At the beginning of July, 70-year-old Granny Chen from Tangxia, Dongguan, walked into the Cornea and Ophthalmology Clinic of Dongguan Aier Eye Hospital and found her attending doctor Ye Jianzhang for a review. During this outpatient review, her vision was significantly improved.

2024/06/2904:08:32 regimen 1880
htmlAt the beginning of July, the 70-year-old Granny Chen from Tangxia, Dongguan, walked into the cornea and ophthalmology clinic of Dongguan Aier Eye Hospital and found her attending doctor Ye Jianzhang for review. During this outpatient review, her vision was significantly improved. On this day, she was finally able to see clearly the "guardian" of her left eyeball. Previously, Grandma Chen's left eye underwent three surgeries to save her eyeball.

Ye Jianzhang, director of the Cornea and Ophthalmology Department of Aier Eye Hospital, said that keratitis is a serious blinding eye disease with a long course and easy recurrence. Patients must treat and control the condition in time. If they cannot be treated actively, it may even lead to the loss of eyeballs. It is important to keep it, and it is very important for confirmed patients to improve their resistance and have regular follow-up visits.

At the beginning of July, 70-year-old Granny Chen from Tangxia, Dongguan, walked into the Cornea and Ophthalmology Clinic of Dongguan Aier Eye Hospital and found her attending doctor Ye Jianzhang for a review. During this outpatient review, her vision was significantly improved.  - DayDayNews

Ye Jianzhang checks the patient's recovery after surgery

Eyes are red and swollen Pain relapses after two surgeries

Two and a half years ago, Grandma Chen suddenly felt discomfort in her eyes, with redness and pain. She went to the clinic to prescribe medicine, which failed to control the condition. Subsequently, the condition of her left eye worsened and her vision decreased sharply. Accompanied by her family, she came to Dongguan Aier Eye Hospital for treatment.

"At that time, the patient's vision in the left eye was limited to the front hand, the eyelid was red and swollen, there was an ulcer in the center of the cornea, and hyphema. He was diagnosed with a Streptococcus pneumoniae corneal ulcer in the left eye," Ye Jianzhang said.

Then Ye Jianzhang arranged for Granny Chen to be admitted to the hospital. After several days of anti-infective treatment, the ulcer had not healed. The test results showed that it was Streptococcus pneumoniae infection . In order to control the infection as soon as possible and save the eyeball, she performed "conjunctival flap covering of the left eye of Granny Chen" technique".

After the operation, although Granny Chen’s infection was under control and her eyeballs were saved, due to the severe infection, her vision was severely damaged, which affected her daily life.

In order to improve the quality of life, Granny Chen came to the hospital to seek further treatment. Ye Jianzhang suggested that she undergo corneal transplantation, but during the preoperative examination, it was discovered that Granny Chen’s left eye also suffered from " chronic dacryocystitis ". In this case, corneal transplant surgery would carry the risk of dacryocystitis infection. .

If this problem is not dealt with in time, it may become a "ticking time bomb". In the end, Ye Jianzhang's team decided to perform "tear duct recanalization" to clear the tear ducts before Grandma Chen received a corneal transplant. The success of this operation also meant that the cornea Conditions were created for transplantation to take place.

At the beginning of July, 70-year-old Granny Chen from Tangxia, Dongguan, walked into the Cornea and Ophthalmology Clinic of Dongguan Aier Eye Hospital and found her attending doctor Ye Jianzhang for a review. During this outpatient review, her vision was significantly improved.  - DayDayNews

Ye Jianzhang operated on the patient

Fighting "strange things" all the way, and his vision finally improved

html In May, Granny Chen's left eye needed another operation. Ye Jianzhang and his team, who had been accompanying Granny Chen in treating corneal disease , formulated a corneal transplant plan. Because Chen My mother-in-law also suffers from senile cataract and needs to undergo joint cataract surgery . The department can allocate a suitable cornea donor as quickly as possible.

html On May 24, Granny Chen’s “left eye cornea transplantation combined with cataract removal + intraocular lens implantation” operation was successfully completed.

On the second day after the operation, Grandma Chen's vision returned to 0.2 manually. Afterwards, after anti-inflammatory , anti-infection, repair and other treatments, during an outpatient review in early July, Grandma Chen's vision improved and her mental state was also very good. .

Ye Jianzhang introduced that keratitis is a serious blinding eye disease. If not treated in time, it will lead to varying degrees of vision loss. Keratitis has a long course and slow recovery. If it is not controlled in time, once an ulcer forms, if it cannot be actively treated, it may cause secondary corneal dissolution and perforation, and even lead to the inability to retain the eyeball.

In addition, keratitis is very easy to relapse, and repeated attacks not only bring pain to the patient, but also lead to continuous decline in vision. How does

reduce recurrence? Ye Jianzhang said that the key lies in reasonable, correct and standardized treatment. It is also very important for diagnosed patients to have regular follow-up visits while improving their own resistance.

Written by: Nandu reporter Huang Fangfang Huang Xinying Correspondent: Lin Yuzhen

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