnosis and treatment results were also satisfied. Isn’t it necessary to worry too much? But Doctor Zhao is not.

"Because in accordance with the standard service process of the Cambork Clinic, this is something that all clinic staff know well. To make an appointment system, you must abide by the standardized service process. This is the spirit of contract."

is not just an act, What is more important is why Dr. Zhao did this and what he was thinking about.

In the culture of the Cambourg clinic, there are four key words: contract spirit . How to understand

? Once the rules are established, everyone has to abide by them and do what they say. Whether you are a family member, relative, friend, or internal employee. Do not lower your own threshold, and do not give any "acquaintances the back door." Some people don't understand

, but the value inside cannot be measured. Over time, a label is formed called "reliable."

The above case has the following text. When the client came to see the doctor for the second time, he took the initiative to repay the stored value of 4000 yuan. Although there is still a balance of 2000 yuan in his account, using the client’s original words "you I am so relieved to do this."

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, more and more parents are willing to trust their children to Kangbao clinic.

How much does it cost to see a doctor, what kind of medicine is equipped, and how much the medicine costs, never question.

This is the result of Cambourg Clinic's continuous consolidation of its soft power, which is difficult to replicate in a short time.

customers are willing to pay a higher price for better quality

"Different regions are large. Although the diagnosis fee system is very good, it is difficult to put it on our side." This is the concern of most clinic owners.

Clinics with medical fees cannot be accepted by everyone, as Dr. Zhao encountered in the early days of his business. In the concept of

, there should be many customers who recognize us, and we should be able to gain a lot of gains through drainage-building reputation.

At first, to welcome customers, Cambourg Clinic gave out a lot of free consultation places, but the results were very bad. Many people felt that "clinics that don't receive consultation fees are just like this." They feel no value.

Later, we made adjustments and set the consultation fee to 49 yuan. Why did

set this price? When paying online consultations, the consultation fee was between 30 and 40 yuan, but we think offline can't be lower than online.

try it once and want to see customer feedback.

Surprisingly, this time we have received a lot of customer recognition. Customers feel that when they come to the clinic, they can get information and value commensurate with this price, including the service experience before, during and after the consultation. Soon the appointments in the clinic were full.

So what we want to insight is, are customers really cheap?

For Chinese consumers, cheap but not good products is a deeply rooted understanding.

Relatively speaking, customers are actually willing to pay higher prices for better technology and service experience. The key is whether they think it is worth it.

It is difficult for patients to see a doctor, and it is also difficult for doctors to practice medicine.

In a vast country, it is extremely rare that a consultation fee (consultation fee/registration fee) is spent on seeing a doctor, or all or most of the consultation fee is given to the doctor. Everyone seems to think that the medical expenses are counted in the medicine, and they feel that their hearts are balanced and that they are easy to live by.

And sometimes, the ones that don't cost money are the most expensive.

Instead of this, doctors might as well talk about money openly, increase consultation fees, obtain sunshine income, so that they can earn money from their hard work, and allow patients to receive standardized diagnosis and treatment.

is a doctor, but more than just a doctor.

Dr. Zhao will share with everyone in the "Dingxiangyuan Doctors Practical Training Course for Entrepreneurship", the pits and successful experience he has stepped on in the four years since he started his business. The training class only recruits 100 people, and there are currently 4 places. There will be discounts for registration this week.

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