As the temperature rises in summer, the blood vessels of the human body are in a state of expansion. Eating raw and cold food at this time can easily irritate the gastrointestinal tract, lead to vasoconstriction and gastrointestinal dysfunction, and can induce abdominal distensio

2024/06/1915:45:33 regimen 1255

On a hot day of 40 degrees, I believe everyone is enjoying ice watermelon, ice drinks, ice cream, smoothies ...all kinds of ice drinks. However, while enjoying the coolness, various digestive tract discomforts may also occur. Come to the door.

As the temperature rises in summer, the blood vessels of the human body are in a state of expansion. Eating raw and cold food at this time can easily irritate the gastrointestinal tract, causing vasoconstriction and gastrointestinal dysfunction , which can induce abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea and appetite. depressed.

Of course, summer is incomplete without ice. The doctor has given you a guide to eating ice.

As the temperature rises in summer, the blood vessels of the human body are in a state of expansion. Eating raw and cold food at this time can easily irritate the gastrointestinal tract, lead to vasoconstriction and gastrointestinal dysfunction, and can induce abdominal distensio - DayDayNews

1. Pay more attention to food safety in summer

Be sure to buy regular products. When buying, pay attention to the production date and shelf life; secondly, pay attention to the ingredient list. It is recommended to choose ice drinks with fewer ingredients and fewer additives.

Fruits with high sugar content, such as watermelon, should be eaten as soon as possible after cutting. Try to eat them all in one sitting. If you cannot eat them in one sitting, it is recommended to refrigerate them as soon as possible. The refrigeration time should not exceed 12 hours, and the longest should not exceed 24 hours.

2. Although eating ice is cool, don’t be greedy.

While eating ice to cool down, you must also pay attention to the amount you eat, so as not to make your body gain weight. You must control the intake: it is recommended that ice cream should not exceed 80 servings per day. Gram; ice cream or popsicle, no more than one per day.

3. Don’t be impatient when eating ice. Eat it one bite at a time.

Eating ice too quickly can easily cause irritation to internal blood vessels. You can hold the ice in the front of your mouth near your lips first, wait for the ice to melt and get close to body temperature, and then swallow it slowly;

Don’t Hold ice on the upper palate to prevent the nerves near the palate from being stimulated by low temperature, which may cause pain or even dizziness.

For example, some low-temperature-preserved foods, such as yogurt, iced watermelon, iced milk, etc., can be left at room temperature for 20 minutes or heated appropriately before eating to avoid being too cold and hurting the body.

4. Don’t eat ice at these times of the day

Don’t eat ice on an empty stomach in the morning, and don’t eat ice 1 hour before or after meals, otherwise it will affect digestion and hinder nutrient absorption.

The most appropriate time to eat ice is between lunch and dinner, such as when it is hot around 3 p.m.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease patients should remember not to eat ice before going to bed.

As the temperature rises in summer, the blood vessels of the human body are in a state of expansion. Eating raw and cold food at this time can easily irritate the gastrointestinal tract, lead to vasoconstriction and gastrointestinal dysfunction, and can induce abdominal distensio - DayDayNews

In these special circumstances, try not to eat ice.

Do not eat ice after strenuous exercise or when you are sweating a lot:

At this time, the body temperature is higher and the blood circulation is faster. Eating ice will cause the blood vessels to suddenly contract, leading to headaches, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms. . In addition, when drinking water and beverages, do not gulp them down in one gulp, but drink them in small amounts many times, 50 to 100 ml each time, so as not to put a load on the heart.

Some patients with chronic diseases should not eat ice.

Gastric ulcer , Gastritis , Enteritis , Hypertension , Coronary heart disease Patients should not eat more cold drinks, or even avoid cold drinks, because the body's digestive system function is poor. , after eating cold drinks, it is easy to irritate the digestive mucosa, affect the digestive function, and aggravate the condition. For patients with lactose intolerance , you can choose zero lactose milk and should not consume ice milk.

Female friends should not eat ice before and during menstruation.

Eating ice will cause the uterus to contract, making it difficult to drain menstrual blood, causing dysmenorrhea.

The elderly should not consume iced drinks

The elderly generally have reduced digestive function and reduced tolerance to cold drinks, so they should not eat large amounts of cold drinks to avoid causing digestive disorders.

Eating ice in moderation will not cause harm to the body. After mastering the above tips for eating ice, I believe everyone can spend a cool and comfortable summer healthily.

As the temperature rises in summer, the blood vessels of the human body are in a state of expansion. Eating raw and cold food at this time can easily irritate the gastrointestinal tract, lead to vasoconstriction and gastrointestinal dysfunction, and can induce abdominal distensio - DayDayNews

Written by: Ding Yanfei

Editor: Han Connie

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