There is a folk saying: "It is said that "eat buds in spring, melons in summer, fruits in autumn, and roots in winter." "I often eat melons in summer, and there is no need to take Chinese medicine." It is the season to eat melons recently. Eating more melons is not only good for

2024/05/2616:47:33 regimen 1015

There is a folk saying: "It is said that " you eat buds in spring, melons in summer, fruits in autumn, and roots in winter". " I often eat melons in summer, and there is no need to use traditional Chinese medicine." It is the time to eat melons recently. Eating more melons can not only clear away heat and remove dampness, but also effectively replenish the water lost in summer. It is a good food for preventing and cooling down. Today, I recommend some melons and fruits suitable for summer. They can clear away heat and reduce heat without hurting the spleen and stomach, so you can enjoy it with confidence. .

There is a folk saying:


Cucumber is a plant of the Cucurbitaceae family. Cucumber is not only a frequent visitor on our dining table, but also a traditional Chinese medicine. "The Southern Yunnan Materia Medica" records: "Cucumber can relieve sores, ringworm, heat and toxins, and relieve polydipsia." . "Cucumber has a high water content, about 96-98%. It is one of the foods with the highest water content among all fruits and vegetables.

There is a folk saying:

The calories of 100 grams of cucumber are only 15 calories. It is a recommended food for people who want to lose weight. There are many ways to prepare cucumbers , whether it is served cold, stir-fried, or made into side dishes, it is very delicious when eaten directly as fruit. It should be noted that many friends do not like to eat cucumber peel, but in fact, cucumber peel is particularly rich in vitamins. It is best to eat it with the skin.

There is a folk saying:


Luffa is known as the most beautiful melon. Luffa contains higher levels of vitamin C and B vitamins. It is very suitable for summer consumption. It is smooth and can clear away heat and cool the blood. Luffa mucus contains a lot of moisturizing factors. Eating more can replenish moisture for the skin. It is a rare good thing.

There is a folk saying:

Luffa is cheap, a very common food in life, and it is delicious. It is expensive and can be made in various ways. Whether it is soup, stir-fry or side dish, each one is delicious, simple to make, fragrant and delicious. Luffa has low calories, and contains per 100 grams. About 20 calories , delicious and hassle-free.

There is a folk saying:

Winter melon

Winter melon is called the most longevity melon. The name of winter melon comes from the fact that when the melon is ripe, a layer of white powder will form on its surface, which looks like winter. Each 100 grams of fresh winter melon contains only 10-20 calories. Winter melon looks ordinary, but it is very low-fat and healthy. It has diuretic and heat-relieving effects.

There is a folk saying:

The elderly can eat more. Note that winter melon is cool in nature, so those with weak spleen and stomach should control their consumption.

Watermelon rind

Watermelon is known as the "King of Summer Fruits" and it sounds very refreshing. It would be a pity if you just throw away the watermelon rind after eating. Go to a certain store and search. The dried watermelon rind is actually a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, and the price is not cheap. It is a very healthy ingredient that quenches thirst and improves water quality.

There is a folk saying:

Watermelon rind can be made in many ways, whether it is stir-fried, served cold, or even dried. The white part of watermelon rind has about 25 calories per 100 grams. It is rich in vitamin C and is a good way to reduce heat in summer.

There is a folk saying:

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