The appearance of red wheals and angioedema is generally related to urticaria. An acute attack of urticaria often causes skin itching and red wheals of varying sizes, which can subside in a short period of time, but come and go again and again. When the mucous membrane is involve

2024/05/2721:22:33 regimen 1965

The appearance of red wheals and angioedema is generally related to urticaria . An acute attack of urticaria often causes itching of the skin, and red wheals of varying sizes appear, which can subside in a short period of time, but they come and go again and again. When the mucous membrane is involved, it can cause swelling in the mouth or pharyngeal area, causing the patient to have general discomfort symptoms such as difficulty breathing, fever and diarrhea.

Acute urticaria is mostly caused by contact with allergens. After this symptom occurs, it is recommended that patients participate in treatment in time to avoid delaying the development of chronic urticaria and increasing the burden of later treatment. At present, the treatment of acute urticaria by traditional Chinese medicine focuses on dispelling wind, clearing away heat, detoxifying and relieving itching. The commonly used prescription is Xiaofengsan . At the same time, attention should be paid to avoiding irritation and actively removing the cause. Generally, recovery can be achieved in about two weeks.

The appearance of red wheals and angioedema is generally related to urticaria. An acute attack of urticaria often causes skin itching and red wheals of varying sizes, which can subside in a short period of time, but come and go again and again. When the mucous membrane is involve - DayDayNews

Chronic urticaria is mainly caused by improper treatment of acute urticaria or exposure to adverse stimulation. The causes are different, so the treatment should be targeted according to the actual situation.

Among them, deficiency-cold urticaria is mostly related to family inheritance or one's own eating habits. For example, frequent consumption of seafood, raw and cold foods, pickled products, etc. can easily lead to deficiency and cold in the body, thereby inducing symptoms. This type of urticaria is often aggravated after blowing on the air conditioner or eating cold food. The skin lesions appear light pink or skin color. Commonly used prescriptions are Yupingfeng Powder and Guizhi Decoction .

The appearance of red wheals and angioedema is generally related to urticaria. An acute attack of urticaria often causes skin itching and red wheals of varying sizes, which can subside in a short period of time, but come and go again and again. When the mucous membrane is involve - DayDayNews

Excessive yang heat in the body is the root cause of blood heat urticaria. In addition, patients often have mood swings, work in hot environments, or often sweat without replenishing water in time, which can easily induce blood heat urticaria. . This type of urticaria is often accompanied by bright red skin lesions. Symptoms may worsen when the patient is stressed or eats spicy food. At this time, it is necessary to use drugs that clear away heat, cool blood and activate blood circulation. The commonly used prescription is Liangxue Xiaofeng Yin.

The above is the content about "What kind of disease is red wheals, itching and angioedema on the lips?" I hope it can help you! If you still have other questions, you can also ask your doubts below!

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